PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION DECISION -- (House of Representatives - June 29, 2000)

[Page: H5439]


   (Mr. PITTS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, yesterday the Supreme Court, by the narrowest of margins, ruled that the Nebraska law banning partial birth abortion was unconstitutional. Actually, partial birth abortion is not an abortion. It is a pre-term delivery that results in infanticide.

   Partial-birth abortion is so gruesome and barbaric that it is beyond the pale of any nation wishing to be known as civilized. It is in every case unjustifiable. It is in no case the lesser of two evils. It violates every principle of dignity, morality, ethics, and law that this Nation has stood for since its founding.

   The Supreme Court, acting as an oligarchy of five, has imposed infanticide on a decent nation. Sadly, it is declared the murder of innocent, healthy newborns to be within the bounds of the law.

   The court used Roe v. Wade as the basis for their decision, showing how radical the Roe decision really was. This ruling, like the Dredd Scott decision, has excluded a whole class of human beings from constitutional protection.

   Shame on the court. This is a dark day for America.