Bill Summary & Status for the 106th Congress


Sponsor: Rep Rogers, Harold(introduced 6/19/2000)
Related Bills: H.RES.529
Latest Major Action: 9/8/2000 By Senator Gregg from Committee on Appropriations filed written report. Report No. 106-404. (H.R. 5548 is a subsequent Commerce Appropriations bill. The H.R. 4942 conference report [H.Rept. 106-1005] contained H.R. 5547 - District of Columbia Appropriations and H.R. 5548 - Commerce Appropriations. H.R. 5633, a subsequent District of Columbia Appropriations bill, became Public Law 106-522. The DC appropriations were removed from H.R. 4942 in the H.R. 4577 conference report [CR 12/15/2000 H12264]. The H.R. 4577 conference report is H.Rept. 106-1033 [text of conference report: CR 12/15/2000 H12100-12439].)
Title: Making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, and for other purposes.
Jump to: Titles, Status, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments, Cosponsors, Summary

TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions)
6/19/2000 9:16pm:
The House Committee on Appropriations reported an original measure, H. Rept. 106-680, by Mr. Rogers.
6/19/2000 9:16pm:
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 383.
6/21/2000 12:01am:
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 529 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 4690 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Measure will be read by paragraph. Bill is open to amendments.
6/22/2000 2:09pm:
Rule H. Res. 529 passed House.
6/22/2000 2:09pm:
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 529. (consideration: CR H4962-5032)
6/22/2000 2:09pm:
House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 529 and Rule XXIII.
6/22/2000 2:09pm:
The Speaker designated the Honorable Doc Hastings to act as Chairman of the Committee.
6/22/2000 3:15pm:
H.AMDT.867 Amendment (A001) offered by Mr. Serrano. (consideration: CR H4969-4977; text: CR H4969)
Amendment increases funding for the Legal Services Corporation by $134 million.
6/22/2000 4:25pm:
H.AMDT.867 On agreeing to the Serrano amendment (A001) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/22/2000 4:29pm:
H.AMDT.868 Amendment (A002) offered by Ms. DeGette. (consideration: CR H4978-4979; text: CR H4978)
An amendment to make $750,000 available for a Site Security Reporting study.
6/22/2000 4:36pm:
H.AMDT.868 By unanimous consent, the DeGette amendment was withdrawn.
6/22/2000 4:37pm:
H.AMDT.869 Amendment (A003) offered by Mr. McGovern. (consideration: CR H4979-4984; text: CR H4979)
Amendment increases funding for the SBA Women's Business Center Program and National Women's Business Council by $4.5 million.
6/22/2000 5:13pm:
H.AMDT.869 On agreeing to the McGovern amendment (A003) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/22/2000 5:19pm:
H.AMDT.870 Amendment (A004) offered by Mr. Serrano. (consideration: CR H4985-4989; text: CR H4985)
Amendment sought to increase funding for the Justice Department Civil Rights Division by $11.7 million with offsets from the Federal Prison System.
6/22/2000 5:48pm:
H.AMDT.870 On agreeing to the Serrano amendment (A004) Failed by voice vote.
6/22/2000 5:49pm:
H.AMDT.871 Amendment (A005) offered by Mr. Obey. (consideration: CR H4989-4992; text: CR H4989)
An amendment no. 30 printed in the Congressional Record to increase funding for the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice by $20.7 million and antitrust activities of the Federal Trade Commission by $29.7 million.
6/22/2000 6:09pm:
H.AMDT.871 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Obey amendment (A005). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment provides new budget authority and violates Sec. 302F of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/22/2000 6:12pm:
H.AMDT.872 Amendment (A006) offered by Mr. Rush. (consideration: CR H4993, H4994; text: CR H4993)
Amendment sought to increase funding for the Office of Justice Programs Weed and Seed Program by $8.5 million with offsets from the FBI Salaries and Expenses account.
6/22/2000 6:17pm:
H.AMDT.872 On agreeing to the Rush amendment (A006) Failed by voice vote.
6/22/2000 6:18pm:
H.AMDT.873 Amendment (A007) offered by Mr. Rush. (consideration: CR H4993-4994; text: CR H4994)
Amendment sought to increase funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services School Violence Initiatives program by $5 million with offsets from the FBI Salaries and Expenses account.
6/22/2000 6:24pm:
H.AMDT.873 On agreeing to the Rush amendment (A007) Failed by voice vote.
6/22/2000 6:35pm:
H.AMDT.874 Amendment (A008) offered by Mr. Campbell. (consideration: CR H4997-5007, H5029; text: CR H4997)
Amendment reduces Federal Prison System Salaries and Expenses funding by $173,480.
6/22/2000 7:55pm:
H.AMDT.875 Amendment (A009) offered by Mr. McGovern. (consideration: CR H5007-5008; text: CR H5007)
Amendment no. 29 printed in the Congressional Record. McGovern to provide $1 million for National Institute of Standards and Technology research on fire safety with offsets from Federal Prison System Salaries and Expense account.
6/22/2000 8:06pm:
H.AMDT.875 By unanimous consent, the McGovern amendment was withdrawn.
6/22/2000 8:11pm:
H.AMDT.876 Amendment (A010) offered by Mr. Hinchey. (consideration: CR H5010-5011; text: CR H5010)
Amendment sought to transfer $49.5 million to the Economic Development Administration.
6/22/2000 8:22pm:
H.AMDT.877 Amendment (A011) offered by Mr. Scott. (consideration: CR H5011-5012, H5030-5031; text: CR H5011)
Amendment sought to provide by transfer $122 million of Truth-in-Sentencing prison grant funds to Boys and Girls Clubs and drug court programs.
6/22/2000 8:37pm:
H.AMDT.878 Amendment (A012) offered by Mr. Scott. (consideration: CR H5012-5015; text: CR H5012)
Amendment sought to transfer $10 million from truth-in-sentencing prison grant funding to the community-oriented police services crime identification technology program.
6/22/2000 8:58pm:
H.AMDT.878 On agreeing to the Scott amendment (A012) Failed by voice vote.
6/22/2000 8:59pm:
