Bill Summary & Status for the 106th Congress


Sponsor: Rep Gilman, Benjamin A.(introduced 3/2/2000)
Related Bills: H.RES.445S.2182
Latest Major Action: 3/22/2000 Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 382 - 38, 1 Present (Roll no. 65).
Title: To reduce, suspend, or terminate any assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Arms Export Control Act to each country determined by the President to be engaged in oil price fixing to the detriment of the United States economy, and for other purposes.
Jump to: Titles, Status, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments, Cosponsors, Summary

TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions)
Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote.
3/17/2000 6:44pm:
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on International Relations. H. Rept. 106-528.
3/17/2000 6:45pm:
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 293.
3/21/2000 11:20pm:
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 445 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 3822 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Measure will be read by section. Bill is open to amendments. Makes in order the Committee on International Relations amendment in the nature of a substitute now printed in the bill as an original bill. Makes in order only those amendments printed in the Congressional Record and pro forma amendments for the purpose of debate.
3/22/2000 4:24pm:
Rule H. Res. 445 passed House.
3/22/2000 4:25pm:
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 445. (consideration: CR H1218-1246; text of Section 1 as reported in House: CR H1231; text of Section 2 as reported in House: CR H1231; text of Section 3 as reported in House: CR H1231; text of Section 4 as reported in House: CR H1231; text of Section 5 as reported in House: CR H1231; text of Section 6 as reported in House: CR H1231; text of Section 7 as reported in House: CR H1236)
3/22/2000 4:25pm:
House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 445 and Rule XXIII.
3/22/2000 4:25pm:
The Speaker designated the Honorable Ray LaHood to act as Chairman of the Committee.
3/22/2000 5:46pm:
H.AMDT.599 Amendment (A001) offered by Mr. DeFazio. (consideration: CR H1231-1232; text: H1231)
An amendment numbered 8 printed in the Congressional Record to suspend the U.S. export of Alaskan oil for 30 days after enactment until the President determines that the U.S. is not experiencing a shortage of foreign crude oil and an increase in inflation due to the demand for foreign oil.
3/22/2000 5:46pm:
H.AMDT.599 Mr. Young (AK) raised a point of order against the DeFazio amendment (A001). Mr. Young (AK) stated that the amendment as offered violates the provisions of clause 7 of Rule XVI in that the subject matter of the amendment is unrelated to the bill and exceeds the authority of the Committee on International Relations. The Chair sustained the point of order.
3/22/2000 5:53pm:
H.AMDT.600 Amendment (A002) offered by Mr. Dingell. (consideration: CR H1232-1233; text: CR H1232)
An amendment numbered 9 printed in the Congressional Record to extend the authorization of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act from March 31, 2000 to September 30, 2003.
3/22/2000 5:58pm:
H.AMDT.600 Mr. Barton raised a point of order against the Dingell amendment (A002). Mr. Barton stated that the amendment exceeded the scope of the bill in that it contains subject matter under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Commerce and not the Committee on International Relations. The Chair sustained the point of order.
3/22/2000 6:06pm:
H.AMDT.601 Amendment (A003) offered by Mr. Traficant. (consideration: CR H1234; text: CR H1234)
An amendment numbered 21 as printed in the Congressional Record.
3/22/2000 6:07pm:
H.AMDT.601 By unanimous consent, the Traficant amendment was withdrawn.
3/22/2000 6:07pm:
H.AMDT.602 Amendment (A004) offered by Mr. Traficant. (consideration: CR H1234-1235; text: CR H1234-1235)
An amendment numbered 22 printed in the Congressional Record.
3/22/2000 6:08pm:
H.AMDT.602 By unanimous consent, the Traficant amendment was withdrawn.
3/22/2000 6:08pm:
H.AMDT.603 Amendment (A005) offered by Mr. Traficant. (consideration: CR H1235; text: CR H1235)
An amendment numbered 23 printed in the Congressional Record.
3/22/2000 6:09pm:
H.AMDT.603 By unanimous consent, the Traficant amendment was withdrawn.
3/22/2000 6:10pm:
H.AMDT.604 Amendment (A006) offered by Mr. Gary Miller. (consideration: CR H1235-1236; text: CR H1235)
An amendment numbered 12 printed in the Congressional Record to require the Energy Secretary in conjunction with the administrator of the EPA to report to Congress by Sept. 30, 2000 on all available methods of protecting U.S. national security by increasing domestic oil production without harming the environment.
3/22/2000 6:13pm:
H.AMDT.604 By unanimous consent, the Miller, Gary amendment was withdrawn.
3/22/2000 6:13pm:
H.AMDT.605 Amendment (A007) offered by Mr. Bachus. (consideration: CR H1236; text: CR H1236)
An amendment numbered 4 printed in the Congressional Record to require the Secretary of Treasury to instruct the U.S. Executive Director at each interational financial institution to use the vote and influence of the U.S. to adopt policies that prohibit providing financial assistance to any country deemed by the President to be engaged in oil price fixing harmful to the U.S. economy.
3/22/2000 6:18pm:
H.AMDT.605 By unanimous consent, the Bachus amendment was withdrawn.
3/22/2000 6:19pm:
H.AMDT.606 Amendment (A008) offered by Mrs. Thurman. (consideration: CR H1236-1242; text: CR H1236-1241)
An amendment numbered 20 printed in the Congressional Record to provide an energy tax credit for energy efficient technologies used by businesses.
3/22/2000 6:22pm:
H.AMDT.606 By unanimous consent, the Thurman amendment was withdrawn.
3/22/2000 6:23pm:
H.AMDT.607 Amendment (A009) offered by Mr. Baldacci. (consideration: CR H1242-1243; text: CR H1242-1243)
An amendment numbered 5 printed in the Congressional Record to provide a tax credit (equal to 20% of expenditures) for qualified energy efficient improvements to existing homes and small businesses so long as the tax credit does not exceed $2,000 annually.
3/22/2000 6:27pm:
H.AMDT.607 By unanimous consent, the Baldacci amendment was withdrawn.
3/22/2000 6:44pm:
The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.R. 3822.
3/22/2000 6:45pm:
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
3/22/2000 6:45pm:
The House adopted the amendment in the nature of a substitute as agreed to by the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.
3/22/2000 6:46pm:
Mr. Gejdenson moved to recommit with instructions to International Relations.
3/22/2000 6:47pm:
The previous question on the motion to recommit with instructions was ordered without objection.
3/22/2000 6:47pm:
On motion to recommit with instructions Failed by voice vote.
3/22/2000 7:12pm:
On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 382 - 38, 1 Present (Roll no. 65).
3/22/2000 7:12pm:
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
3/22/2000 7:12pm:
The title of the measure was amended. Agreed to without objection.

