For Immediate Release
Thursday, April 29, 1999

Grassley Announces Hearing on Class Action Lawsuit Abuses

Hearing: "Class Action Fairness: Protecting Consumer Rights"

Date/Time: Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 2:00 p.m.

Location: 226 Dirksen Senate Office Building


In February, Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Herb Kohl of Wisconsin introduced The Class Action Fairness Act of 1999 to curb the rampant abuse of the class action lawsuit system by lawyers simply looking to line their own pockets at the expense of consumers.

Abuse of the class action system can come in numerous forms. Plaintiffs are often misled into accepting objectionable settlements. For example, in one class action settlement, many plaintiffs suing a mortgage company received just a few dollars, but significantly more money was secretly withdrawn from many of their escrow accounts to pay over $8 million in attorneys' fees. Also, lawyers and defendants often engineer settlements that leave plaintiffs with coupons which are unlikely to be used, while lawyers reap huge fees based on unduly optimistic valuations of those coupons. As an example, in a class action suit against Nintendo, plaintiffs received five dollar coupons, while attorneys pocketed almost $2 million in fees.

The hearing will examine the problems of class action abuse, and the Grassley-Kohl legislation. The Class Action Fairness Act of 1999 includes the following principles:


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