H.AMDT.879 Amendment (A013) offered by Ms. Jackson-Lee (TX). (consideration: CR H5015-5016; text: CR H5015)
An amendment to increase funding for victims of domestic violence by $8 million.
6/22/2000 9:05pm:
H.AMDT.879 By unanimous consent, the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment was withdrawn.
6/22/2000 9:06pm:
H.AMDT.880 Amendment (A014) offered by Mrs. Lowey. (consideration: CR H5016-5019; text: CR H5016)
An amendment numbered 5 printed in the Congressional Record to provide $150 million for the State and Local Gun Prosecutors program, for discretionary grants to State, local, and tribal jurisdictions and prosecutors offices to hire up to 1,000 prosecutors to work on gun-related cases.
6/22/2000 9:29pm:
H.AMDT.880 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Lowey amendment (A014). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to increase the level of budget authority in discretionary spending in the bill and as such, violated the Budget Act. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/22/2000 9:30pm:
H.AMDT.881 Amendment (A015) offered by Mr. Weiner. (consideration: CR H5019-5021; text: CR H5019)
An amendment numbered 12 printed in the Congressional Record to add $740,000,000 to the bill in order to fund the COPS program at the $1,335,000,000 level requested by the President.
6/22/2000 9:37pm:
H.AMDT.881 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Weiner amendment (A015). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/22/2000 9:48pm:
H.AMDT.882 Amendment (A016) offered by Ms. DeGette. (consideration: CR H5021-5027, H5031-5032; text: CR H5021)
Amendment sought to strike section 103 which prohibits funds in the bill from being used for an abortion, except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or in the case of rape.
6/22/2000 11:22pm:
H.AMDT.874 On agreeing to the Campbell amendment (A008) Agreed to by recorded vote: 239 - 173 (Roll no. 315).
6/22/2000 11:34pm:
H.AMDT.876 On agreeing to the Hinchey amendment (A010) Failed by recorded vote: 128 - 284 (Roll no. 316).
6/22/2000 11:44pm:
H.AMDT.877 On agreeing to the Scott amendment (A011) Failed by recorded vote: 184 - 226 (Roll no. 317).
6/22/2000 11:50pm:
H.AMDT.882 On agreeing to the DeGette amendment (A016) Failed by recorded vote: 156 - 254 (Roll no. 318).
6/22/2000 11:51pm:
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 4690 as unfinished business.
6/23/2000 9:03am:
Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H5039-72)
6/23/2000 9:04am:
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
6/23/2000 9:05am:
H.AMDT.883 Amendment (A017) offered by Mr. Waxman. (consideration: CR H5039-5046; text: CR H5039)
Amendment allows the Justice Department to receive funds from the Veterans Administration to aid in the cost of tobacco litigation.
6/23/2000 10:21am:
H.AMDT.883 On agreeing to the Waxman amendment (A017) Agreed to by recorded vote: 215 - 183 (Roll no. 319).
6/23/2000 10:33am:
H.AMDT.884 Amendment (A018) offered by Mr. Davis (VA). (consideration: CR H5047-5049, H5070-5071; text: CR H5047)
Amendment sought to strike the Department of Justice's exemption to the payment of overtime to its attorneys.
6/23/2000 10:45am:
H.AMDT.885 Amendment (A019) offered by Ms. Jackson-Lee (TX). (consideration: CR H5049; text: CR H5049)
An amendment numbered 24 printed in the Congressional Record to provide for154 new inspectors to man immigration entry points into the U.S.
6/23/2000 10:49am:
H.AMDT.885 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment (A019). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/23/2000 10:50am:
H.AMDT.886 Amendment (A020) offered by Mr. Obey. (consideration: CR H5049-5051; text: CR H5050)
An amendment numbered 31 printed in the Congressional Record to fully fund the amounts requested for the Administration's Trade Monitoring and Compliance initiative.
6/23/2000 10:57am:
H.AMDT.886 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Obey amendment (A020). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment provided new budget authority in excess of the relevant allocation and as such, violated the Budget Act. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/23/2000 11:11am:
H.AMDT.887 Amendment (A021) offered by Mr. English. (consideration: CR H5051-5053; text: CR H5052)
Amendment increases funding for the U.S. Trade Representative by $3 million.
6/23/2000 11:22am:
H.AMDT.887 On agreeing to the English amendment (A021) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/23/2000 11:26am:
H.AMDT.888 Amendment (A022) offered by Ms. Kaptur. (consideration: CR H5054-5055; text: CR H5054)
An amendment to require that funds provided in the bill may be used to assist communities adversely affected by the implementation of permanent normal trade relations with China.
6/23/2000 11:31am:
H.AMDT.888 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Kaptur amendment (A022). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought provide an appropriation for an unauthorized program and as such, violated the Budget Act. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/23/2000 11:34am:
H.AMDT.889 Amendment (A023) offered by Mr. Coble. (consideration: CR H5055-5071; text: CR H5055)
Amendment sought to increase funding for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by $133.8 million.
6/23/2000 1:37pm:
H.AMDT.884 On agreeing to the Davis (VA) amendment (A018) Failed by recorded vote: 103 - 288 (Roll no. 320).
6/23/2000 1:46pm:
H.AMDT.889 On agreeing to the Coble amendment (A023) Failed by recorded vote: 145 - 223 (Roll no. 321).
6/23/2000 1:46pm:
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 4690 as unfinished business.
6/26/2000 4:01pm:
Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H5103-5162)
6/26/2000 4:01pm:
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration.
6/26/2000 4:02pm:
H.AMDT.892 Amendment (A024) offered by Mr. Smith (MI). (consideration: CR H5104-5105; text: CR H5104)
Amendment sought to increase funding for the Bureau of Economic Analysis by $4.3 million.
