PNTR in Depth

Visit these sites for firsthand accounts of China's extensive human and labor rights abuses, as well as an economic analysis of the U.S.-China trade impact on American jobs.

Made in China: The role of U.S. companies in denying human rights
The National Labor Committee made two trips to China, in July 1999 and again in January 2000. Their investigations of 16 factories in China producing car stereos, bikes, shoes, sneakers, clothing, TVs, hats and bags for some of the largest U.S. companies clearly demonstrate that Wal-Mart, Nike, Huffy and others in China systematically violate the most fundamental human and worker rights and pay below subsistence wages.

China and the States: Booming trade deficit with China will accelerate job destruction in the next decade with losses in every state
This new report (May 16, 2000) from the Economic Policy Institute shows how passage of PNTR for China will forfeit all congressional control over the U.S.-China trade deficit, which could eliminate over 870,000 U.S. jobs in a decade.

1999 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: China by U.S. Department of State
On February 25, 2000, the U.S. Department of State released an extensive report documenting China's widespread human rights abuses - from extrajudicial killings, torture, denial of due process and tightened restrictions on freedom of speech, the press, assembly and religion, to violence against women, trafficking in women and children, child abuse, restricted worker rights and forced child and prison labor. Read our own government's report on the atrocities taking place in today's China.

UAW International 2000
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