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President Clinton will still VETO the Nuclear Waste bill!

The "new" S1287 undermines EPA’s authority to set radiation release standards for Yucca Mountain.

  • Senator Murkowski’s amendment to S1287 forces the Environmental Protection Agency to either reach agreement with the National Academy of Sciences and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or to delay the radiation release standard until June 1, 2001.
  • The NRC has already shown that it is willing to lower the radiation release standard to unsafe levels in order to accommodate the inadequacies of Yucca Mountain.
  • President Clinton has promised to veto any legislation that undermines the authority of the EPA—the new s1287 digs a tunnel below the EPA’s authority as big as the exploratory tunnel at Yucca Mountain!


OPPOSE S1287 and protect public health and the environment!

For more information, contact Amy Shollenberger at Public Citizen’s Critical Mass Energy Project, 202-454-5118, or visit our website at