MEMORIALS -- (House of Representatives - May 10, 1999)

[Page: H2928]


   Under clause 3 of rule XII, memorials were presented and referred as follows:

   55. The SPEAKER presented a memorial of the House of Representatives of the State of Maine, relative to H.P. 1492, urging and requesting that the United States Congress remove the requirement in the Clean Air Act for 2%-by-weight oxygenate in reformulated gasoline so that additional alternate fuel mixtures may be available for use in Maine; to the Committee on Commerce.

   56. Also, a memorial of the House of Representatives of the State of Maine, relative to H.P. 1469 requesting that the President of the United States and the United States Congress work together to support and sign legislation to allow the states to keep their tobacco settlement funds; to the Committee on Commerce.

   57. Also, a memorial of the House of Representatives of the State of Texas, relative to House Concurrent Resolution No. 9 respectfully urging the Congress of the United States not to make federal claims against the proceeds of the Texas tobacco settlement; to the Committee on Commerce.

   58. Also, a memorial of the House of Representatives of the State of Maine, relative to H.P. 1388 requesting the President of the United States and the United States Congress to ratify the United Nations Convention on the elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women; to the Committee on International Relations.

   59. Also, a memorial of the House of Representatives of the State of Maine, relative to H.P. 1373 requesting the President of the United States and the United States Congress to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; to the Committee on International Relations.

   60. Also, a memorial of the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas, relative to House Concurrent Resolution No. 5017 urging Congress to direct the EPA to immediately initiate appropriate administrative rulemaking to ensure that the policies and standards it intends to apply in evaluating pesticide tolerances are subject to thorough public notice and comment prior to final tolerance determinations being made by the agency; jointly to the Committees on Agriculture and Commerce.

   61. Also, a memorial of the General Assembly of the State of North Dakota, relative to Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4053 urging the Congress of the United States to act quickly to fulfill its obligation under the Internet Tax Freedom Act with regard to balanced membership of the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce and urges the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce to be mindful in its deliberations of the impact of Internet usage and Internet sales transactions on telecommunications, traditional retail businesses, and the state and local tax bases; jointly to the Committees on Commerce and the Judiciary.