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Copyright 2000 The Chronicle Publishing Co.  
The San Francisco Chronicle



LENGTH: 691 words

HEADLINE: S.F. Nurse Asks Congress to Halt Epidemic' of Needle Accidents

BYLINE: Carolyn Lochhead, William Carlsen, Chronicle Washington Bureau

DATELINE: Washington

Taking her crusade for safe needles to Washington yesterday, San Francisco nurse Lorraine Thiebaud urged Congress to pass legislation to reduce the estimated 600,000 needle accidents that each year threaten medical workers with deadly blood-borne infections.

Thiebaud, speaking for the Service Employees International Union, which represents 710,000 doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians and other health care workers, told legislators that accidental needle sticks are "epidemic," exposing hospital workers to HIV, Hepatitis C and other pathogens.

Most hospitals, she said, continue to use needles without safety devices because of resistance to the higher cost of safer needles, even though 1,000 health care workers each year contract serious and potentially deadly infections from accidental sticks.

Thiebaud and others pushing for a national safe-needle law sponsored by Rep. Pete Stark, D-Fremont, got a surprisingly warm reception at the House subcommittee on Workforce Protections, despite the Republican-led panel's generally skeptical attitude toward expansion of workforce safety regulations. Chairman Cass Ballenger, R-N.C., even joked to Occupational Safety and Health Administration chief Charles Jeffress, "I think I like this better than ergonomic regulations, just to let you know," referring to the ongoing battle between Congress and OSHA over new regulations covering repetitive motion injuries.

Karen Daley, representing the American Nurses Association, told the committee how she was stuck by a needle carrying HIV and Hepatitis C in July 1998 when working in a hospital emergency room. The accident "dramatically changed my life," she said.

Daley said her illnesses have "cost me much more than I can ever describe in words." The cost of her care alone has probably reached $100,000, she said.

Daley said the cost of safer needles pales compared to the expense of testing and treating workers for needle injuries.

Even when no infections occur, one high-risk needle stick runs about $3,000 for tests and preventive medication, Daley said, or $1.8 billion a year nationwide.

Daley cited estimates showing that one serious infection can cost as much as $1 million for treatment and disability. Hepatitis C cases, she said, account for the majority of costly liver transplants.

The first law requiring the use of safety needles was adopted in California in 1998 following a series of articles in The Chronicle about the epidemic of accidental needle sticks in the nation's medical facilities.

The articles disclosed that syringes with safety features had been available for nearly 10 years but were not being provided to medical workers because they were more expensive.

By the mid-1990s, a broad range of safety needles and syringes were being marketed, including blood collection devices with self-blunting needles, spring-loaded syringes that retracted their needles into the barrel after use, and needles that were protected by sliding plastic sheaths. The cost of the new devices ranged from a few pennies to many times the price of the standard syringe and needle.

Since California enacted its safer needle law, 14 other states have approved similar regulations. Two more states -- New York and Ohio -- have passed bills that are currently awaiting governors' signatures, and similar legislation is being considered in several other states.

Stark now has 186 co-sponsors for his legislation, which would make the California law a national standard.

"When a hospital in Pennsylvania got a $13 million judgment against them for a wrongful death, that was a wake-up call for all these guys," Stark said.

Still, the outlook for passage this year remains dim, partly because time is running out in this Congress. But even if the bill fails to move this year, Stark said chances are good it will pass next year, given that "Republicans have finally discovered" the issue.

E-mail William Carlsen at and Carolyn Lochhead at This article was reported by William Carlsen in San Francisco and Carolyn Lochhead in Washington.

LOAD-DATE: June 23, 2000

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