Bill Summary & Status for the 106th Congress


Sponsor: Rep Rogers, Harold(introduced 8/2/1999)
Related Bills: H.RES.273H.RES.335S.1217
Latest Major Action: 10/25/1999 Vetoed by President. (consideration: CR H10836; text of Veto message: CR H10835-10836)
Title: Making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000, and for other purposes.
Jump to: Titles, Status, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments, Cosponsors, Summary

TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions)

          See also: Related House Committee Documents (Floor Actions/Congressional Record Page References)
8/2/1999 11:00pm:
The House Committee on Appropriations reported an original measure, H. Rept. 106-283, by Mr. Rogers.
8/2/1999 11:00pm:
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 169.
8/3/1999 5:46pm:
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 273 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 2670 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. After general debate the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. Measure will be read by section. Bill is open to amendments. The amendments printed in H.Rept. 106-284 may be offered only by a Member designated in the report and at the appropriate point in the reading of the bill. All points of order against the amendments are waived.
8/4/1999 12:47pm:
Rule H. Res. 273 passed House.
8/4/1999 12:48pm:
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 273. (consideration: CR H6983-7018, H7193-7221; text of Title II as reported in House: CR H7207-7208)
8/4/1999 12:48pm:
House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 273 and Rule XXIII.
8/4/1999 12:48pm:
The Speaker designated the Honorable Doc Hastings to act as Chairman of the Committee.
8/4/1999 2:02pm:
H.AMDT.391 Amendment (A001) offered by Mr. Serrano.
Amendment increases funding for the Legal Services Corporation by $109 million.
8/4/1999 4:29pm:
H.AMDT.391 On agreeing to the Serrano amendment (A001) Agreed to by recorded vote: 242 - 178 (Roll no. 370).
8/4/1999 4:39pm:
H.AMDT.392 Amendment (A002) offered by Ms. Jackson-Lee (TX).
An amendment to increase funding for the Immigration and Naturalization Service by $3.7 million for border control agent salaries.
8/4/1999 4:43pm:
H.AMDT.392 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment (A002). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment increases budget outlays in the bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
8/4/1999 4:44pm:
H.AMDT.393 Amendment (A003) offered by Ms. Jackson-Lee (TX).
An amendment to increase Immigration and Naturalization funding by $15.6 million for naturalization adjudication personnel.
8/4/1999 4:53pm:
H.AMDT.393 By unanimous consent, the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment was withdrawn.
8/4/1999 4:58pm:
H.AMDT.394 Amendment (A004) offered by Mr. Scott.
Amendment sought to increase crime prevention and drug treatment program funding by $137.3 million and decrease the truth-in-sentencing block grant program accordingly.
8/4/1999 5:24pm:
H.AMDT.395 Amendment (A005) offered by Ms. Jackson-Lee (TX).
Amendment increases funding for grants to develop programs designed to reduce drug use among juveniles.
8/4/1999 5:24pm:
H.AMDT.395 On agreeing to the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment (A005) Agreed to by voice vote.
8/4/1999 5:26pm:
H.AMDT.396 Amendment (A006) offered by Mr. Cook.
An amendment no. 6 printed in the Congressional Record. to increase funding for grants to Combat Violence Against Women and Law Enforcement Armor Vests programs.
8/4/1999 5:31pm:
H.AMDT.396 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Cook amendment (A006). The Chair sustained the point of order.
8/4/1999 5:40pm:
H.AMDT.397 Amendment (A007) offered by Mr. Maloney (CT).
An amendment numbered 11 printed in the Congressional Record to increase the appropriation for Community Oriented Policing Services by transfer in the amount of $500,000.
8/4/1999 5:44pm:
H.AMDT.397 By unanimous consent, the Maloney (CT) amendment was withdrawn.
8/4/1999 5:45pm:
H.AMDT.398 Amendment (A008) offered by Mr. Blagojevich.
Amendment provides $7.5 million to the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program in order to expand community prosecution programs.
8/4/1999 5:50pm:
H.AMDT.398 On agreeing to the Blagojevich amendment (A008) Agreed to by voice vote.
8/4/1999 5:51pm:
H.AMDT.399 Amendment (A009) offered by Ms. DeGette.
Amendment sought to delete section 103 which prohibits the use of Federal funds for abortion services for women in Federal prison.
8/4/1999 6:14pm:
H.AMDT.400 Amendment (A010) offered by Mr. Coburn.
Amendment sought to reduce by $2.7 billion funding provided for the decennial census.
8/4/1999 7:21pm:
Mr. Obey moved that the Committee rise.
8/4/1999 7:46pm:
On motion that the Committee rise Failed by recorded vote: 166 - 249 (Roll no. 371).
8/4/1999 8:39pm:
H.AMDT.394 On agreeing to the Scott amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 164 - 263 (Roll no. 372).
8/4/1999 8:47pm:
H.AMDT.399 On agreeing to the DeGette amendment (A009) Failed by recorded vote: 160 - 268 (Roll no. 373).
