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Copyright 1999 Federal Document Clearing House, Inc.  
Federal Document Clearing House Congressional Testimony

July 29, 1999


LENGTH: 949 words


WRITTEN TESTIMONY OF ELLEN YUI before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Commerce Subcommittee On Oversight and Investigations July 30, 1999 Mr. Chairman, thank you for inviting me here today to testify about the benefits of drugstore shopping online. I am very familiar with the world of e-commerce because I spend a good part of every day in front of a computer. And, it is that personal computer that has afforded me the opportunity to run a small business from my house, enabling me to continue my career as a communications consultant, earn money, and be near my two boys, all at the same time. My husband also runs his own business, which would not be possible without the Internet. We conduct our banking on-line, and purchase personal computers, software, books, CDs, plane tickets, even great cheese from France, on-line. With that in mind, I wish to talk to you today about three thoughts that come to mind when I think of on-line pharmacies: convenience; privacy-which has a double meaning here; and cost. Time, or the lack of it, is the overriding theme of my life. I actively seek services and products that will save me time, make me more efficient, educate me, and of course save money for those looming college tuitions. Permit me to take a minute and describe for you my "typical day as a working mom," and you'll understand why. When I wake up at 6:00 am, a stopwatch is clicked on in my brain, and I start running from one juggling act to another. I try to get out of bed before my family and walk my two dogs. This is not always possible, as my husband travels three to four days a week, basically making me a single mom much of the time. I get myself and my kids dressed, feed everybody breakfast, get the kids off to school, and then race back to my desk at home before the phone starts ringing. I work all day. If I'm lucky, I can squeeze in a personal errand, such as running to the supermarket, the dry cleaners, car wash, maybe volunteer at my children's school, but getting away from my desk seems to be more and more problematic. At 5:00, my wonderful childcare provider goes home, and it's another dog walk, then homework, dinner, baths, reading to the boys, sometimes a little more work or bills, and then I collapse. You could poll 1,000 working moms across this country, and I would venture to guess you'd hear 1,000 very similar renditions of that story. Juggling all of this leaves me almost no time for shopping, any kind of shopping. I am almost embarrassed to admit how often I run out of basic supplies at home. So, the opportunity to purchase cough syrup, ibuprofen, Band-Aids, tissues, vitamins, hairspray, or my favorite shade of nail polish-without long lines, crowded aisles, slow cashiers, and parking hassles-is a dream come true. For me, it's a luxury that translates into one more hour of quality time with my kids. And dragging them to stores is not pleasant for the kids, for me, or for anybody in that store. But also important to me is the good healthcare information that is provided on these sites. I am very skeptical of any drug- prescribed or over-the-counter-and am always a bit nervous about their possible side effects, particularly in my children's small bodies. I was thrilled to discover the wealth of detailed information available about prescription drugs through on-line pharmacies. In my family, we require some regular medication. On-line pharmacies will take my order and payment in minutes, deliver the prescription directly to my home, and even send me a reminder email that it's time to refill the prescription, now that's a Godsend. For years, I purchased prescription drugs from our local family pharmacy, conveniently located in the same building as our doctors' offices. And as a small business owner, I go out of my way to support small businesses. Unfortunately, now that our pharmacist is nearing retirement age and cutting back his hours, he's not as convenient anymore. To my chagrin, the age of personal service at pharmacies has passed. Because of negative experiences I have had with impersonal service and multiple incorrectly filled prescriptions at major chain pharmacies, I do not believe I am missing out on customer service by buying on- line. In fact, today's drug counters do not offer an opportunity for a private discussion between customers and the on-duty pharmacist. You can picture what I mean. You are down on the floor, looking up at the pharmacist and often shouting questions, letting the whole world know that your kids caught something from school, like whooping cough, or head lice, or something else that you don't really want to share. With some on-line pharmacies, I can even email questions directly to a pharmacist in the privacy of my home 24-hours, 7 days a week. Now that's service, and a convenience I need in my life. This is not to say I don't have reservations, and here's the flipside of the privacy issue. I am always cautious about on-line purchases and sometimes worry that I might expose myself to financial fraud, or that a company will sell my name and data on my buying habits to another firm. And of course, as a mother, I hope Congress can find a way to prevent children from buying inappropriate or illegal drugs over the Internet. Finally, cost. On-line pharmacies can offer products at reduced cost. As they become more accepted by consumers and health plans, their ability to offer products at competitive prices will increase. And that is good news for consumers-not to mention that more time for my family is priceless. Again, thank you for inviting me here today. Now I would love to answer any of your questions, so fire away.

LOAD-DATE: August 4, 1999

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