6/26/2000 4:12pm:
H.AMDT.892 On agreeing to the Smith (MI) amendment (A024) Failed by voice vote.
6/26/2000 4:14pm:
H.AMDT.893 Amendment (A025) offered by Mr. Farr. (consideration: CR H5106-5108; text: CR H5106)
An amendment numbered 79 printed in the Congressional Record to increase funding for NOAA by $85,772,000.
6/26/2000 4:20pm:
H.AMDT.893 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Farr amendment (A025). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to provide new budget authority in excess of the relevant allocation and as such, violated the Budget Act. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5107)
6/26/2000 4:23pm:
H.AMDT.894 Amendment (A026) offered by Mrs. Mink. (consideration: CR H5108; text: CR H5108)
Amendment increases funding for the National Marine Fisheries Service by $1.2 million.
6/26/2000 4:29pm:
H.AMDT.894 On agreeing to the Mink amendment (A026) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/26/2000 4:30pm:
H.AMDT.895 Amendment (A027) offered by Mr. Bilbray. (consideration: CR H5111-5113; text: CR H5111)
Amendment increases funding for the International Boundary and Water Commission between the United States and Mexico by $500,000 and decreases funding for State Department Diplomatic and Consular Programs.
6/26/2000 4:42pm:
H.AMDT.895 On agreeing to the Bilbray amendment (A027) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/26/2000 4:44pm:
H.AMDT.896 Amendment (A028) offered by Mr. Serrano. (consideration: CR H5114-5115; text: CR H5114)
An amendment numbered 71 printed in the Congressional Record to strike the proviso on page 77, lines 9-19. The proviso relates to use of $100 million for payment to the UN by the State Department.
6/26/2000 4:50pm:
H.AMDT.896 By unanimous consent, the Serrano amendment was withdrawn.
6/26/2000 4:51pm:
H.AMDT.897 Amendment (A029) offered by Mr. Jackson (IL). (consideration: CR H5115-5123; text: CR H5115)
An amendment numbered 60 printed in the Congressional Record to increase the funding for International Peacekeeping Activities of the State Department by $240 million.
6/26/2000 5:56pm:
H.AMDT.897 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Jackson (IL) amendment (A029). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to provide for new budget authority in excess of the relevant allocation and as such, violated the Budget Act. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5123)
6/26/2000 5:57pm:
H.AMDT.898 Amendment (A030) offered by Ms. Jackson-Lee (TX). (consideration: CR H5123-5126; text: CR H5123)
An amendment numbered 66 printed in the Congressional Record to designating funding for International Peacekeeping Activities of the State Department specifically for Angola, Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sierra Leone and western Sahara of Africa.
6/26/2000 6:17pm:
H.AMDT.898 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment (A030). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to appropriate funds for activities not previously authorized. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5125-5126)
6/26/2000 6:18pm:
H.AMDT.899 Amendment (A031) offered by Mr. Sanford. (consideration: CR H5126-5128, H5144-5145; text: CR H5126)
Amendment sought to delete the $8.2 million appropriation for the Asia Foundation.
6/26/2000 6:34pm:
H.AMDT.900 Amendment (A032) offered by Mr. Chambliss. (consideration: CR H5129-5131; text: CR H5129-5130)
An amendment numbered 54 printed in the Congressional Record to require a grantee of the Legal Services Corporation that does not prevail in a civil suit against farmers under the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act, said grantee pays the attorneys fees incurred by the defendant.
6/26/2000 6:47pm:
H.AMDT.900 Mr. Serrano raised a point of order against the Chambliss amendment (A032). Mr. Serrano stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5131-5132)
6/26/2000 6:48pm:
H.AMDT.901 Amendment (A033) offered by Mr. Latham. (consideration: CR H5132; text: CR H5132)
Amendment designates $4 million for the National Veterans Business Development Corporation established under the Small Business Act.
6/26/2000 6:55pm:
H.AMDT.901 On agreeing to the Latham amendment (A033) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/26/2000 6:56pm:
Mr. Smith (NJ) raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Smith (NJ) stated that section 611 of the bill proposed to supercede exising law and as such, was not in order. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/26/2000 7:10pm:
H.AMDT.902 Amendment (A034) offered by Mr. Olver. (consideration: CR H5136-5138, H5145-5146; text: CR H5136)
Amendment clarifies that the limitations on funds concerning the Kyoto Protocol shall not apply to activities which are otherwise authorized by law.
6/26/2000 7:24pm:
H.AMDT.903 Amendment (A035) offered by Mr. Stearns. (consideration: CR H5138-5139; text: CR H5138)
Amendment limits the use of funds for the Office of Media Relations of the FCC to not more than $640,000.
6/26/2000 7:35pm:
H.AMDT.903 On agreeing to the Stearns amendment (A035) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/26/2000 7:36pm:
H.AMDT.904 Amendment (A036) offered by Ms. McCarthy (MO). (consideration: CR H5139-5140; text: CR H5139-5140)
Amendment authorizes the Director of the Bureau of Prisons to accept donated property and services relating to operation of the Prison Card Program from the Salvation Army.
6/26/2000 7:37pm:
H.AMDT.904 On agreeing to the McCarthy (MO) amendment (A036) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/26/2000 7:38pm:
H.AMDT.905 Amendment (A037) offered by Mr. Hostettler. (consideration: CR H5140-5144, H5146; text: CR H5140)
Amendment sought to add a new section which provides that no funds in the bill may be used to enforce, implement, or administer the provisions of the settlement document dated March 17, 2000, between Smith and Wesson and the Department of the Treasury.
6/26/2000 8:33pm:
