News from
Congressman Joe Pitts
Sixteenth District of Pennsylvania

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For Immediate Release
June 28, 2000

Rep. Pitts' decries Supreme Court ruling on partial birth abortion

Washington—Rep. Joe Pitts (R, PA-16) condemned a Supreme Court ruling issued today that struck down a Nebraska law banning partial birth abortion.   The decision was issued on a narrow vote of 5 to 4.

“Partial birth abortion is so gruesome and barbaric that it is beyond the pale of any nation wishing to be known as civilized,” said Rep. Pitts.  “It is in every case unjustifiable and is in no case the lesser of two evils.  It violates every principle of dignity, morality, ethics, and law that this nation has stood for since its founding.

“The Supreme Court, acting as an oligarchy of nine, has by this ruling imposed infanticide on a decent nation.  It has declared the murder of innocent, healthy newborns to be within the bounds of the law.  There is no sound constitutional basis for this decision.  Those who drafted the words that have been interpreted to justify this ruling would be livid at their abuse.

“The law, which ought to protect the innocent, has by this decision been twisted to condemn the innocent.  Let me be clear: this is not about abortion as it is usually practiced.  This is about the killing of late-term, usually healthy, and almost fully delivered children.

“The American people overwhelmingly believe partial-birth Abortion is legalized murder.  The majority of the Supreme Court believes that the Constitution supports infanticide, and we should all remember that Vice President Al Gore agrees with them.”

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