Budget Bill Analysis
All Eyes on Forest Issues

After sifting through hundreds of pages of legislation, here's a complete breakdown of budget issues important to forestry. Visit here for a table detailing line item by line item funding. The entire 1999 Appropriations Bill can be found on (http://thomas.loc.gov/). The bill provides $500 billion in funds for the Agriculture, Interior, Commerce, State and Transportation agencies.




State and Private Forestry


National Forest System


Wildland Fire Management


Reconstruction and Construction


Management of Federal Land for Subsistence Uses


Important Report and Bill Language


Other Provisions Dropped or Modified


Visit here for a complete break down of how the Forest Service funds will be allocated.

Visit here to view the original proposals.

If you have questions about the bill please contact Michael Goergen at (301) 897-8720, ext. 116, or goergenm@safnet.org

Society of American Foresters
5400 Grosvenor Lane
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Phone: 301·897·8720
Fax: 301·897·3690
Email: safweb@safnet.org