H.AMDT.899 On agreeing to the Sanford amendment (A031) Failed by recorded vote: 86 - 312 (Roll no. 322).
6/26/2000 8:43pm:
H.AMDT.902 On agreeing to the Olver amendment (A034) Agreed to by recorded vote: 217 - 181 (Roll no. 323).
6/26/2000 8:53pm:
H.AMDT.905 On agreeing to the Hostettler amendment (A037) Failed by recorded vote: 196 - 201 (Roll no. 324).
6/26/2000 9:02pm:
H.AMDT.906 Amendment (A038) offered by Ms. Jackson-Lee (TX). (consideration: CR H5147-5149; text: CR H5147)
An amendment numbered 25 printed in the Congressional Record to add a new title providing for restoration of Legal Amnesty.
6/26/2000 9:09pm:
H.AMDT.906 Mr. Latham raised a point of order against the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment (A038). Mr. Latham stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5149)
6/26/2000 9:12pm:
H.AMDT.907 Amendment (A039) offered by Mr. Souder. (consideration: CR H5149-5150; text: CR H5149)
An amendment numbered 75 printed in the Congressional Record to include language prohibiting any funds from being used to pay for any U.S. delegation or envoy to attend a UN-sponsored meeting that may take action on the decriminalization or legalization of prostitution or otherwise limits international efforts to stop sex trafficking.
6/26/2000 9:18pm:
H.AMDT.907 Mr. Serrano raised a point of order against the Souder amendment (A039). Mr. Serrano stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5150)
6/26/2000 9:25pm:
H.AMDT.908 Amendment (A040) offered by Mr. Brown (OH). (consideration: CR H5151-5153; text: CR H5151; modification of text: CR H5151)
Amendment sought to prohibit the use of any funding to seek the revocation or revision of laws or regulations of another country that relate to intellectual property rights with respect to pharmaceuticals or other medical technologies.
6/26/2000 9:39pm:
H.AMDT.908 On agreeing to the Brown (OH) amendment (A040) Failed by voice vote.
6/26/2000 9:39pm:
H.AMDT.909 Amendment (A041) offered by Mr. Vitter. (consideration: CR H5153-5154; text: CR H5153)
Amendment includes language in the bill to prohibit the use of funds by a U.S. delegation involving the Commission to Implement the Memorandum of Understanding Relating to the Treaty between the United States and the Union of Soviet Republics with regard to the 1972 limitation on Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems.
6/26/2000 9:47pm:
H.AMDT.909 On agreeing to the Vitter amendment (A041) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/26/2000 9:49pm:
H.AMDT.910 Amendment (A042) offered by Mr. Allen. (consideration: CR H5154-5155; text: CR H5154)
An amendment numbered 13 printed in the Congressional Record to add a new section providing for $200,000 to be available only for bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities designed to promote the termination of the North Korean ballistic missile program.
6/26/2000 9:54pm:
H.AMDT.910 By unanimous consent, the Allen amendment was withdrawn.
6/26/2000 9:54pm:
H.AMDT.911 Amendment (A043) offered by Mr. Vitter. (consideration: CR H5155, H5160; text: CR H5155)
Amendment adds language to the bill prohibiting the use of funds by the State Department to approve the purchase of property in Arlington, VA by the Xinhua News Agency.
6/26/2000 10:00pm:
H.AMDT.912 Amendment (A044) offered by Mr. Capuano. (consideration: CR H5155-5156; text: CR H5155-5156)
An amendment numbered 3 printed in the Congressional Record to direct the FCC to conduct a study of the area code crisis in the United States.
6/26/2000 10:03pm:
H.AMDT.912 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Capuano amendment (A044). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5156)
6/26/2000 10:04pm:
H.AMDT.913 Amendment (A045) offered by Mr. Blunt. (consideration: CR H5156-5158; text: CR H5156)
An amendment numbered 52 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds for the U.S.-European Union Consultative Group on Biotechnology unless the USTR certifies that the European Union has a timely, transparent, science-based regulatory process in place for the approval of agricultural biotechnology products.
6/26/2000 10:13pm:
H.AMDT.913 By unanimous consent, the Blunt amendment was withdrawn.
6/26/2000 10:22pm:
H.AMDT.914 Amendment (A046) offered by Mr. Rush. (consideration: CR H5159; text: CR H5159)
An amendment numbered 11 printed in the Congressional Record to transfer $15 million from the National Weather Service program in NOAA to carry out the purposes of the PRIME Act.
6/26/2000 10:29pm:
H.AMDT.914 By unanimous consent, the Rush amendment was withdrawn.
6/26/2000 10:53pm:
H.AMDT.911 On agreeing to the Vitter amendment (A043) Agreed to by recorded vote: 367 - 34, 7 Present (Roll no. 325).
6/26/2000 10:53pm:
The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.R. 4690.
6/26/2000 10:53pm:
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
6/26/2000 10:54pm:
The House adopted the amendments en gross as agreed to by the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.
6/26/2000 11:10pm:
On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 214 - 195, 1 Present (Roll no. 326).
6/26/2000 11:10pm:
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.
Committee on Appropriations. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably.
Committee on Appropriations. Reported by Senator Gregg with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. Without written report.
Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 703.
By Senator Gregg from Committee on Appropriations filed written report. Report No. 106-404. (H.R. 5548 is a subsequent Commerce Appropriations bill. The H.R. 4942 conference report [H.Rept. 106-1005] contained H.R. 5547 - District of Columbia Appropriations and H.R. 5548 - Commerce Appropriations. H.R. 5633, a subsequent District of Columbia Appropriations bill, became Public Law 106-522. The DC appropriations were removed from H.R. 4942 in the H.R. 4577 conference report [CR 12/15/2000 H12264]. The H.R. 4577 conference report is H.Rept. 106-1033 [text of conference report: CR 12/15/2000 H12100-12439].)

