Commentary from
Congressman Joe Pitts
Sixteenth District of Pennsylvania

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For Immediate Release
April 5, 2000

Stop Partial Birth Abortion
By Congressman Joseph R. Pitts

Although abortion is a controversial issue, there is a form of abortion over which there should be no argument.  Partial birth abortion is so gruesome and barbaric as to be beyond the pale of any nation wishing to call itself civilized.  What happens during a partial birth abortion is so horrible that all Americans should stand united in urging Congress to end the practice forever.  Common ground can be hard to achieve in politics, but in the face of something this grisly, both parties should be unified.

Those who defend partial birth abortion argue that it must be kept legal to protect the health of the mother.  This argument is not based on medical science.   Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop says partial birth abortion is “never medically necessary to protect a mother’s life or her future fertility.  On the contrary, this procedure can pose a significant threat to both.”

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says that, “there are no circumstances under which this procedure would be the only option to save the life of the mother and preserve the health of the woman.”  Likewise, in 1995 a panel of 12 doctors representing the American Medical Association, voted unanimously to recommend banning partial birth abortion, calling it “basically repulsive.”

There is, in fact, no justification or need for this procedure.  The claim that it is sometimes necessary cannot be supported.  Partial birth abortion is quite plainly infanticide.  It is in every case unjustifiable and in no case the lesser of two evils.  There is no excuse for it and it should be made illegal immediately.

Why do I place so much force behind my words?  Unlike conventional abortions, partial birth abortion involves inducing labor and partially delivering a nearly-always-viable baby, followed by stabbing the child in the back of the head and vacuuming out his or her brain.  That this happened to as many as 5,000 American children last year is shocking and horrible.

But it is not illegal.  That is why Congress has repeatedly voted to ban partial birth abortion.  The ban has each time passed by large margins and with broadly bipartisan support.  And each time the President has vetoed it.  It is here that politics seem to supercede common sense in Washington.

A large majority of Americans want the procedure banned.  More than two-thirds of the House of Representatives has voted repeatedly to ban it.  Nearly two-thirds of the Senate has done the same.  These votes have been made not only on the basis of strongly held public opinion, but also on the basis of established medical science.

Only the President and his veto pen stand between the will of the people and enactment of a legal ban of the procedure.  That the President would take such an extremist position is a disappointment to most Americans.

The House of Representatives has voted again to ban this procedure.  The Senate has already passed it.  When it comes to the President’s desk, he should ignore the arguments of his most extremist supporters and sign the bill.  The American people want it.  Congress supports it.  And it is the right thing to do.

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