RELATED BILL DETAILS:  (additional related bills may be indentified in Status)


1. H.AMDT.599 to H.R.3822 An amendment numbered 8 printed in the Congressional Record to suspend the U.S. export of Alaskan oil for 30 days after enactment until the President determines that the U.S. is not experiencing a shortage of foreign crude oil and an increase in inflation due to the demand for foreign oil.
Sponsor: Rep DeFazio, Peter A.- Latest Major Action: 3/22/2000 Mr. Young (AK) raised a point of order against the DeFazio amendment (A001). Mr. Young (AK) stated that the amendment as offered violates the provisions of clause 7 of Rule XVI in that the subject matter of the amendment is unrelated to the bill and exceeds the authority of the Committee on International Relations. The Chair sustained the point of order.

2. H.AMDT.600 to H.R.3822 An amendment numbered 9 printed in the Congressional Record to extend the authorization of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act from March 31, 2000 to September 30, 2003.
Sponsor: Rep Dingell, John D.- Latest Major Action: 3/22/2000 Mr. Barton raised a point of order against the Dingell amendment (A002). Mr. Barton stated that the amendment exceeded the scope of the bill in that it contains subject matter under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Commerce and not the Committee on International Relations. The Chair sustained the point of order.

3. H.AMDT.601 to H.R.3822 An amendment numbered 21 as printed in the Congressional Record.
Sponsor: Rep Traficant, James A., Jr.- Latest Major Action: 3/22/2000 By unanimous consent, the Traficant amendment was withdrawn.

4. H.AMDT.602 to H.R.3822 An amendment numbered 22 printed in the Congressional Record.
Sponsor: Rep Traficant, James A., Jr.- Latest Major Action: 3/22/2000 By unanimous consent, the Traficant amendment was withdrawn.

5. H.AMDT.603 to H.R.3822 An amendment numbered 23 printed in the Congressional Record.
Sponsor: Rep Traficant, James A., Jr.- Latest Major Action: 3/22/2000 By unanimous consent, the Traficant amendment was withdrawn.

6. H.AMDT.604 to H.R.3822 An amendment numbered 12 printed in the Congressional Record to require the Energy Secretary in conjunction with the administrator of the EPA to report to Congress by Sept. 30, 2000 on all available methods of protecting U.S. national security by increasing domestic oil production without harming the environment.
Sponsor: Rep Miller, Gary- Latest Major Action: 3/22/2000 By unanimous consent, the Miller, Gary amendment was withdrawn.

7. H.AMDT.605 to H.R.3822 An amendment numbered 4 printed in the Congressional Record to require the Secretary of Treasury to instruct the U.S. Executive Director at each interational financial institution to use the vote and influence of the U.S. to adopt policies that prohibit providing financial assistance to any country deemed by the President to be engaged in oil price fixing harmful to the U.S. economy.
Sponsor: Rep Bachus, Spencer- Latest Major Action: 3/22/2000 By unanimous consent, the Bachus amendment was withdrawn.