RELATED BILL DETAILS:  (additional related bills may be indentified in Status)


1. H.AMDT.867 to H.R.4690 Amendment increases funding for the Legal Services Corporation by $134 million.
Sponsor: Rep Serrano, Jose E.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 House amendment agreed to

2. H.AMDT.868 to H.R.4690 An amendment to make $750,000 available for a Site Security Reporting study.
Sponsor: Rep DeGette, Diana- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 By unanimous consent, the DeGette amendment was withdrawn.

3. H.AMDT.869 to H.R.4690 Amendment increases funding for the SBA Women's Business Center Program and National Women's Business Council by $4.5 million.
Sponsor: Rep McGovern, James P.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 House amendment agreed to

4. H.AMDT.870 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to increase funding for the Justice Department Civil Rights Division by $11.7 million with offsets from the Federal Prison System.
Sponsor: Rep Serrano, Jose E.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 House amendment not agreed to

5. H.AMDT.871 to H.R.4690 An amendment no. 30 printed in the Congressional Record to increase funding for the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice by $20.7 million and antitrust activities of the Federal Trade Commission by $29.7 million.
Sponsor: Rep Obey, David R.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Obey amendment (A005). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment provides new budget authority and violates Sec. 302F of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. The Chair sustained the point of order.

6. H.AMDT.872 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to increase funding for the Office of Justice Programs Weed and Seed Program by $8.5 million with offsets from the FBI Salaries and Expenses account.
Sponsor: Rep Rush, Bobby L.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 House amendment not agreed to

7. H.AMDT.873 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to increase funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services School Violence Initiatives program by $5 million with offsets from the FBI Salaries and Expenses account.
Sponsor: Rep Rush, Bobby L.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 House amendment not agreed to

8. H.AMDT.874 to H.R.4690 Amendment reduces Federal Prison System Salaries and Expenses funding by $173,480.
Sponsor: Rep Campbell, Tom- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 House amendment agreed to

9. H.AMDT.875 to H.R.4690 Amendment no. 29 printed in the Congressional Record. McGovern to provide $1 million for National Institute of Standards and Technology research on fire safety with offsets from Federal Prison System Salaries and Expense account.
Sponsor: Rep McGovern, James P.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 By unanimous consent, the McGovern amendment was withdrawn.

10. H.AMDT.876 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to transfer $49.5 million to the Economic Development Administration.
Sponsor: Rep Hinchey, Maurice D.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 House amendment not agreed to

11. H.AMDT.877 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to provide by transfer $122 million of Truth-in-Sentencing prison grant funds to Boys and Girls Clubs and drug court programs.
Sponsor: Rep Scott, Robert C.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 House amendment not agreed to

12. H.AMDT.878 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to transfer $10 million from truth-in-sentencing prison grant funding to the community-oriented police services crime identification technology program.
Sponsor: Rep Scott, Robert C.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 House amendment not agreed to

13. H.AMDT.879 to H.R.4690 An amendment to increase funding for victims of domestic violence by $8 million.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 By unanimous consent, the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment was withdrawn.

14. H.AMDT.880 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 5 printed in the Congressional Record to provide $150 million for the State and Local Gun Prosecutors program, for discretionary grants to State, local, and tribal jurisdictions and prosecutors offices to hire up to 1,000 prosecutors to work on gun-related cases.
Sponsor: Rep Lowey, Nita M.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Lowey amendment (A014). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to increase the level of budget authority in discretionary spending in the bill and as such, violated the Budget Act. The Chair sustained the point of order.

15. H.AMDT.881 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 12 printed in the Congressional Record to add $740,000,000 to the bill in order to fund the COPS program at the $1,335,000,000 level requested by the President.
Sponsor: Rep Weiner, Anthony D.- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Weiner amendment (A015). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.

16. H.AMDT.882 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to strike section 103 which prohibits funds in the bill from being used for an abortion, except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or in the case of rape.
Sponsor: Rep DeGette, Diana- Latest Major Action: 6/22/2000 House amendment not agreed to

17. H.AMDT.883 to H.R.4690 Amendment allows the Justice Department to receive funds from the Veterans Administration to aid in the cost of tobacco litigation.
Sponsor: Rep Waxman, Henry A.- Latest Major Action: 6/23/2000 House amendment agreed to

18. H.AMDT.884 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to strike the Department of Justice's exemption to the payment of overtime to its attorneys.
Sponsor: Rep Davis, Thomas M.- Latest Major Action: 6/23/2000 House amendment not agreed to

19. H.AMDT.885 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 24 printed in the Congressional Record to provide for154 new inspectors to man immigration entry points into the U.S.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila- Latest Major Action: 6/23/2000 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment (A019). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.

20. H.AMDT.886 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 31 printed in the Congressional Record to fully fund the amounts requested for the Administration's Trade Monitoring and Compliance initiative.
Sponsor: Rep Obey, David R.- Latest Major Action: 6/23/2000 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Obey amendment (A020). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment provided new budget authority in excess of the relevant allocation and as such, violated the Budget Act. The Chair sustained the point of order.

21. H.AMDT.887 to H.R.4690 Amendment increases funding for the U.S. Trade Representative by $3 million.
Sponsor: Rep English, Phil- Latest Major Action: 6/23/2000 House amendment agreed to

22. H.AMDT.888 to H.R.4690 An amendment to require that funds provided in the bill may be used to assist communities adversely affected by the implementation of permanent normal trade relations with China.
Sponsor: Rep Kaptur, Marcy- Latest Major Action: 6/23/2000 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Kaptur amendment (A022). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought provide an appropriation for an unauthorized program and as such, violated the Budget Act. The Chair sustained the point of order.

23. H.AMDT.889 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to increase funding for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by $133.8 million.
Sponsor: Rep Coble, Howard- Latest Major Action: 6/23/2000 House amendment not agreed to

24. H.AMDT.892 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to increase funding for the Bureau of Economic Analysis by $4.3 million.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Nick- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment not agreed to

25. H.AMDT.893 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 79 printed in the Congressional Record to increase funding for NOAA by $85,772,000.
Sponsor: Rep Farr, Sam- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Farr amendment (A025). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to provide new budget authority in excess of the relevant allocation and as such, violated the Budget Act. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5107)

26. H.AMDT.894 to H.R.4690 Amendment increases funding for the National Marine Fisheries Service by $1.2 million.
Sponsor: Rep Mink, Patsy T.- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment agreed to

27. H.AMDT.895 to H.R.4690 Amendment increases funding for the International Boundary and Water Commission between the United States and Mexico by $500,000 and decreases funding for State Department Diplomatic and Consular Programs.
Sponsor: Rep Bilbray, Brian P.- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment agreed to

28. H.AMDT.896 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 71 printed in the Congressional Record to strike the proviso on page 77, lines 9-19. The proviso relates to use of $100 million for payment to the UN by the State Department.
Sponsor: Rep Serrano, Jose E.- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 By unanimous consent, the Serrano amendment was withdrawn.