8/4/1999 8:56pm:
H.AMDT.400 On agreeing to the Coburn amendment (A010) Failed by recorded vote: 171 - 257 (Roll no. 374).
8/4/1999 8:56pm:
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 2670 as unfinished business.
8/5/1999 1:49pm:
Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H7317-7384; text of Title III as reported in House: CR H7322-7323; text of Title IV as reported in House: CR H7323-7324, H7336-7337; text of Title V as reported in House: CR H7337-7339; text of Title VI as reported in House: CR H7339-7340; text of Title VII as reported in House: CR H7348)
8/5/1999 1:49pm:
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
8/5/1999 1:51pm:
H.AMDT.401 Amendment (A011) offered by Mr. Ehlers.
Amendment provides $390,000 to NOAA's National Ocean Service to upgrade water level gauging stations on the Great Lakes.
8/5/1999 1:55pm:
H.AMDT.401 On agreeing to the Ehlers amendment (A011) Agreed to by voice vote.
8/5/1999 2:00pm:
H.AMDT.402 Amendment (A012) offered by Mr. Terry.
Amendment provides $2 million to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy for facility maintenance.
8/5/1999 2:09pm:
H.AMDT.402 On agreeing to the Terry amendment (A012) Agreed to by voice vote.
8/5/1999 2:15pm:
H.AMDT.403 Amendment (A013) offered by Mr. Hall (OH).
Amendment sought to delete language that prohibits the payment of United Nations arrearages unless expressly authorized by an Act that makes such payments contingent upon United Nations reform.
8/5/1999 4:04pm:
H.AMDT.403 On agreeing to the Hall (OH) amendment (A013) Failed by recorded vote: 206 - 221 (Roll no. 380).
8/5/1999 4:05pm:
H.AMDT.404 Amendment (A014) offered by Mr. Stearns.
An amendment no. 23 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce State Department general administrative funding by $500,000 to highlight personnel issues relating to Ms. Linda Shenwick's employment at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.
8/5/1999 4:14pm:
H.AMDT.404 By unanimous consent, the Stearns amendment was withdrawn.
8/5/1999 4:35pm:
H.AMDT.405 Amendment (A015) offered by Mr. Inslee.
An amendment to strike Sec. 620 that prohibits any funds appropriated to be used for the preparation for implementation of the Kyoto Protocol.
8/5/1999 4:50pm:
H.AMDT.405 By unanimous consent, the Inslee amendment was withdrawn.
8/5/1999 4:51pm:
H.AMDT.406 Amendment (A016) offered by Mr. Tiahrt.
An amendment printed in H.Rept. 106-284 to prohibit the expenditure of any appropriation to denigrate or otherwise undermine the religious or moral beliefs of students who participate in programs funded by the Act.
8/5/1999 4:51pm:
H.AMDT.406 Tiahrt amendment (A016) modified by unanimous consent. The prohibition is limited to funds made available to the Department of Justice.
8/5/1999 5:04pm:
H.AMDT.406 On agreeing to the Tiahrt amendment (A016) as modified Agreed to by voice vote.
8/5/1999 5:04pm:
H.AMDT.407 Amendment (A017) offered by Mr. Bass.
Amendment sought to require the FCC to develop and implement a plan for the efficient allocation of telephone numbers.
8/5/1999 5:20pm:
H.AMDT.408 Amendment (A018) offered by Mr. Deal.
Amendment provides that none of the funds in the bill shall be available for processing immigrant or nonimmigrant visas to citizens of countries that the Attorney General determines deny or engage in unreasonable delay in accepting the return of criminal aliens.
8/5/1999 5:25pm:
H.AMDT.408 On agreeing to the Deal amendment (A018) Agreed to by voice vote.
8/5/1999 5:25pm:
H.AMDT.409 Amendment (A019) offered by Mr. Traficant.
An amendment to prohibit the use of funds for the Department of Justice for the purpose of transporting an individual who is a prisoner classified as a maximum or high security prisoner other than to a prison or other facility certified by the Bureau of Prisons as appropriately secure for housing such a prisoner.
8/5/1999 5:28pm:
H.AMDT.409 On agreeing to the Traficant amendment (A019) Agreed to by voice vote.
8/5/1999 5:29pm:
H.AMDT.410 Amendment (A020) offered by Mr. Vitter.
An amendment to add a new section prohibiting the use of funds for participation by U.S. delegates to the Standing Consultive Commission in any activity to implement the Memorandum of Understanding Relating to the Treaty between the U.S. and the Soviet Union on the Limitations of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems entered into on September 26, 1997.
8/5/1999 5:33pm:
H.AMDT.410 On agreeing to the Vitter amendment (A020) Agreed to by voice vote.
8/5/1999 5:34pm:
H.AMDT.411 Amendment (A021) offered by Mr. George Miller.
An amendment numbered 13 printed in the Congressional Record to provide that not more than $2,350,000 may be obligated or expended for the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.
8/5/1999 6:06pm:
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 2670 as unfinished business.
8/5/1999 6:11pm:
Considered as unfinished business.
8/5/1999 6:11pm:
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
8/5/1999 6:11pm:
H.AMDT.412 Amendment (A022) offered by Mr. Hayworth.
An amendment to prohibit the use of funds for any activity in support of any World Heritage Site in the United States on the list of World Heritage in Danger.
