Antitrust Coalition for Consumer Choice in Health Care


TITLE: "OPEC for Doctors"


May 2000


SFX: Gasoline pumping, pump bell tolling quickly

Woman 1: I can't believe gas prices. And all because of the greedy OPEC cartel.

Woman 2: But have you heard that Congress may create an OPEC for Doctors?

Woman 1: You're kidding?

Woman 2: I wish. Special interests are quietly pushing an antitrust bill to let doctors and pharmacists form cartels -- just like OPEC.

Woman 1: That means we'll pay higher health care costs . . .

Woman 2: . . . while doctors’ incomes will rise 15 percent on average, because doctors’ cartels will be free to price-fix and boycott . . .

Woman 1: . . . and limit consumer's choices.

Woman 2: That's right. That's why nurses, consumer and business groups, even the Federal Trade Commission are all opposed to the Campbell bill. The only ones for it are a few special interests who want the antitrust exemption of a labor union, but the unaccountability of a cartel.

Woman 2: The Campbell bill . . . OPEC for doctors.

Anncr: Tell Congress to oppose the Campbell "OPEC for Doctors" bill. Paid for by the Antitrust Coalition for Consumer Choice in Health Care.