29. H.AMDT.897 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 60 printed in the Congressional Record to increase the funding for International Peacekeeping Activities of the State Department by $240 million.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson, Jesse L., Jr.- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Jackson (IL) amendment (A029). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to provide for new budget authority in excess of the relevant allocation and as such, violated the Budget Act. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5123)

30. H.AMDT.898 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 66 printed in the Congressional Record to designating funding for International Peacekeeping Activities of the State Department specifically for Angola, Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sierra Leone and western Sahara of Africa.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment (A030). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to appropriate funds for activities not previously authorized. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5125-5126)

31. H.AMDT.899 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to delete the $8.2 million appropriation for the Asia Foundation.
Sponsor: Rep Sanford, Marshall (Mark)- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment not agreed to

32. H.AMDT.900 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 54 printed in the Congressional Record to require a grantee of the Legal Services Corporation that does not prevail in a civil suit against farmers under the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act, said grantee pays the attorneys fees incurred by the defendant.
Sponsor: Rep Chambliss, Saxby- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 Mr. Serrano raised a point of order against the Chambliss amendment (A032). Mr. Serrano stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5131-5132)

33. H.AMDT.901 to H.R.4690 Amendment designates $4 million for the National Veterans Business Development Corporation established under the Small Business Act.
Sponsor: Rep Latham, Tom- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment agreed to

34. H.AMDT.902 to H.R.4690 Amendment clarifies that the limitations on funds concerning the Kyoto Protocol shall not apply to activities which are otherwise authorized by law.
Sponsor: Rep Olver, John W.- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment agreed to

35. H.AMDT.903 to H.R.4690 Amendment limits the use of funds for the Office of Media Relations of the FCC to not more than $640,000.
Sponsor: Rep Stearns, Cliff- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment agreed to

36. H.AMDT.904 to H.R.4690 Amendment authorizes the Director of the Bureau of Prisons to accept donated property and services relating to operation of the Prison Card Program from the Salvation Army.
Sponsor: Rep McCarthy, Karen- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment agreed to

37. H.AMDT.905 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to add a new section which provides that no funds in the bill may be used to enforce, implement, or administer the provisions of the settlement document dated March 17, 2000, between Smith and Wesson and the Department of the Treasury.
Sponsor: Rep Hostettler, John N.- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment not agreed to

38. H.AMDT.906 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 25 printed in the Congressional Record to add a new title providing for restoration of Legal Amnesty.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 Mr. Latham raised a point of order against the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment (A038). Mr. Latham stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5149)

39. H.AMDT.907 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 75 printed in the Congressional Record to include language prohibiting any funds from being used to pay for any U.S. delegation or envoy to attend a UN-sponsored meeting that may take action on the decriminalization or legalization of prostitution or otherwise limits international efforts to stop sex trafficking.
Sponsor: Rep Souder, Mark E.- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 Mr. Serrano raised a point of order against the Souder amendment (A039). Mr. Serrano stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5150)

40. H.AMDT.908 to H.R.4690 Amendment sought to prohibit the use of any funding to seek the revocation or revision of laws or regulations of another country that relate to intellectual property rights with respect to pharmaceuticals or other medical technologies.
Sponsor: Rep Brown, Sherrod- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment not agreed to

41. H.AMDT.909 to H.R.4690 Amendment includes language in the bill to prohibit the use of funds by a U.S. delegation involving the Commission to Implement the Memorandum of Understanding Relating to the Treaty between the United States and the Union of Soviet Republics with regard to the 1972 limitation on Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems.
Sponsor: Rep Vitter, David- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment agreed to

42. H.AMDT.910 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 13 printed in the Congressional Record to add a new section providing for $200,000 to be available only for bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities designed to promote the termination of the North Korean ballistic missile program.
Sponsor: Rep Allen, Thomas H.- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 By unanimous consent, the Allen amendment was withdrawn.

43. H.AMDT.911 to H.R.4690 Amendment adds language to the bill prohibiting the use of funds by the State Department to approve the purchase of property in Arlington, VA by the Xinhua News Agency.
Sponsor: Rep Vitter, David- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 House amendment agreed to

44. H.AMDT.912 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 3 printed in the Congressional Record to direct the FCC to conduct a study of the area code crisis in the United States.
Sponsor: Rep Capuano, Michael E.- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 Mr. Rogers raised a point of order against the Capuano amendment (A044). Mr. Rogers stated that the amendment sought to change existing law and as such, constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order. (consideration: CR H5156)

45. H.AMDT.913 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 52 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds for the U.S.-European Union Consultative Group on Biotechnology unless the USTR certifies that the European Union has a timely, transparent, science-based regulatory process in place for the approval of agricultural biotechnology products.
Sponsor: Rep Blunt, Roy- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 By unanimous consent, the Blunt amendment was withdrawn.

46. H.AMDT.914 to H.R.4690 An amendment numbered 11 printed in the Congressional Record to transfer $15 million from the National Weather Service program in NOAA to carry out the purposes of the PRIME Act.
Sponsor: Rep Rush, Bobby L.- Latest Major Action: 6/26/2000 By unanimous consent, the Rush amendment was withdrawn.




7/21/2000--Reported to Senate, amended.    (There are 2
other summaries)


Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001 - Makes appropriations for FY 2001 for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the judiciary, and related agencies.

Title I: Department of Justice - Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2001 - Makes appropriations for the Department of Justice for: (1) general administration; (2) a Joint Automated Booking System; (3) conversion to narrowband communications; (4) counterterrorism activities; (5) administration of pardon and clemency petitions and immigration-related activities; (6) the Office of Inspector General; (7) the U.S. Parole Commission; (8) legal activities; (9) antitrust activities; (10) the Offices of U.S. Attorneys; (11) the U.S. Trustee Program; (12) the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission; (13) the U.S. Marshals Service, including amounts for the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System and Federal prisoner detention; (14) fees and expenses of witnesses; (15) the Community Relations Service; (16) certain uses of the Assets Forfeiture Fund; (17) administrative expenses related to the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act; (18) the Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Fund; (19) interagency law enforcement with respect to organized crime drug trafficking; (20) the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); (21) construction for specified agencies; (22) the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); (23) the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS); (24) the Federal prison system, including an amount for buildings and facilities; (25) Office of Justice programs; (26) State and local law enforcement assistance; (27) the Executive Office for Weed and Seed; (28) community oriented policing services; (29) juvenile justice programs; and (30) public safety officers' benefits.

