April 5, 2000
U.S. Rep. Knollenberg Votes to Ban
Partial-Birth Abortion

WASHINGTON, DC -  U.S. Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) today voted to ban the gruesome procedure known as partial birth abortion.  HR 3660 passed in the House of Representatives by a vote of 287 to 141.  The bill bans performance of a partial-birth abortion at any point in pregnancy, except if it were necessary to save a mother’s life.
“By voting to end this practice we send the message that life is important, that children are important and that families are important,” Rep. Knollenberg said. Over and over again Congress has voted to outlaw this inhuman practice and each time this legislation has been vetoed by the President. I hope that by once again expressing our opinion on this issue we can make the President understand that life is sacred,” Rep. Knollenberg said.
The American Medical Association has stated that partial birth abortion is “not medically indicated” in any medical situation and is “not good medicine”.  The legislation is supported by a number of organizations including the National Right to Life Committee and the Family Research Council.  In spite of this, President Clinton has twice vetoed the legislation.
“This issue is too important to give up on,” Rep. Knollenberg said.  “Each time it comes to the floor we send a message to President Clinton and others that barbaric procedures like this will not be tolerated by a civilized society. We value life and our children. It’s time the Clinton-Gore Administration placed the same value on human life,” Rep. Knollenbeg said.