Official Seal of a Member of the United States CongressNews from....
Carolyn McCarthy
4th District New York

JUNE 22, 2000

McCarthy Statement
Subcommittee on Workforce Protections on Needlestick Injuries

"As a nurse for over 30 years, I also know first hand the dangers of needlestick injuries. And one thing has definitely remained the same since I started nursing-health care workers continue to be at serious risk for needlestick injuries.

There are an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 needlesticks each year-and these injuries can lead to serious or fatal infections. I have to tell you that when you are trying to save a life-the only thing that matters is the patient-you can't stop always stop to see if a needle is disposed of properly. Which is why we need to use safer needle devices.

The good news is that needlestick injuries are preventable, and over 80% of these injuries could be prevented with the use of safer needle devices. However, the bad news is that less than 15% of U.S. hospitals use safer needle devices and systems.

I know our hospitals are concerned with the costs-common sense tells that we should find a way to not only protect our healthcare workers, but to help our hospitals with the costs of doing so.

That is why I am looking forward to working with Mr. Ballenger and Mr. Owens to draft legislation that will do both."
