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May 6, 2000

Paul Works for Affordable Prescription Drugs During "Older Americans Month"

Washington, D.C. - This week, Congressman Ron Paul promoted affordable prescription drugs as a kickoff to "Older Americans Month." Paul is the author of the "Pharmaceutical Freedom Act" (HR 3636) which will give seniors a tax credit equal to 80% of their prescription drug costs.
"Many seniors are struggling to afford the medicines they need, yet the federal government continues to impose taxes on their social security benefits," said Paul. "This legislation ensures that millions of American seniors have access to affordable pharmaceutical products."
Recently, there have been several proposals in Congress aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs. However, they bring about lower costs by price fixing measures and government subsidies to seniors. Paul said that not only are these plans unconstitutional, but they also take control of health care away from the individual in favor of Washington bureaucrats.
Paul said, "My bill makes pharmaceuticals more affordable to seniors by reducing their taxes. Congress continually raids the social security trust fund to finance their pork barrel spending, but they aren’t willing to help our seniors and give them control over their own health care."
The "Pharmaceutical Freedom Act" will also help lower the price of pharmaceuticals by reducing barriers to importing FDA approved prescription drugs. The bill also forbids the federal government from imposing costly new regulations on Internet sales of FDA approved medicines by state licensed pharmacists.
"This bill removes needless barriers to importing pharmaceutical products, and it protects Internet pharmacies, which are making prescription drugs affordable to millions, from being strangled by federal regulations," said Paul. "I am proud to take a stand for America’s seniors, and I call on all Americans to urge their representatives to support the ‘Pharmaceutical Freedom Act’."

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