8/5/1999 6:26pm:
H.AMDT.413 Amendment (A023) offered by Mr. Davis (IL).
An amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to provide a grant to any law enforcement agency except one identified in an annual summary of date on the use of excessive force published by the Attorney General.
8/5/1999 6:35pm:
H.AMDT.413 By unanimous consent, the Davis (IL) amendment was withdrawn.
8/5/1999 6:36pm:
H.AMDT.414 Amendment (A024) offered by Mr. Campbell.
An amendment numbered 5 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds to enforce provisions of law regarding detained aliens and the use of secret testimony or information with respect to proceedings of deportation.
8/5/1999 6:48pm:
H.AMDT.414 By unanimous consent, the Campbell amendment was withdrawn.
8/5/1999 6:50pm:
H.AMDT.415 Amendment (A025) offered by Mr. Wynn.
An amendment to increase funding to the EEOC by $33,000,000 by transfer, after reducing the appropriation for the State Department by a similar amount.
8/5/1999 6:59pm:
H.AMDT.415 By unanimous consent, the Wynn amendment was withdrawn.
8/5/1999 6:59pm:
H.AMDT.416 Amendment (A026) offered by Mr. Tauzin.
Amendment prohibits any funds from being used by the FCC to enforce or administer the Uniform Systems of Accounts for Telecommunications Companies with respect to any common carrier that was determined to be subject to price cap regulation by the Commission's order or has elected to be subject to price cap regulation.
8/5/1999 7:18pm:
H.AMDT.417 Amendment (A027) offered by Mr. Crowley.
An amendment no, 7 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit any funding to be used for joint training programs between the Royal Ulster Constabulary and any Federal law enforcement agency.
8/5/1999 7:25pm:
H.AMDT.417 By unanimous consent, the Crowley amendment was withdrawn.
8/5/1999 7:28pm:
H.AMDT.418 Amendment (A028) offered by Mr. Dingell.
An amendment to prohibit grants to states that have not certified that 95 percent or more of records evidencing a State judicial or executive determination are sent to the FBI to support implementation of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
8/5/1999 7:35pm:
H.AMDT.418 By unanimous consent, the Dingell amendment was withdrawn.
8/5/1999 7:35pm:
H.AMDT.419 Amendment (A029) offered by Mr. Kucinich.
Amendment sought to prohibit any funds from being used for the filing of a complaint or any motion seeking injunctive relief in any legal action brought under the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act or Uruguay Round Agreements Act.
8/5/1999 7:50pm:
H.AMDT.420 Amendment (A030) offered by Ms. Jackson-Lee (TX).
An amendment to establish new provisions cited as the Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
8/5/1999 7:57pm:
H.AMDT.420 By unanimous consent, the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment was withdrawn.
8/5/1999 8:27pm:
H.AMDT.407 On agreeing to the Bass amendment (A017) Failed by recorded vote: 169 - 256 (Roll no. 381).
8/5/1999 8:36pm:
H.AMDT.411 On agreeing to the Miller, George amendment (A021) Failed by recorded vote: 211 - 215 (Roll no. 382).
8/5/1999 8:44pm:
H.AMDT.412 On agreeing to the Hayworth amendment (A022) Agreed to by recorded vote: 217 - 209 (Roll no. 383).
8/5/1999 8:50pm:
H.AMDT.416 On agreeing to the Tauzin amendment (A026) Agreed to by recorded vote: 374 - 49 (Roll No. 384).
8/5/1999 8:57pm:
H.AMDT.419 On agreeing to the Kucinich amendment (A029) Failed by recorded vote: 196 - 226 (Roll No. 385).
8/5/1999 8:57pm:
The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.R. 2670.
8/5/1999 8:57pm:
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
8/5/1999 8:58pm:
The House adopted the amendment as agreed to by the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.
8/5/1999 8:58pm:
Mr. Bonior moved to recommit with instructions to Appropriations. (consideration: CR H7382-7383)
8/5/1999 8:58pm:
MOTION TO RECOMMIT - Mr. Bonior moved to recommit H.R. 2670 to the Committee on Appropriations with instructions to report it back to the House with an amendment that increases the amount provided for Community Oriented Policing Services to the amount requested in the President's budget, with corresponding adjustments to keep the bill within the committee 302(B) allocation.
8/5/1999 9:27pm:
On motion to recommit with instructions Failed by recorded vote: 208 - 219 (Roll no. 386).
8/5/1999 9:40pm:
On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 217 - 210 (Roll no. 387).
8/5/1999 9:40pm:
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Received in the Senate, read twice.
Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S10540)
Senate struck all after the Enacting Clause and substituted the language of S. 1217 amended.
Passed Senate in lieu of S. 1217 with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.
Senate insists on its amendment asks for a conference, appoints conferees Gregg; Stevens; Domenici; McConnell; Hutchison; Campbell; Cochran; Hollings; Inouye; Lautenberg; Mikulski; Byrd.
9/13/1999 5:11pm:
Mr. Rogers asked unanimous consent that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference.
