SKYROCKETING GASOLINE PRICES -- (House of Representatives - July 12, 2000)

[Page: H5850]


   (Mr. SCHAFFER asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, it is a great time of year to vacation in beautiful Colorado, but gas prices are still high. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson is on record saying that the Clinton-Gore administration was ``caught napping'' on the issue of skyrocketing gasoline prices.

   Because of the administration's failed energy policies and inattention, Americans are being forced to pay outrageous prices at the gas pump, some cases $2.35 a gallon.

   We all know how dangerous it can be when a driver falls asleep at the wheel, and now we can see how dangerous it is when an entire administration falls asleep at the wheel.

   While this administration was napping, domestic oil production decreased to 17 percent, and this increased dependence on foreign oil has helped put us to this current predicament.

   Perhaps, Congress should start a caffeine IV for Secretary Richardson and the other Rip Van Winkles over at the White House who are responsible for this policy diaster.

   Mr. Speaker, I call upon the Clinton-Gore administration to wake up. The slumber party is over. Americans are tired of getting gored at the pump.