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POLITICS: Bush and Gore: Issue by Issue: An Update

The following is an update on our recent charts on the presidential
candidate's positions.



Bush: Consistently opposes abortion.

Gore: Supports abortion rights across the board.

Public Funding

Bush: Opposes the use of public funds to provide or to advocate abortions. Can be expected to cut federal funds for domestic family-planning services through Title X. As Texas governor, signed laws that restricted state family-planning funds. Wants to greatly increase federal funding for abstinence-only sex education.

Gore: Supports federal funding of abortions for Medicaid recipients in cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment. Supports Clinton Administration increases in federal funding for family planning, including abortion, through Title X.

International Family Planning

Bush: Would reinstate the Mexico City Policy, which during the Administration of his father, President Bush, banned overseas family-planning groups that received federal funding from providing abortion-related services, even with private money.

Gore: Supports the Clinton Administration's reversal of the Mexico City Policy.


Bush: Would reinstate the ban that was in effect during his father's Administration prohibiting privately funded abortions at overseas military bases.

Gore: Supports the Clinton Administration's policy of allowing military personnel to obtain privately funded abortions at military bases overseas.

"Partial-Birth" Abortion

Bush: Would sign legislation to ban the procedure.

Gore: Opposes Republican-authored legislation that would ban the procedure.



Bush: Supports a more market-oriented approach to agriculture than does Gore. Touts opening overseas markets as the best way to boost American farm income.

Gore: Would instate regular federal payments to farmers to stabilize farm income from year to year.

Freedom to Farm Act

Bush: Supports eliminating most federal subsidies, but advocates covering more commodities under federal crop insurance. Would phase out the estate tax and pursue tax incentives to encourage farmers to save money for lean years.

Gore: Critical of the market-oriented 1996 Freedom to Farm Act, which exchanged farm subsidies for "transition payments" aimed at encouraging farmers to plant as the market dictates. Favors targeting federal aid to small- and medium-sized farms, and more-aggressive enforcement of antitrust laws in agribusiness.


Bush: Would call upon the European Union to open its markets to bioengineered crops.

Gore: Supports federal funding of bioengineered agricultural products and of efforts to open foreign markets for them. But also urges strong scientific review to address consumers' safety concerns about bioengineered foods.


Bush: Would push for fast-track trade-negotiating authority and pursue new markets abroad for American agricultural products. Opposes withholding food and medicine from countries as part of unilateral trade sanctions or embargoes.

Gore: Supports opening markets and reducing tariffs abroad for American farm products, despite opposition from labor leaders. Like Bush, opposes including food and medicine in unilateral trade embargoes.


Bush: Supports federal funding for research into effective ways to use ethanol and other biofuels.

Gore: Supports federal funding for research on ethanol and tax incentives for using it.



Bush: Supports vigorous enforcement of existing laws, but opposes increased government regulation of the industry.

Gore: Favors increased consumer-protection regulations in the banking industry.


Bush: Favors Republican-authored 1999 Bankruptcy Reform Act, which is awaiting final action in Congress. The bill would force some bankruptcy filers to pay off more of their debts to credit card issuers.

Gore: Opposes 1999 Bankruptcy Reform Act on the grounds that it provides insufficient consumer protections. Backs compromise reforms that would require credit card issuers to provide easy-to-understand information about their interest rates and fees.


Bush: Backs industry position that consumer-privacy protections in the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act are adequate. (Act limits the information that banks can share with third parties, but lets them use that information to pitch additional products to their customers.)

Gore: Supports strengthening the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act to prevent banks from using their customers' personal data for marketing purposes.

Community Reinvestment Act Reform

Bush: Supports provisions enacted in recent financial reforms that require community groups filing comments on bank mergers and expansions to annually report information about their own borrowing. Also supports the newly mandated and less onerous regulatory reviews of small banks' fair-lending practices.

Gore: Supports a review of the new financial services law's fair-lending provisions, on the grounds that the rules may invite small banks to skirt their obligations to lend to the poor. Also believes the law's supposed "sunshine" provisions may actually discourage public comment on bank mergers and expansions.



Bush: Wants to set aside one-quarter of the surplus for broad tax cuts, and has proposed myriad tax credits in areas from education to health care. Has been less explicit about direct domestic spending, but wants to aid farmers, boost military salaries, and invest in schools and in research and development.

Gore: Has been a longtime advocate of fiscal restraint through "reinventing" government and reducing debt; would aim to pay off the federal debt by 2012. At the same time, would increase domestic spending in key areas.


Bush: Projects it to total $265 billion over 10 years after tax cuts, spending plans, and putting aside Social Security and Medicare.

Gore: Would establish a $300 billion reserve fund after tax cuts, spending, and Social Security and Medicare funds are put aside. Has outlined a 10-year surplus plan that would furnish a Medicare prescription drug benefit and boost federal spending on education, law enforcement, environmental protection, and defense.

National Debt

Bush: Would eliminate the national debt by 2016.

Gore: Would retire natioanl debt by 2012.

Budget Process

Bush: Wants to overhaul the budget process. Would push for biennial federal budgets and for legislation that would keep the government operating even if some appropriations bills were not signed into law. Would impanel a bipartisan commission to eliminate pork barrel spending. Would ask Congress for new line-item veto authority, notwithstanding the Supreme Court's 1998 ruling that the line-item veto approved by Congress in 1995 was unconstitutional.

Gore: No specific plan, although Clinton Administration has supported biennial budgeting.



Bush: Supports raising campaign contribution limits, but would tighten disclosure and lobbying rules.

Gore: Has proposed a sweeping reform package that would ban unregulated money and furnish generous public subsidies to candidates. Has pledged to make a "soft-money" ban the first bill that he sends to Congress.