9/13/1999 5:11pm:
On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference Agreed to without objection. (consideration: CR H8128)
9/13/1999 5:11pm:
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
9/13/1999 5:13pm:
Mr. Obey moved that the House instruct conferees.
9/13/1999 5:13pm:
Mr. Obey moved to instruct conferees to insist on the higher funding levels for programs related to embassy security included in the House-passed bill.
9/13/1999 5:18pm:
On motion that the House instruct conferees Agreed to by voice vote.
9/13/1999 5:18pm:
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
9/13/1999 5:19pm:
The Speaker appointed conferees: Rogers, Kolbe, Taylor (NC), Regula, Latham, Miller (FL), Wamp, Young (FL), Serrano, Dixon, Mollohan, Roybal-Allard, and Obey.
Senate appointed conferee Leahy by unanimous consent.
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
10/13/1999 5:40pm:
Motion to Instruct - Mr. Tancredo gave notice of his intention to offer a motion to instruct managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the Senate amendment to H.R. 2670 to agree, to the extent within the scope of the conference, to provisions that-- (1) reduce nonessential spending in programs within the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and other related agencies; (2) reduce spending on international organizations, in particular, in order to honor the commitment of the Congress to protect Social Security; and (3) do not increase overall spending to a level that exceeds the higher of the House bill or the Senate amendment.
Conferees agreed to file conference report.
10/18/1999 5:01pm:
Mr. Coburn moved that the House instruct conferees. (consideration: CR H10139-10142)
10/18/1999 5:03pm:
The House is debating the motion for one hour. Mr. Coburn moved to instruct managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the Senate amendment to H.R. 2670 to agree, to the extent within the scope of the conference, to provisions that-- (1) reduce nonessential spending in programs within the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and other related agencies; (2) reduce spending on international organizations, in particular, in order to honor the commitment of the Congress to protect Social Security; and (3) do not increase overall spending to a level that exceeds the higher of the House bill or the Senate amendment.
10/19/1999 6:21pm:
Mr. Upton moved that the House instruct conferees. (consideration: CR H10276-10283, H10332)
10/19/1999 6:26pm:
MOTION TO INSTRUCT - The House is debating for one hour the Upton motion to instruct managers, on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the Senate amendment to H.R. 2670, to agree to the provisions contained in section 102 of the Senate amendment (relating to repeal of automated entry-exit control system).
10/19/1999 7:15pm:
The Chair put the question on agreeing to the Upton motion to instruct conferees by voice vote and announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Smith of Texas demanded a recorded vote. Subsequently, further proceedings on the motion were postponed.
10/19/1999 7:16pm:
Conference report H. Rept. 106-398 filed. (text of conference report: CR H10283-10332)
10/19/1999 7:17pm:
The filing of the conference report on H.R. 2670 has vitiated the motion to instruct conferees offered by Mr. Coburn and on which further proceedings were postponed.
10/19/1999 7:18pm:
The filing of the conference report on H.R. 2670 has vitiated the motion to instruct conferees offered by Mr. Upton and on which further proceedings were postponed.
10/19/1999 9:25pm:
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 335 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of the conference report to H.R. 2670 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Waives all points of order against the conference report and against its consideration.
10/20/1999 12:40pm:
Rule H. Res. 335 passed House.
10/20/1999 12:42pm:
Mr. Rogers brought up conference report H. Rept. 106-398 for consideration under the provisions of H. Res. 335. (consideration: CR H10385-10408)
10/20/1999 1:51pm:
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
10/20/1999 2:17pm:
On agreeing to the conference report Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 215 - 213 (Roll No. 518).
10/20/1999 2:17pm:
Motions to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Conference papers: Senate report and managers' statement and message on House action held at the desk in Senate.
Senate agreed to conference report by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S12904)
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
Cleared for White House.
Presented to President.
Vetoed by President. (consideration: CR H10836; text of Veto message: CR H10835-10836)
10/26/1999 5:17pm:
The Chair laid before the House the veto message from the President.
10/26/1999 5:31pm:
Mr. Rogers moved to refer the bill and accompanying veto message to the Committee on Appropriations.
10/26/1999 5:32pm:
On motion to refer the bill and the accompanying veto message to the Committee on Appropriations. Agreed to without objection.

