Business Welcomes Support for China Trade From Governors, New
Economy Leaders Shows Growing National Support for PNTR

For Release:
April 3, 2000

For Information:
Sally Painter, Secretariat
(202) 879-5810

Washington, DC, April 3 -- The leading coalition of businesses supporting trade with China today welcomed the overwhelming support of AmericaÕs governors for Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) with China. In a letter released during President ClintonÕs visit to California today, more than 40 governors urged Congressional approval of PNTR.

"Governors know PNTR is a no-brainer because they are closest to the economic heartbeat of the nation," said Myron Brilliant, Managing Director for Asia at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a co-chairman of the Business Coalition for U.S.-China Trade. "So many of AmericaÕs governors are united on this issue because the benefits of trade with China transcend one state or one region. Increased access to ChinaÕs markets would benefit the hog farmer in the heartland just as much as the software whiz in Silicon Valley."

During the presidentÕs visit to California, more than 200 chief executives from AmericaÕs high-tech industry endorsed PNTR in an open letter. "The leaders of AmericaÕs New Economy understand the power of the Internet to promote change in China," said Calman J. Cohen, President of the Emergency Committee for American Trade and another co-chair of the Coalition. "We share Minnesota Governor Jesse VenturaÕs hope that the opponents of PNTR will someday come to understand the reforming power of economic engagement," Cohen added. Gov. Ventura testified in support of PNTR last week before the House Ways and Means Committee.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), who was previously undecided on PNTR, also announced her support today for the measure. Her decision was welcomed by Robert A. Kapp, President of the U.S.-China Business Council and co-chair of the Coalition. "The solid core of centrists in both parties who support PNTR continues to expand. These Democrats and Republicans know that for AmericaÕs workers and farmers, ChinaÕs market access concessions will be meaningless without timely approval of PNTR," Kapp said.

The Business Coalition for U.S.-China Trade consists of over 1,200 leading American companies, trade associations, and farm organizations that support Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) with China. It is co-chaired by The Business Roundtable, the Emergency Committee for American Trade, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the U.S.-China Business Council. For more information, visit

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All rights reserved.

Last Updated: 5-Apr-00