China PNTR Vote

Final analysis of the vote

May 26, 2000

In the most significant trade vote since the passage of NAFTA, Congress voted 237-197 in favor of granting China Permanent Normal Trade Relations. 65% of the Democrats opposed the bill, and 75% of Republicans voted in favor of the bill. Of the 130 Members of Congress targeted for phone calls, letters, and lobby visits by UNITE members or retirees, 67% (87 members) voted with labor in opposing the bill.

UNITE's members, retirees, and staff helped lead a massive coalition effort to defeat this bill. Since November 1999, UNITE organized national demonstrations against the WTO, months of phone calls, letters to the editors, shop visits, home district lobby visits, pickets, vigils, and a 1500 member turnout on Lobby Day on April 12. UNITE had a major presence in this public debate on a local and national level. This campaign was our largest political mobilization since our merger in 1995. Labor's unity with our cause made a difference in moving many lawmakers to vote no, and we should thank all our allies who worked with us.

This vote was about our jobs, and human rights, religious freedom, and corporate profits. We stood in solidarity with Chinese workers and pro-democracy forces. Our efforts were met by the most intensive and expensive lobbying effort in years by a unified business community, coordinated through the White House, Republican leadership, and two Democratic leaders, Sandy Levin and Charles Rangel. In the end, many Members of Congress stood with Wal-Mart instead of workers.

We should be proud of the work we have done and of the Members who supported us in this fight. The materials below will help you educate your members and co-workers about the vote, and to give people a way to hold their Representative accountable.