RELATED BILL DETAILS:  (additional related bills may be indentified in Status)


1. H.AMDT.391 to H.R.2670 Amendment increases funding for the Legal Services Corporation by $109 million.
Sponsor: Rep Serrano, Jose E.- Latest Major Action: 8/4/1999 House amendment agreed to

2. H.AMDT.392 to H.R.2670 An amendment to increase funding for the Immigration and Naturalization Service by $3.7 million for border control agent salaries.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila- Latest Major Action: 8/4/1999 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment (A002). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment increases budget outlays in the bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.

3. H.AMDT.393 to H.R.2670 An amendment to increase Immigration and Naturalization funding by $15.6 million for naturalization adjudication personnel.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila- Latest Major Action: 8/4/1999 By unanimous consent, the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment was withdrawn.

4. H.AMDT.394 to H.R.2670 Amendment sought to increase crime prevention and drug treatment program funding by $137.3 million and decrease the truth-in-sentencing block grant program accordingly.
Sponsor: Rep Scott, Robert C.- Latest Major Action: 8/4/1999 House amendment not agreed to

5. H.AMDT.395 to H.R.2670 Amendment increases funding for grants to develop programs designed to reduce drug use among juveniles.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila- Latest Major Action: 8/4/1999 House amendment agreed to

6. H.AMDT.396 to H.R.2670 An amendment no. 6 printed in the Congressional Record. to increase funding for grants to Combat Violence Against Women and Law Enforcement Armor Vests programs.
Sponsor: Rep Cook, Merrill- Latest Major Action: 8/4/1999 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Cook amendment (A006). The Chair sustained the point of order.

7. H.AMDT.397 to H.R.2670 An amendment numbered 11 printed in the Congressional Record to increase the appropriation for Community Oriented Policing Services by transfer in the amount of $500,000.
Sponsor: Rep Maloney, James H.- Latest Major Action: 8/4/1999 By unanimous consent, the Maloney (CT) amendment was withdrawn.

8. H.AMDT.398 to H.R.2670 Amendment provides $7.5 million to the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program in order to expand community prosecution programs.
Sponsor: Rep Blagojevich, Rod R.- Latest Major Action: 8/4/1999 House amendment agreed to

9. H.AMDT.399 to H.R.2670 Amendment sought to delete section 103 which prohibits the use of Federal funds for abortion services for women in Federal prison.
Sponsor: Rep DeGette, Diana- Latest Major Action: 8/4/1999 House amendment not agreed to

10. H.AMDT.400 to H.R.2670 Amendment sought to reduce by $2.7 billion funding provided for the decennial census.
Sponsor: Rep Coburn, Tom A.- Latest Major Action: 8/4/1999 House amendment not agreed to

11. H.AMDT.401 to H.R.2670 Amendment provides $390,000 to NOAA's National Ocean Service to upgrade water level gauging stations on the Great Lakes.
Sponsor: Rep Ehlers, Vernon J.- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment agreed to

12. H.AMDT.402 to H.R.2670 Amendment provides $2 million to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy for facility maintenance.
Sponsor: Rep Terry, Lee- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment agreed to

13. H.AMDT.403 to H.R.2670 Amendment sought to delete language that prohibits the payment of United Nations arrearages unless expressly authorized by an Act that makes such payments contingent upon United Nations reform.
Sponsor: Rep Hall, Tony P.- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment not agreed to

14. H.AMDT.404 to H.R.2670 An amendment no. 23 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce State Department general administrative funding by $500,000 to highlight personnel issues relating to Ms. Linda Shenwick's employment at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.
Sponsor: Rep Stearns, Cliff- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 By unanimous consent, the Stearns amendment was withdrawn.

15. H.AMDT.405 to H.R.2670 An amendment to strike Sec. 620 that prohibits any funds appropriated to be used for the preparation for implementation of the Kyoto Protocol.
Sponsor: Rep Inslee, Jay- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 By unanimous consent, the Inslee amendment was withdrawn.

16. H.AMDT.406 to H.R.2670 An amendment printed in H.Rept. 106-284 to prohibit the expenditure of any appropriation to denigrate or otherwise undermine the religious or moral beliefs of students who participate in programs funded by the Act.
Sponsor: Rep Tiahrt, Todd- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment agreed to

17. H.AMDT.407 to H.R.2670 Amendment sought to require the FCC to develop and implement a plan for the efficient allocation of telephone numbers.
Sponsor: Rep Bass, Charles F.- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment not agreed to

18. H.AMDT.408 to H.R.2670 Amendment provides that none of the funds in the bill shall be available for processing immigrant or nonimmigrant visas to citizens of countries that the Attorney General determines deny or engage in unreasonable delay in accepting the return of criminal aliens.
Sponsor: Rep Deal, Nathan- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment agreed to

19. H.AMDT.409 to H.R.2670 An amendment to prohibit the use of funds for the Department of Justice for the purpose of transporting an individual who is a prisoner classified as a maximum or high security prisoner other than to a prison or other facility certified by the Bureau of Prisons as appropriately secure for housing such a prisoner.
Sponsor: Rep Traficant, James A., Jr.- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment agreed to

20. H.AMDT.410 to H.R.2670 An amendment to add a new section prohibiting the use of funds for participation by U.S. delegates to the Standing Consultive Commission in any activity to implement the Memorandum of Understanding Relating to the Treaty between the U.S. and the Soviet Union on the Limitations of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems entered into on September 26, 1997.
Sponsor: Rep Vitter, David- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment agreed to

