Bill Summary & Status for the 106th Congress


Sponsor: Rep Cunningham, Randy (Duke)(introduced 1/6/1999)
Latest Major Action: 7/1/1999 House committee/subcommittee actions: Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee by Voice Vote.
Title: To amend title 18, United States Code, to exempt qualified current and former law enforcement officers from State laws prohibiting the carrying of concealed handguns.
Jump to: Titles, Status, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments, Cosponsors, Summary

TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions) (Floor Actions/Congressional Record Page References)
Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime.
Subcommittee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee by Voice Vote.





COSPONSORS(169), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:     (Sort: by date)

Rep Aderholt, Robert B. - 5/25/1999 Rep Andrews, Robert E. - 4/13/1999
Rep Baca, Joe - 3/27/2000 Rep Bachus, Spencer - 2/16/2000
Rep Baird, Brian - 3/10/1999 Rep Baker, Richard H. - 5/25/1999
Rep Barcia, James A. - 6/18/1999 Rep Barr, Bob - 1/6/1999
Rep Barrett, Bill - 2/8/1999 Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. - 3/24/1999
Rep Bentsen, Ken - 2/29/2000 Rep Berkley, Shelley - 3/8/2000
Rep Bilbray, Brian P. - 2/8/1999 Rep Bilirakis, Michael - 4/13/1999
Rep Bliley, Tom - 9/30/1999 Rep Blunt, Roy - 5/5/1999
Rep Boehner, John A. - 4/13/2000 Rep Bonilla, Henry - 2/29/2000
Rep Bono, Mary - 9/6/2000 Rep Boucher, Rick - 4/13/1999
Rep Bryant, Ed - 1/6/1999 Rep Burton, Dan - 2/8/1999
Rep Buyer, Steve E. - 5/25/2000 Rep Callahan, Sonny - 1/6/1999
Rep Calvert, Ken - 2/8/1999 Rep Capps, Lois - 4/15/1999
Rep Chabot, Steve - 2/29/2000 Rep Chambliss, Saxby - 1/6/1999
Rep Clement, Bob - 1/6/1999 Rep Coble, Howard - 3/18/1999
Rep Coburn, Tom A. - 1/6/1999 Rep Collins, Mac - 2/8/1999
Rep Cramer, Robert E. (Bud) Jr. - 1/6/1999 Rep Crane, Philip M. - 5/25/1999
Rep Crowley, Joseph - 7/26/2000 Rep Cubin, Barbara - 4/13/1999
Rep Danner, Pat - 1/6/1999 Rep DeFazio, Peter A. - 3/15/2000
Rep Dickey, Jay - 4/13/1999 Rep Doolittle, John T. - 3/2/1999
Rep Ehrlich, Robert L., Jr. - 1/6/1999 Rep Emerson, Jo Ann - 4/20/1999
Rep English, Phil - 5/5/1999 Rep Etheridge, Bob - 6/7/2000
Rep Everett, Terry - 2/9/2000 Rep Foley, Mark - 4/3/2000
Rep Forbes, Michael P. - 7/13/1999 Rep Fowler, Tillie - 5/25/1999
Rep Franks, Bob - 3/1/2000 Rep Frost, Martin - 2/11/1999
Rep Gallegly, Elton - 5/10/2000 Rep Gekas, George W. - 6/8/1999
Rep Gibbons, Jim - 5/17/2000 Rep Gillmor, Paul E. - 5/5/1999
Rep Gilman, Benjamin A. - 2/8/1999 Rep Goode, Virgil H., Jr. - 1/6/1999
Rep Goodlatte, Bob - 2/8/1999 Rep Gordon, Bart - 2/23/1999
Rep Goss, Porter J. - 5/11/1999 Rep Granger, Kay - 2/8/1999
Rep Green, Gene - 1/6/1999 Rep Green, Mark - 2/8/1999
Rep Hall, Ralph M. - 1/6/1999 Rep Hall, Tony P. - 2/8/1999
Rep Hastings, Doc - 2/8/1999 Rep Hayes, Robin - 3/27/2000
Rep Hayworth, J. D. - 1/6/1999 Rep Hefley, Joel - 2/16/2000
Rep Herger, Wally - 1/6/1999 Rep Hilleary, Van - 1/6/1999
Rep Holden, Tim - 1/6/1999 Rep Hostettler, John N. - 2/8/1999
Rep Hulshof, Kenny C. - 4/15/1999 Rep Hunter, Duncan - 1/6/1999
Rep Hutchinson, Asa - 3/2/1999 Rep Inslee, Jay - 3/8/2000
Rep Istook, Ernest J., Jr. - 2/29/2000 Rep Jenkins, William L. - 1/6/1999
Rep John, Christopher - 4/13/1999 Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. - 4/13/1999
Rep Kelly, Sue W. - 1/6/1999 Rep King, Peter T. - 3/10/1999
Rep Kingston, Jack - 6/8/2000 Rep Kleczka, Gerald D. - 1/6/1999
