[News from the HALL of Congress]
April 5, 2000 
CONTACT:  Janet Perry Poppleton
Phone:  202/225-6673

WASHINGTON, D.C. ... Rep. Ralph Hall (D-TX) joined a majority in the House of Representatives today in passage of legislation  that would ban partial-birth abortions unless such procedure was necessary to save the life of the mother.  The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act passed the House by a vote of 287-141.

 “This important legislation reaffirms this Chamber’s commitment to the preservation of life – and the rights of unborn babies to be protected from a procedure that is morally unconscionable,” Hall stated in remarks that were inserted in the Congressional Record.    

 “It is time to put an end to this inhumane and cruel procedure that ends the life of a fetus while it is partially outside the body of the mother.  Our colleagues who are medical doctors have stated their belief -- and others in the medical community have testified -- that this procedure is never needed to protect a woman’s health and some say it is needed in only rare cases to protect a woman’s life,” Hall continued.  “The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act makes it a federal crime to perform this particular form of abortion, but it does not prevent other procedures that are considered necessary to protect the life and health of the mother.”

 Hall noted that the President has vetoed this legislation twice.  Twice the House has voted to override the veto, but both times the Senate has been unable to achieve the two-thirds vote necessary to override the veto.  “Since 1995 we have had fifteen votes in the House on this issue -- votes on the rule, votes on amendments, votes on final passage -- and fifteen times I have voted in support of banning this procedure,” Hall stated.  “Those of us who support this ban will not give up until this fight has been won.”

 Hall has had a consistent pro-life record throughout his public service, both in the Texas Senate and in Congress.  “I have listened to considerable debate and discussion from the experts on this issue over the years,” he noted.  “I have personally talked to many constituents about abortion and pro-life issues, and I have consistently come down on the side of life.”

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