21. H.AMDT.411 to H.R.2670 An amendment numbered 13 printed in the Congressional Record to provide that not more than $2,350,000 may be obligated or expended for the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.
Sponsor: Rep Miller, George- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment not agreed to

22. H.AMDT.412 to H.R.2670 An amendment to prohibit the use of funds for any activity in support of any World Heritage Site in the United States on the list of World Heritage in Danger.
Sponsor: Rep Hayworth, J. D.- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment agreed to

23. H.AMDT.413 to H.R.2670 An amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to provide a grant to any law enforcement agency except one identified in an annual summary of date on the use of excessive force published by the Attorney General.
Sponsor: Rep Davis, Danny K.- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 By unanimous consent, the Davis (IL) amendment was withdrawn.

24. H.AMDT.414 to H.R.2670 An amendment numbered 5 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds to enforce provisions of law regarding detained aliens and the use of secret testimony or information with respect to proceedings of deportation.
Sponsor: Rep Campbell, Tom- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 By unanimous consent, the Campbell amendment was withdrawn.

25. H.AMDT.415 to H.R.2670 An amendment to increase funding to the EEOC by $33,000,000 by transfer, after reducing the appropriation for the State Department by a similar amount.
Sponsor: Rep Wynn, Albert Russell- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 By unanimous consent, the Wynn amendment was withdrawn.

26. H.AMDT.416 to H.R.2670 Amendment prohibits any funds from being used by the FCC to enforce or administer the Uniform Systems of Accounts for Telecommunications Companies with respect to any common carrier that was determined to be subject to price cap regulation by the Commission's order or has elected to be subject to price cap regulation.
Sponsor: Rep Tauzin, W. J. (Billy)- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment agreed to

27. H.AMDT.417 to H.R.2670 An amendment no, 7 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit any funding to be used for joint training programs between the Royal Ulster Constabulary and any Federal law enforcement agency.
Sponsor: Rep Crowley, Joseph- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 By unanimous consent, the Crowley amendment was withdrawn.

28. H.AMDT.418 to H.R.2670 An amendment to prohibit grants to states that have not certified that 95 percent or more of records evidencing a State judicial or executive determination are sent to the FBI to support implementation of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
Sponsor: Rep Dingell, John D.- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 By unanimous consent, the Dingell amendment was withdrawn.

29. H.AMDT.419 to H.R.2670 Amendment sought to prohibit any funds from being used for the filing of a complaint or any motion seeking injunctive relief in any legal action brought under the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act or Uruguay Round Agreements Act.
Sponsor: Rep Kucinich, Dennis J.- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 House amendment not agreed to

30. H.AMDT.420 to H.R.2670 An amendment to establish new provisions cited as the Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila- Latest Major Action: 8/5/1999 By unanimous consent, the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment was withdrawn.




10/19/1999--Conference report filed in House.    (There are 3
other summaries)


Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000 - Makes appropriations for FY 2000 for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the judiciary, and related agencies.

Title I: Department of Justice - Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2000 - Makes appropriations for the Department of Justice for: (1) general administration; (2) a Joint Automated Booking System; (3) conversion to narrowband communications; (4) counterterrorism activities; (5) payments of costs of telecommunications carriers in complying with capability requirements; (6) administration of pardon and clemency petitions and immigration-related activities; (7) the Office of Inspector General; (8) the U.S. Parole Commission; (9) legal activities; (10) antitrust activities; (11) the Offices of U.S. Attorneys; (12) the U.S. Trustee Program; (13) the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission; (14) the U.S. Marshals Service, including amounts for Federal prisoner detention; (15) fees and expenses of witnesses; (16) the Community Relations Service; (17) certain uses of the Assets Forfeiture Fund; (18) administrative expenses related to the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act; (19) the Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Fund; (20) interagency law enforcement with respect to organized crime drug trafficking; (21) the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); (22) construction for specified agencies; (23) the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); (24) the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS); (25) the Federal prison system, including an amount for buildings and facilities; (26) Office of Justice programs; (27) State and local law enforcement assistance; (28) the Executive Office for Weed and Seed; (29) community oriented policing services; (30) juvenile justice programs; and (31) public safety officers' benefits.

Sets forth authorized uses of, and limitations on, such funds.

(Sec. 103) Prohibits the use of funds appropriated by this title to: (1) pay for abortions except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term, or in the case of rape; or (2) require any person to perform or facilitate an abortion.

(Sec. 109) Makes certain provisions of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 relating to the obligation of certain counterterrorism funds without regard to Federal acquisition rules and restrictions on information disclosure in specified actions filed by prisoners applicable to FY 2000 and thereafter.

(Sec. 112) Makes a provision of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999 relating to grants for assistance to the victims of Pan Am Flight 103 applicable for FY 2000.