Sets forth authorized uses of, and limitations on, such funds.

(Sec. 103) Repeals provisions of law that require the Attorney General to develop: (1) an automated entry-exit control system; and (2) a program to collect information relating to nonimmigrant foreign students and other exchange program participants.

(Sec. 104) Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate the restriction that only aliens with preference petitions or labor certifications filed by January 14, 1998, are eligible to adjust to permanent resident status without leaving the United States if they entered without inspection or fall within one of other specified classes (including aliens accepting unauthorized employment and aliens not maintaining legal nonimmigrant status).

(Sec. 109) Amends the Department of Justice and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1994 to authorize the use of the Working Capital Fund to pay personnel, administrative, and litigation expenses of civil debt litigation activities.

(Sec. 110) Amends Federal law to make amounts in the Crime Victims Fund available to the FBI for improving services for the benefit of crime victims in the Federal criminal justice system.

(Sec. 112) Authorizes the use of funds appropriated to the Federal Prison System for the placement of certain prisoners sentenced under the District of Columbia Code in privately operated prisons.

(Sec. 113) Prohibits the use of funds made available by any Act to pay premium pay to any Department of Justice attorney.

(Sec. 116) Bars the availability of funds for grant programs under this title to any local jail that runs "pay-to-stay" programs.

Title II: Department of Commerce and Related Agencies - Department of Commerce and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001 - Makes appropriations for the Department of Commerce for: (1) the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative; (2) the International Trade Commission; (3) the International Trade Administration; (4) export administration and national security activities; (5) the Economic Development Administration; (6) minority business development; (7) economic and statistical analysis programs; (8) the Census Bureau; (9) the National Telecommunications and Information Administration; (10) public telecommunications facilities planning and construction grants; (11) information infrastructure grants; (12) the Patent and Trademark Office; (13) the Under Secretary for Technology-Office of Technology Policy; (14) the National Institute of Standards and Technology, including amounts for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, the Advanced Technology Program, and construction of new research facilities; (15) the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, including amounts for procurement, acquisition, and construction of capital assets; (16) restoration of Pacific salmon populations; (17) the Coastal Zone Management Fund; (18) the Fishermen's Contingency Fund; (19) the Foreign Fishing Observer Fund; (20) the fisheries finance program account; (21) departmental management; and (22) the Office of Inspector General.

Rescinds all unobligated balances in the Fisheries Promotional Fund.

Sets forth authorized uses of, and limitations on, funds appropriated under this title.

Title III: The Judiciary - Judiciary Appropriations Act, 2001 - Makes appropriations for: (1) the Supreme Court, including an amount for care of the building and grounds; (2) the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; (3) the U.S. Court of International Trade; (4) the courts of appeals, district courts, and other judicial services; (5) defender services; (6) fees of jurors and commissioners; (7) court security; (8) the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts; (9) the Federal Judicial Center; (10) judicial retirement funds; and (11) the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

Sets forth authorized uses of, and limitations on, such funds.

(Sec. 304) Authorizes U.S. justices and judges to receive a salary adjustment during FY 2001 and appropriates funds for such adjustments.

(Sec. 305) Amends the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to exclude honoraria from outside earned income for purposes of limitations on such income. Makes prohibitions on the receipt of honoraria inapplicable to U.S. justices or judges.

Provides that any honorarium which might be paid to a U.S. justice or judge but which is paid on behalf of such individual to a charitable organization shall be deemed not to be received by such justice or judge.

Title IV: Department of State and Related Agency - Department of State and Related Agency Appropriations Act, 2001 - Makes appropriations for the Department of State for: (1) administration of foreign affairs, diplomatic and consular programs; (2) the Capital Investment Fund; (3) the Office of Inspector General; (4) educational and cultural exchange programs; (5) representation allowances; (6) protection of foreign missions and officials; (7) embassy security, construction, and maintenance; (8) emergencies in the diplomatic and consular service; (9) the repatriation loans program account; (10) the American Institute in Taiwan; (11) the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund; (12) international organizations, conferences, peacekeeping, arrearage payments, and commissions;(13) the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, Incorporated; (14) the Israeli Arab Scholarship Program; (15) the East-West Center; and (16) the National Endowment for Democracy.

Makes appropriations for the Broadcasting Board of Governors for international broadcasting operations, broadcasting to Cuba, and capital improvements.

Sets forth authorized uses of, and limitations on, funds appropriated under this title.

(Sec. 403) Authorizes the Secretary of State to establish a fee for applications for export licenses for munitions, satellites, and related items on the U.S. Munitions List controlled under the Arms Export Control Act.

(Sec. 404) Bars the use of funds made available in this Act by the Department of State or the Broadcasting Board of Governors to provide assistance to the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation.

(Sec. 405) Prohibits funds made available in this Act for the United Nations (UN) from being used by the UN for the enforcement of any treaty, resolution, or regulation authorizing the UN to tax any aspect of the Internet.

(Sec. 406) Prohibits the use of funds made available by any Act for: (1) the operation of a U.S.

consulate or diplomatic facility in Jerusalem unless such facility is under the supervision of the U.S. Ambassador to Israel; and (2) the publication of any official Government document which lists countries and their capital cities unless the publication identifies Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

(Sec. 408) Directs the Secretary of State, for purposes of registration of birth, certification of nationality, or issuance of a U.S. passport of a citizen born in Jerusalem, to record the place of birth as Israel upon request of the citizen.

