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Weekly Web Update - July 21, 2000

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The Senate may soon begin debate on the China trade issue. Senate GOP leader Trent Lott has announced that on Wednesday, July 26th he hopes to start debate on a procedural motion to take up the legislation granting permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) to China. Since opponents of PNTR will filibuster at every point in the procedure, Lott is expected to seek a vote on cloture to cut off debate on this procedural motion.

However, Lott has made it clear that the debate and final vote on the actual bill granting PNTR to China will not take place until September (most likely the first week in September). It is apparent that Lott is delaying the final vote on PNTR until the fall in order to exploit the divisiveness of this issue among Democrats and to get leverage on other spending and tax issues.

The UAW and a broad coalition of labor, environmental and human rights groups are continuing to strongly oppose the legislation granting PNTR to China. We are emphasizing that there are no provisions requiring China to recognize fundamental worker and human rights. In addition, American workers, including thousands of UAW members in the automotive and aerospace industries, have not been protected against a surge of imports from China that could threaten their jobs.

It is important that we continue to keep up the pressure on Senators on this issue. Please take the time to call and/or write your Senators. Urge them to vote against the legislation granting PNTR to China, and to oppose any effort to invoke cloture to cut off debate on this legislation. Tell them it makes no sense to give China a blank check. Instead, Congress should insist on strong provisions that will require China to recognize basic worker and human rights, and protect American workers against import surges that would jeopardize their jobs.


Modernizing the Medicare program to include a prescription drug benefit will be a major issue leading up to the November elections. The Democrats got out front on this issue, and the Republicans fear the perception of doing nothing. This weekly web update will provide an update of what is happening on Capitol Hill and in the field, as well as suggesting some action steps.


On June 28th, the House passed a bill crafted by the GOP leadership that purports to give prescription drug coverage under the Medicare program. But this sham measure would only provide subsidies to insurance companies, without guaranteeing that seniors and the disabled would have access to affordable prescription drug coverage. The UAW and the rest of the labor movement, along with major senior and consumer groups, strongly opposed the GOP bill, but it passed the House on a largely party-line vote of 217-214.

On June 22nd, the Senate defeated a Democratic proposal that would have expanded Medicare to guarantee prescription drug coverage for all seniors and disabled persons. The vote was 53-44, again largely along party lines. Since that vote, the Democrats have forced other roll call votes in the Senate on Medicare prescription drugs that are designed to highlight the differences between the parties.


During the week of July 17-21 the AFL-CIO began to run ads on this issue in targeted congressional districts. The ads feature a woman describing her concerns about the cost of prescriptions, as well as criticism of the Republican insurance-based approach.

The UAW is part of "Citizens for An Affordable Medicare Drug Benefit," a coalition of labor, senior and consumer groups which has protested against the House-passed Republican plan. Over the Fourth of July recess members of the coalition held actions in over 20 states, raising public and media awareness about the high cost of drugs and the need for a Medicare benefit that will truly guarantee affordable prescription drug coverage for seniors and the disabled. This coalition will continue to sponsor events leading up to the elections.

This coalition work is a very important counter to the so-called "Citizens for Better Medicare", an industry-backed front group which has been waging a major media campaign against real reform. Beware of other industry front groups.


We need to send a clear message to Congress: Now is the time to guarantee affordable prescription drug coverage for Medicare recipients!

  • The Medicare program must be modernized to include a prescription drug benefit that is provided in the same way as other Medicare benefits: universal, uniform and affordable. We cannot depend on insurance companies to provide the coverage.
  • Stop drug company price gouging. Medicare should negotiate lower prices from drug companies.


  • Know where members of Congress/Candidates stand. Get them "on the record" before the elections.
  • Contact your Representative and Senators with our message on this priority issue.

To telephone your Representative and/or Senators,
call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at:
(202) 224-3121
and ask for their offices.

Or use the
UAW Congressional Action Center
to help you easily create an email that’s sent directly to your representative and senators, even if you’re not sure of their names.

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