(Sec. 113) Amends the Federal judicial code to increase certain bankruptcy filing fees and the percentage of such fees to be deposited into the U.S. Trustee System Fund and a fund for operation and maintenance of the U.S. courts.

(Sec. 115) Prohibits the use of funds made available by any Act to pay premium pay to any Department of Justice attorney.

(Sec. 117) Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to direct the Attorney General to grant a national interest waiver of a requirement that certain professional aliens' services be sought by U.S. employers before a visa is offered on behalf of any alien physician with respect to whom a petition for preference classification has been filed if: (1) such physician agrees to work in an area designated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services as having a shortage of health care professionals or at a health care facility under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs; and (2) a Federal agency or State department of public health has previously determined the physician's work in such an area or at such facility was in the public interest.

Bars the issuance of a permanent resident visa to such an alien and adjustment of status to permanent resident alien until the alien has worked full time as a physician for an aggregate of five years in the health care shortage areas described in this section. Reduces such work requirement to three years for physicians for whom waivers were filed prior to November 1, 1998.

(Sec. 118) Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to make permanent the land border inspection fee program. (Currently, such program expires September 30, 2000.)

(Sec. 119) Amends the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 to make funds available from the Crime Victims Fund for the U.S. Attorneys Offices to improve services for the benefit of crime victims in the Federal criminal justice system.

(Sec. 120) Amends the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 to authorize the FBI Director to establish an index of analyses of DNA samples voluntarily contributed from relatives of missing persons.

Title II: Department of Commerce and Related Agencies - Department of Commerce and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000 - Makes appropriations for the Department of Commerce for: (1) the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative; (2) the International Trade Commission; (3) the International Trade Administration; (4) export administration and national security activities; (5) the Economic Development Administration; (6) minority business development; (7) economic and statistical analysis programs; (8) the Census Bureau; (9) the National Telecommunications and Information Administration; (10) public telecommunications facilities planning and construction grants; (11) information infrastructure grants; (12) the Patent and Trademark Office; (13) the Under Secretary for Technology-Office of Technology Policy; (14) the National Institute of Standards and Technology, including amounts for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership and the Advanced Technology Program and for construction of new research facilities; (15) the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, including amounts for procurement, acquisition, and construction of capital assets; (16) restoration of Pacific salmon populations; (17) the Coastal Zone Management Fund; (18) the Fishermen's Contingency Fund; (19) the Foreign Fishing Observer Fund; (20) the fisheries finance program account; (21) general administration; and (22) the Office of Inspector General.

Sets forth authorized uses of, and limitations on, such funds.

Rescinds all unobligated balances in the Fisheries Promotional Fund.

(Sec. 210) Amends the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to increase the number of members of the New England Fishery Management Council.

Title III: The Judiciary - Judiciary Appropriations Act, 2000 - Makes appropriations for: (1) the Supreme Court, including an amount for care of the building and grounds; (2) the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; (3) the U.S. Court of International Trade; (4) the courts of appeals, district courts, and other judicial services; (5) defender services; (6) fees of jurors and commissioners; (7) court security; (8) the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts; (9) the Federal Judicial Center; (10) judicial retirement funds; and (11) the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

Sets forth authorized uses of, and limitations on, such funds.

(Sec. 307) Approves the consolidation of the Office of the Bankruptcy Clerk with the Office of the District Clerk of Court in the Southern District of West Virginia.

(Sec. 308) Amends provisions of the Federal criminal code regarding adequate representation of defendants to prohibit the amount of fees paid for legal services from being used as a reason to justify limited public disclosure of such amount in cases where limited disclosure is authorized to protect the defendant's interest. Applies such requirement to all disclosures related to any criminal trial or appeal involving a death sentence where the underlying alleged criminal conduct took place on or after April 19, 1995.

(Sec. 309) Requires the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint three additional district judges for the district of Arizona, four additional district judges for the middle district of Florida, and two additional district judges for the district of Nevada.

Authorizes appropriations.

Title IV: Department of State and Related Agency - Department of State and Related Agency Appropriations Act, 2000 - Makes appropriations for the Department of State for: (1)

administration of foreign affairs, diplomatic and consular programs; (2) the Capital Investment Fund; (3) the Office of Inspector General; (4) educational and cultural exchange programs; (5) representation allowances; (6) protection of foreign missions and officials; (7) security and maintenance of U.S. missions; (8) emergencies in the diplomatic and consular service; (9) the repatriation loans program account; (10) the American Institute in Taiwan; (11) the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund; (12) international organizations, conferences, peacekeeping, and commissions; (13) the Asia Foundation; (14) the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, Incorporated; (15) the Israeli Arab Scholarship Program; (16) the East-West Center; (17) the North-South Center; and (18) the National Endowment for Democracy.

Makes appropriations for the Broadcasting Board of Governors for international broadcasting operations, broadcasting to Cuba, and capital improvements.

Sets forth authorized uses of, and limitations on funds appropriated under this title.