(Sec. 409) Prohibits the use of funds appropriated by any Act to allow for the entry into, or withdrawal from warehouse for consumption in the United States of diamonds if the country of origin in which such diamonds were mined (as evidenced by a legible certificate of origin) is Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or Angola, with the exception of diamonds certified by lawful governments of Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or Angola.

Title V: Related Agencies - Makes appropriations for the: (1) Maritime Administration for maritime security, operations and training, and the maritime guaranteed loan program; (2) Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad; (3) Commission on Civil Rights; (4) Commission on Ocean Policy; (5) Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe; (6) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC); (7) Federal Communications Commission; (8) Federal Maritime Commission; (9) Federal Trade Commission; (10) Legal Services Corporation; (11) Marine Mammal Commission; (12) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); (13) Small Business Administration, including amounts for non-credit programs, the Office of Inspector General and business and disaster loans; and (14) State Justice Institute.

Sets forth authorized uses of, and limitations on, such funds.

Title VI: General Provisions - Sets forth limitations on the use of funds under this Act.

(Sec. 604) Establishes a Deputy Attorney General for Combating Domestic Terrorism within the Department of Justice to be appointed by the President. Requires the Deputy Attorney General, subject to the authority of the Attorney General, to serve as the key Government official responsible for national security policy and coordination for domestic counterterrorism and antiterrorism, State and local preparedness for weapons of mass destruction, and security classifications and clearances within the Department of Justice. Appropriates funds for the Office of the Deputy Attorney General. Transfers all authorities, liabilities, funding, personnel, equipment, and real property associated with the Office of State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support, the National Domestic Preparedness Office, the Executive Office of National Security, and such components related to domestic counterterrorism and antiterrorism activities in the Office of Intelligence Policy and Review and the Criminal Division to the Deputy Attorney General.

(Sec. 607) Amends the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to revise guidelines governing SEC employee appointment and compensation to include conformance with guidelines covering Federal agency employees under the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989.

(Sec. 608) Prohibits the use of funds made available by this Act to: (1) enforce any EEOC guidelines covering harassment based on religion if such guidelines do not differ from proposed guidelines of October 1, 1993; (2) pay for costs incurred in operating certain diplomatic or consular posts in Vietnam or increasing the number of personnel assigned to such posts until the President makes a specified certification; or (3) provide specified personal comforts in the Federal prison system.

(Sec. 615) Prohibits the use of funds made available in this Act to issue visas to certain individuals from Haiti, including those involved in specified extrajudicial and political killings.

(Sec. 616) Bars funds appropriated under any law from being used for: (1) the implementation of any tax or fee in connection with any criminal background check system that implements requirements under the Federal criminal code in connection with certain restrictions on the transfer of firearms; and (2) any such system that does not result in the destruction of information submitted by persons determined not to be prohibited from owning a firearm.

(Sec. 618) Amends the Communications Act of 1934 to provide that any Federal or State law regarding insolvencies or receiverships shall not apply to the Federal Communications Commission or limit the rights or powers of the Commission with respect to: (1) a license or permit issued by the Commission under competitive bidding provisions or a payment made to or a debt owed to the Commission relating to or arising from such a license or permit; (2) an interest of the Commission in property securing such a debt; or (3) an act by the Commission to issue, deny, cancel, or transfer control of such a license or permit. Grants the Commission a first priority security interest in a license or construction permit issued under such provisions. Applies this section retroactively, including to pending cases and proceedings.

(Sec. 621) Bars the use of funds appropriated in this Act for purposes of granting immigrant or nonimmigrant visas to residents of countries that the Attorney General has determined deny or unreasonably delay accepting the return of certain deportable aliens.

(Sec. 624) Amends the 1999 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act to consider a taking of a Cook Inlet beluga whale under the Marine Mammal Protection Act to be a violation of such Act unless such taking occurs pursuant to a cooperative agreement between the National Marine Fisheries Service and affected Alaska Native organizations. (Currently, such act is considered a violation if it takes place between the enactment date of such Act and October 1, 2000.)

(Sec. 625) Amends the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000 to revise and extend the authorization of appropriations for activities related to the Pacific Salmon Treaty Agreement. Authorizes appropriations to permanently retire commercial salmon permits pursuant to such agreement.

Amy Boyer's Law - Amends the Social Security Act to bar the public display of any individual's social security number, or any identifiable derivative of such number, without the expressed consent, electronically or in writing, of such individual. Prohibits obtaining a social security number for purposes of locating or identifying an individual with the intent to physically injure, harm, or use the identity of the individual for illegal purposes. Provides prerequisites for consent, including that the individual be informed of the general purposes for which the number will be utilized and the types of persons to whom the number may be available.

Provides that nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the use of social security numbers: (1) required under certain Federal laws; (2) by professional and commercial users who use the information in the normal course of their business or profession so long as a number is not publicly displayed; (3) for law enforcement; or (4) obtained from a public record lawfully acquired from a governmental agency.

Authorizes persons aggrieved by violations of this law to bring civil actions in district courts to recover damages. Prohibits actions from being commenced more than three years after the date the violation was or should have been reasonably discovered. Subjects violators to civil money penalties as determined by the Commissioner of Social Security in addition to any other penalties that may be prescribed.

Title VII: Rescissions - Rescinds specified amounts of Department of Justice funds for: (1) the Working Capital Fund; (2) the Assets Forfeiture Fund; (3) the FBI Information Sharing Initiative; and (4) the DEA Drug Diversion Control Fee Account.

Rescinds a specified amount of Department of State funds for contributions for international peacekeeping activities.

Title VIII: Southwest Border Initiative - Makes additional amounts available for the Department of Justice for: (1) the U.S. Marshals Service for courthouse security equipment and the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System Fund; (2) construction; (3) DEA for a plane, a helicopter, a forensic laboratory, equipment, and upgrades to, and maintenance of, the El Paso Intelligence Center's Information System; and (4) the INS for Border Control equipment.

Provides additional funds for the judiciary for: (1) courts of appeals, district courts, and other judicial services for expansion, relocation, forced move, and build out of existing courthouses; and (2) court security.