ERGONOMIC STANDARDS -- (House of Representatives - November 05, 1999)

[Page: H11566]


   (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, if one is an employer, what are the eight most dreaded words in the English language? ``I am from OSHA and I am here to help.'' Recently the Occupational Safety and Health Administration said, we know enough to act now. We want to issue sweeping new and punitive ergonomic standards. OSHA plans to finalize its standards in the coming weeks unless Congress intervenes.

   Mr. Speaker, it is time for Congress to intervene. OSHA refuses to wait for the results of the National Academy of Sciences study on the issue, a study which Congress recommended and funded in 1998. OSHA's regulations would impact nearly every industry, cost employers millions of dollars, and result in substantial increases in worker compensation costs due to the proposed 100 percent replacement of wages and benefits. These facts might very well have been uncovered by the National Academy of Sciences, but OSHA would not wait.

   Mr. Speaker, along with dreaded words come dreaded policies and arrogance. I yield back the balance of my time and any common sense left at OSHA.