RADIOACTIVE WATER -- (House of Representatives - March 08, 2000)

[Page: H704]


   (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. GIBBONS. Madam Speaker, safe, clean drinking water is something that many people often take for granted. Unfortunately, Nevadans may not have the luxury of assuming that their drinking water is safe or clean anymore. Recently, groundwater tests near the Nevada test site showed levels of radioactivity that were 25 times higher than allowed under the Federal safe drinking water standard. EPA studies have confirmed that due to the high volcanic activity in Nevada, radioactivity from deep within the earth's surface has surfaced and entered the groundwater supply.

   This is a real and serious environmental threat for Nevada, the Nation's third most seismically active State. Yet, Madam Speaker, there are some who still support the development of a permanent nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, which is located right in the middle of this volcanic activity. I for one will not support risking the health of millions of people and millions of children who merely want a cold, nonradioactive glass of water to drink.

   I yield back the dangerous and illogical plan to shift nuclear waste to Nevada.