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What will happen to spent nuclear fuel in a repository?

A key requirement of permanent disposal is that the repository must be able to isolate spent nuclear fuel for at least 10,000 years. According to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards, a repository may pose no greater risk than the unmined uranium from which the fuel was produced. Strict standards for prevention of release of radioactive material must be maintained. During this period, the radioactivity in the spent nuclear fuel will decrease or decay naturally. After 10,000 years of radioactive decay, according to EPA standards, the spent nuclear fuel no longer poses a threat to public health and safety. Multiple layers of protection through natural and engineered barriers make the underground repository safe.

Waste Package

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Information Owner: Sheryl Morton - NSNFP Staff, http://nsnfp.inel.gov/mailFrm.asp?r=poc, 208-526-8247.
Web Contact: Dean Frickey, http://nsnfp.inel.gov/mailFrm.asp?r=web, 208-526-0680.

Date Last Modified: Thursday, June 15, 2000