GAS PRICES SOARING OUT OF CONTROL -- (House of Representatives - June 29, 2000)

[Page: H5442]


   (Mr. SCHAFFER asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, Americans are taking to the roads for summer vacations. At least that is what they would like to do.

   Regrettably, rising gallons prices may keep many Americans from taking summer vacations this year. Gasoline prices are soaring out of control. In the Midwest, those prices are nearing $2.50 a gallon.

   Americans across the Nation are paying for the failed energy policy of the Clinton-Gore administration. Thanks to them, our Nation is more dependent on foreign oil today than it was during the gas crisis of the Carter administration. Worst of all, the President famous for saying ``I feel your pain'' has an Energy Secretary who admitted he was ``caught napping'' when the energy crisis hit our Nation.

   Well, Secretary Richardson should wake up and pay attention. Americans cannot afford much more of these outrageous gas prices. Americans are tired of getting gored at the pump.