8. H.AMDT.606 to H.R.3822 An amendment numbered 20 printed in the Congressional Record to provide an energy tax credit for energy efficient technologies used by businesses.
Sponsor: Rep Thurman, Karen L.- Latest Major Action: 3/22/2000 By unanimous consent, the Thurman amendment was withdrawn.

9. H.AMDT.607 to H.R.3822 An amendment numbered 5 printed in the Congressional Record to provide a tax credit (equal to 20% of expenditures) for qualified energy efficient improvements to existing homes and small businesses so long as the tax credit does not exceed $2,000 annually.
Sponsor: Rep Baldacci, John Elias- Latest Major Action: 3/22/2000 By unanimous consent, the Baldacci amendment was withdrawn.

COSPONSORS(53), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:     (Sort: by date)

Rep Abercrombie, Neil - 3/17/2000 Rep Aderholt, Robert B. - 3/17/2000
Rep Bachus, Spencer - 3/16/2000 Rep Ballenger, Cass - 3/15/2000
Rep Bilirakis, Michael - 3/14/2000 Rep Boehlert, Sherwood L. - 3/15/2000
Rep Burton, Dan - 3/17/2000 Rep Campbell, Tom - 3/14/2000
Rep Capps, Lois - 3/17/2000 Rep Castle, Michael N. - 3/17/2000
Rep Chabot, Steve - 3/14/2000 Rep Deal, Nathan - 3/15/2000
Rep Doolittle, John T. - 3/17/2000 Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. - 3/17/2000
Rep Everett, Terry - 3/16/2000 Rep Gallegly, Elton - 3/17/2000
Rep Gekas, George W. - 3/17/2000 Rep Gillmor, Paul E. - 3/15/2000
Rep Goode, Virgil H., Jr. - 3/14/2000 Rep Goodling, William F. - 3/14/2000
Rep Green, Mark - 3/14/2000 Rep Hayworth, J. D. - 3/17/2000
Rep Hooley, Darlene - 3/17/2000 Rep Hunter, Duncan - 3/17/2000
Rep Jenkins, William L. - 3/17/2000 Rep Lantos, Tom - 3/15/2000
Rep Lipinski, William O. - 3/15/2000 Rep LoBiondo, Frank A. - 3/14/2000
Rep Lucas, Ken - 3/17/2000 Rep Maloney, James H. - 3/17/2000
Rep McCollum, Bill - 3/17/2000 Rep McHugh, John M. - 3/14/2000
Rep McInnis, Scott - 3/17/2000 Rep Mica, John L. - 3/14/2000
Rep Ose, Doug - 3/17/2000 Rep Reynolds, Thomas M. - 3/14/2000
Rep Riley, Bob - 3/17/2000 Rep Rohrabacher, Dana - 3/14/2000
Rep Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana - 3/14/2000 Rep Rothman, Steve R. - 3/14/2000
Rep Roukema, Marge - 3/17/2000 Rep Ryun, Jim - 3/14/2000
Rep Salmon, Matt - 3/15/2000 Rep Scarborough, Joe - 3/15/2000
Rep Schaffer, Bob - 3/17/2000 Rep Shays, Christopher - 3/14/2000
Rep Shows, Ronnie - 3/17/2000 Rep Smith, Christopher H. - 3/14/2000
Rep Sweeney, John E. - 3/14/2000 Rep Tancredo, Thomas G. - 3/14/2000
Rep Thune, John R. - 3/15/2000 Rep Upton, Fred - 3/14/2000
Rep Walden, Greg - 3/17/2000

3/22/2000--Passed House, amended.    (There are 2
other summaries)

Oil Price Reduction Act of 2000 - Declares it to be U.S. policy to: (1) consider the extent to which major net oil exporting countries engage in oil price fixing to be an important determinant in the overall political, economic, and security relationship between the United States and such countries; and (2) work multilaterally with other countries that are major net oil importers to bring about the complete dismantlement of international oil price fixing arrangements.

Directs the President, within 30 days after enactment of this Act, to report to Congress with respect to: (1) the overall economic and security relationship between the United States and each major net oil exporting country (including members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)); (2) the effect that coordination among such countries with respect to oil production and pricing has had on the U.S. economy and global energy supplies; (3) information on all assistance provided to such countries under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Arms Export Control Act (including licenses for the export of defense articles and defense services); and (4) the President's determination as to whether or not each such country is engaging in oil price fixing to the detriment of the U.S. economy.

Directs the President, not later than 30 days after submitting the report, to: (1) undertake a concerted diplomatic campaign to convince any country determined to be engaged in oil price fixing to the detriment of the U.S. economy that the current oil price levels are unsustainable and will negatively affect global economic growth rates in oil consuming and developing countries; and (2) take the necessary steps to begin negotiations to achieve multilateral action to reduce, suspend, or terminate bilateral assistance and arms exports to major net oil exporters engaged in oil price fixing as part of a concerted diplomatic campaign with other major net oil importers to bring about the complete dismantlement of international oil price fixing arrangements. Requires the President to report to Congress with respect to such diplomatic efforts.