Rep LaHood, Ray - 5/11/1999 Rep Lampson, Nick - 4/3/2000
Rep Largent, Steve - 4/15/1999 Rep LaTourette, Steve C. - 1/6/1999
Rep Lewis, Jerry - 3/27/2000 Rep Lewis, Ron - 1/6/1999
Rep Linder, John - 2/8/1999 Rep Lipinski, William O. - 4/3/2000
Rep LoBiondo, Frank A. - 7/10/2000 Rep Lucas, Frank D. - 1/6/1999
Rep Lucas, Ken - 3/16/2000 Rep Maloney, James H. - 9/26/2000
Rep Mascara, Frank - 5/25/1999 Rep McCarthy, Carolyn - 5/17/2000
Rep McHugh, John M. - 4/5/2000 Rep McIntosh, David M. - 4/3/2000
Rep McIntyre, Mike - 7/20/1999 Rep Metcalf, Jack - 2/8/1999
Rep Mica, John L. - 7/20/1999 Rep Miller, Gary - 2/23/1999
Rep Myrick, Sue - 1/6/1999 Rep Nethercutt, George R., Jr. - 4/5/2000
Rep Ney, Robert W. - 2/8/1999 Rep Northup, Anne - 7/20/2000
Rep Norwood, Charlie - 2/8/1999 Rep Ose, Doug - 6/15/1999
Rep Packard, Ron - 1/6/1999 Rep Pallone, Frank, Jr. - 2/16/2000
Rep Paul, Ron - 6/15/1999 Rep Peterson, John E. - 1/6/1999
Rep Pickering, Charles (Chip) - 2/8/1999 Rep Pickett, Owen B. - 1/6/1999
Rep Pombo, Richard W. - 3/18/1999 Rep Portman, Rob - 2/23/1999
Rep Pryce, Deborah - 1/6/1999 Rep Radanovich, George P. - 2/8/1999
Rep Rahall, Nick J., II - 1/6/1999 Rep Ramstad, Jim - 3/15/2000
Rep Reyes, Silvestre - 10/7/1999 Rep Riley, Bob - 9/6/2000
Rep Rogan, James E. - 9/26/2000 Rep Roukema, Marge - 2/16/2000
Rep Royce, Edward R. - 3/8/2000 Rep Ryan, Paul - 3/10/1999
Rep Salmon, Matt - 1/6/1999 Rep Saxton, Jim - 3/24/1999
Rep Scarborough, Joe - 2/11/1999 Rep Sessions, Pete - 2/23/1999
Rep Shays, Christopher - 3/8/2000 Rep Shimkus, John - 9/12/2000
Rep Shows, Ronnie - 2/8/1999 Rep Simpson, Michael K. - 2/29/2000
Rep Sisisky, Norman - 2/8/1999 Rep Skeen, Joe - 3/8/2000
Rep Smith, Adam - 1/6/1999 Rep Smith, Christopher H. - 6/29/1999
Rep Smith, Lamar - 11/17/1999 Rep Spence, Floyd - 3/24/1999
Rep Stabenow, Debbie - 5/25/2000 Rep Stenholm, Charles W. - 7/10/2000
Rep Strickland, Ted - 2/8/1999 Rep Stump, Bob - 2/8/1999
Rep Sununu, John E. - 1/6/1999 Rep Sweeney, John E. - 2/23/1999
Rep Talent, James M. - 1/6/1999 Rep Tancredo, Thomas G. - 2/8/1999
Rep Taylor, Charles H. - 1/6/1999 Rep Terry, Lee - 3/8/2000
Rep Thomas, William M. (Bill) - 10/17/2000 Rep Thurman, Karen L. - 2/8/1999
Rep Tiahrt, Todd - 1/6/1999 Rep Toomey, Patrick J. - 2/8/1999
Rep Traficant, James A., Jr. - 2/8/1999 Rep Turner, Jim - 2/8/1999
Rep Vitter, David - 9/19/2000 Rep Walden, Greg - 4/3/2000
Rep Wamp, Zach - 3/24/1999 Rep Watkins, Wes - 3/24/1999
Rep Weldon, Curt - 5/11/1999 Rep Weldon, Dave - 2/23/1999
Rep Whitfield, Ed - 4/15/1999 Rep Wicker, Roger F. - 2/8/1999
Rep Wilson, Heather - 9/12/2000 Rep Wise, Robert E., Jr. - 3/15/2000
Rep Young, Don - 1/6/1999


Community Protection Act of 1999 - Amends the Federal criminal code to authorize qualified law enforcement officers carrying the official badge and photographic identification issued by the governmental agency for which the individual is employed as a law enforcement officer, notwithstanding State or local laws, to carry a concealed firearm that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.

Specifies that this Act shall not be construed to supersede or limit the laws of any State that: (1) permit private persons or entities to prohibit or restrict the possession of concealed firearms on their property; or (2) prohibit or restrict the possession of firearms on any State or local government property, installation, building, base, or park.

(Sec. 3) Sets forth similar provisions authorizing qualified retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms notwithstanding State or local laws.