(Sec. 404) Makes a certain provision of the Department of State and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 regarding a fee for the issuance of combined border crossing cards and nonimmigrant visas effective in FY 2000 and thereafter.

(Sec. 405) Bars the use of funds made available in this Act by the Department of State or the Broadcasting Board of Governors to provide assistance to the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation.

(Sec. 406) Prohibits the use of funds made available by any Act for: (1) the operation of a U.S. consulate or diplomatic facility in Jerusalem unless such facility is under the supervision of the U.S. Ambassador to Israel; and (2) the publication of any official Government document which lists countries and their capital cities unless the publication identifies Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

(Sec. 408) Prohibits the use of funds made available in this Act for the United Nations from being used by the United Nations for the enforcement of any treaty, resolution, or regulation authorizing the United Nations to tax any aspect of the Internet.

Title V: Related Agencies - Makes appropriations for the: (1) Maritime Administration for maritime security, operations and training, and the maritime guaranteed loan program; (2) Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad; (3) Commission on Civil Rights; (4) Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce; (5) Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe; (6) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC); (7) Federal Communications Commission; (8) Federal Maritime Commission; (9) Federal Trade Commission; (10) Legal Services Corporation; (11) Marine Mammal Commission; (12) Securities and Exchange Commission; (13) Small Business Administration, including amounts for the Office of Inspector General and business and disaster loans; and (14) State Justice Institute.

Sets forth authorized uses of, and limitations on, such funds.

Title VI: General Provisions - Sets forth limitations on the use of funds under this Act.

(Sec. 607) Sets forth Buy American provisions.

(Sec. 608) Prohibits the use of funds made available by this Act to: (1) enforce any EEOC guidelines covering harassment based on religion if such guidelines do not differ from proposed guidelines of October 1, 1993; (2) pay for costs incurred in operating certain diplomatic or consular posts in Vietnam or increasing the number of personnel assigned to such posts until the President makes a specified certification; or (3) provide specified personal comforts in the Federal prison system.

(Sec. 609) Prohibits the use of funds made available by this Act for any United Nations undertaking if: (1) such undertaking is a peacekeeping mission and will involve U.S. armed forces under the control of a foreign national; and (2) the President's military advisors have not submitted a recommendation that such involvement is in the national security interest and the President has not submitted such recommendation to Congress.

(Sec. 617) Makes funds provided by this Act unavailable to promote the sale or export of tobacco or tobacco products or to seek the reduction or removal by any foreign country of restrictions on the marketing of such products, except for restrictions which are not applied equally to products of the same type.

(Sec. 618) Prohibits the use of funds made available in this Act to issue visas to certain individuals from Haiti, including those involved in specified extrajudicial and political killings.

(Sec. 619) Bars funds appropriated under any law from being used for: (1) the implementation of any tax or fee in connection with any criminal background check system that implements requirements under the Federal criminal code in connection with certain restrictions on the transfer of firearms; and (2) any such system that does not result in the destruction of information submitted by persons determined not to be prohibited from owning a firearm.

(Sec. 621) Prohibits the use of funds appropriated by this Act to propose or issue rules or orders for implementing the Kyoto Protocol.

(Sec. 622) Makes an additional amount available for SBA salaries and expenses and earmarks such amount for specified uses.

(Sec. 623) Establishes the Pacific Salmon Restoration Fund to be held by the Pacific Salmon Commission and available for activities relating to salmon restoration, enhancement, and research, conservation of salmon habitat, and implementation of the Pacific Salmon Treaty and related agreements.

Bars the regulation of the incidental taking of salmon in Alaska listed under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 while the 1999 Agreement of the United States and Canada on the Treaty Between the Government of the United States and the Government of Canada Concerning Pacific Salmon, 1985 is in effect.

Authorizes appropriations for: (1) the capitalization of the Fund; and (2) salmon habitat restoration, stock enhancement, and research, and implementation of the Pacific Salmon Treaty and related agreements.

(Sec. 627) Bars the use of funds appropriated in this Act for purposes of processing or providing immigrant or nonimmigrant visas to citizens or residents of countries that the Attorney General has determined deny or unreasonably delay accepting the return of certain deportable aliens.

(Sec. 628) Prohibits the use of funds made available to the Department of Justice in this Act for transporting any maximum or high security prisoner to any prison other than one certified by the Federal Bureau of Prisons as appropriately secure.

(Sec. 629) Bars the use of funds made available by this Act for participation by U.S. delegates to the Standing Consultative Commission unless the President certifies to the Appropriations Committees that the U.S. Government is not implementing the Memorandum of Understanding Relating to the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems of May 26, 1972, entered into on September 26, 1997, by the United States, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine, or until the Senate provides its advice and consent to the Memorandum.

Title VII: Rescissions - Reduces amounts available for the DEA Drug Diversion Control Fee Account.

Rescinds a specified amount appropriated to the INS Immigration Emergency Fund.

Rescinds a specified amount for the Department of State for international broadcasting operations of the Broadcasting Board of Governors.

Rescinds a specified amount of funds for the SBA's business loans program account.