OPPOSE H.R. 45 AND KEEP NUCLEAR WASTE OUT OF NEVADA -- (House of Representatives - May 24, 1999)

[Page: H3465]


   (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, when I was a young child, people used to say that little green men lived on Mars and the moon was made of cheese. That is when fantasies and rumors were the tools that shaped opinions and science was the unattainable.

   Unfortunately, many of my colleagues look at transporting and storing high-level nuclear waste in Nevada in much the same way.

   Fantasy and nonsense have no place in scientific studies, studies which prove that a repository site at Yucca Mountain is 10 times more prone to earthquakes and lava flows than government scientists previously estimated, studies that show Nevada ranks third in the Nation for current earthquake activity and has experienced over 650 earthquakes in the last 20 years.

   That means with over 30 earthquakes a year. Clearly Yucca Mountain is not suitable and is one of the worst places to store the deadliest material ever created by man.

   The space program proved that the moon is not made of cheese and that little green men do not live on Mars, and if the DOE properly addresses this new scientific information as the law requires them to do, they will not force green people to live in Nevada.

   Mr. Speaker, oppose H.R. 45 and place true science before fantasy, misinformation and conjecture.