UAW Region 2



More than 15,000 union members rally outside the Capitol 
against China trade bill.
More than 15,000 union members rally outside the Capitol against China trade bill.

Region 2 Protests China Trade Bill

In April, 350 Region 2 members joined 15,000 other union members and allies in Washington, D.C., for a labor lobby rally opposing the granting of permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) status to China.

Though the House voted 237-197 to approve the bill, the UAW was successful in persuading 138 out of 211 Democrats, 57 of 221 Republicans, and two independents to vote with us. We also mobilized thousands of members to rally, lobby, and phone their representatives.

Region 2 Director Warren Davis thanks Representative Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, for voting with labor against the China PNTR bill.
Region 2 Director Warren Davis thanks Representative Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, for voting with labor against the China PNTR bill.
Region 2 members rallied at the U.S. Capitol Building and visited members of Congress to urge them to vote "no" to giving a blank check to China. Democratic Congressman Sherrod Brown, who represents Ohio’s 13th district, told UAW members gathered in his office, "If we continue to ignore worker exploitation in the form of sweatshops, labor camps, and child labor in China and the rest of the world, there won’t be any living wage jobs left here in the United States." Congressman Brown added, "I’m opposed to PNTR for China and stand united with you on this issue."

Prior to the Capitol Hill rally, Region 2 members had a breakfast meeting with 10th District Representative Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, and Region 2 Director Warren Davis. Representative Kucinich told Region 2 members, "Most Americans would be shocked to know that the clothes they wear, the radio they listen to, or the hundreds of other products they use on a daily basis may be made by prisoners in China.

"We must continue to speak out against China’s abusive policies that deny the Chinese people their human rights, civil rights, and workers’ rights. If China wants the respect as a good citizen of this world, it must stop the abuses it continues to carry out against its people," said Kucinich.

Responding to a question from the audience, Director Davis said, "Political action is the only way to stop the transnational corporations from exploiting the poor, not only in China, but in many other countries as well. We must stop our government’s promotion of this worldwide corporate greed."

Next: News from the Locals


July 22:
Eighth Annual Southern Golf Tournament, Valley View Golf Course, Lancaster, Ohio.

July 30:
40th Annual Northern Golf Tournament, Avalon South Golf Course, Warren, Ohio.

July 30-Aug. 4:
56th Annual Region 2 Summer School, University of Akron. This year’s theme: "Election 2000—Protecting our families and our future."

Sept. 9:
UAW Region 2 Annual Clambake Outing and Rally, 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Yankee Lake Ballroom, 1800 State Route 7 NE, Brookfield, Ohio.

For information, contact your local union.


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