Soft Money

Bush: Would bar corporations and labor unions from making unlimited "soft-money" contributions to the political parties. However, would permit wealthy individuals to continue making unregulated soft-money donations.

Gore: Wants to ban all "soft money," including unregulated contributions from unions, corporations, and individuals.


Bush: Wants to require Internet disclosure of campaign contributions within a week of receipt. Endorsed recently enacted disclosure laws aimed at so-called 527 political organizations. But does not support requiring other types of politically active groups to disclose their issue-oriented expenditures.

Gore: Wants to require all politically active groups that broadcast issue ads within 60 days of an election to disclose their funding sources.

Public Financing

Bush: Opposes public financing of elections.

Gore: Has proposed a public-private Democracy Endowment, which would raise $7.1 billion over seven years to finance the campaigns of general election candidates who agree not to accept any other private money.

"Paycheck Protection"

Bush: Endorses so-called paycheck-protection legislation that would require labor unions to get members' permission before spending members' dues on political activities.

Gore: Opposes paycheck-protection legislation.

Contribution Limits

Bush: Wants to increase the limit on campaign contributions to keep pace with inflation. For example, the individual $1,000 contribution limit would be indexed to $3,400.

Gore: Gore: Opposes raising the existing contribution limits.

Lobbying Reform

Bush: Wants to ban members of Congress from asking lobbyists for political contributions while Congress is in session.

Gore: Wants to require lobbyists to disclose more about their activities, including the names of those to whom they've contributed, and to post that information monthly on the Internet.



Bush: Emphasizes the family's role in child care and wants to give states discretion in spending federal grants. Has proposed a $2.3 billion "Strong Families, Safe Children" child welfare reform initiative that would give states $1 billion in additional resources for preventative services to help families in crisis.

Gore: Proposes a $38 billion, 10-year federal program to make child care more affordable for working families. Some $30 billion of the funding would come out of his $250 billion middle-class tax cut proposal, the rest from the federal budget surplus.

Child Care Tax Credits

Bush: Would double the $500-per-child federal tax credit to $1,000. Supports block grants that would allow low-income families to choose child care providers. Proposes bigger tax cuts for adoptive families and $2.3 billion for child-welfare programs over five years.

Gore: Would offer a refundable tax credit to help parents cover as much as 50 percent of child care costs, compared with 30 percent today. Low-income families with no tax liabilities would receive up to $2,400 for child care. Would offer a $500 tax credit to stay-at-home parents with infants under age 1.

Child Care Standards

Bush: Supports measures, now in place in Texas, that require child care workers to undergo background checks, receive training, and submit to surprise spot inspections. As Texas governor, has boosted child care spending by $360 million since taking office.

Gore: Would provide $8 billion in grants to states for day care improvements, provided that they set up early-childhood reading programs, improve health and safety standards, require training and background checks for child care workers, and perform spot inspections of centers.

Out-of-Wedlock Births

Bush: Would direct the Health and Human Services Department to work with states to establish, administer, and publicize the existence of paternity registries. Wants to see at least as much federal spending on abstinence education as on teen-contraception programs. Wants to study the effectiveness of federally funded sex education programs.

Gore: Wants states to pass laws requiring all fathers who owe child support to pay up or go to work. Wants to strengthen child-support enforcement and give credit bureaus data on "deadbeat" parents and challenge credit card companies to deny them new cards.

Adoption and Foster Care

Bush: Has proposed a variety of tax credits and vouchers to promote adoption and assist children in foster care. These include $300 million over five years for vouchers to cover college tuition or vocational training to young people who "age out" of foster care.

Gore: Promoted adoption legislation while in Congress, and touts the Clinton Administration's enactment of the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1998-a bill authored by congressional Republicans-which was followed by a 29 percent increase in the number of children adopted from foster care.



Bush: Opposes quotas and racial preferences. Has proposed initiatives to assist the disabled, but takes issue with hate crimes legislation now pending on Capitol Hill.

Gore: Strongly backs affirmative action; supports legislation to expand federal prosecution of hate crimes; defends gay rights; supports programs to assist the disabled. Pledges that "the first civil rights act of the 21st century" will be a ban on racial profiling by police.

Affirmative Action

Bush: Supports what he calls affirmative-access programs. His "Texas 10 percent plan" automatically admits those students who graduate in the top 10 percent of their high school class to any state college or university. Would increase federal funding for historically black colleges and Hispanic-serving institutions. Declined to support the 1999 Nondiscrimination Employment Act, which extends federal workplace discrimination protections to gays. Advocates breaking down government contracts into smaller sizes to promote entrepreneurship in all communities.

Gore: Has championed the Clinton Administration's establishment of an Education Department Advisory Board to advise the Education Secretary on ways to strengthen historically black colleges. Has worked with the Small Business Administration to provide business development and federal contract support to minority-owned businesses. Supports pay equity for women.

Hate Crimes

Bush: Declined to back a Democratic-sponsored hate crimes bill, saying: "All crime is hate crime."

Gore: Strongly supports congressional hate crimes legislation.

Gay Rights

Bush: Declined to support the 1999 Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which extends federal discrimination protections in the workplace to gays and lesbians.

Gore: Strongly supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

Persons With Disabilities

Bush: Has proposed a "New Freedom" initiative that would furnish more than $1 billion over five years to promote technologies aimed at further integrating Americans with disabilities into the work force and into community life.

Gore: Has pledged to move persons with disabilities out of institutions and into their communities, and to expand their employment and educational opportunities and health care.



Bush: Would support tough laws for domestic violence, juvenile offenders, and sex offenders. Also wants strong penalties and longer prison terms for violent offenders.

Gore: Would support tough gun and gang laws, but places greater emphasis than Bush on prevention. For example, would give federal grants to states for crime-mapping software to target crime hot spots. Supports federal funding to help local governments hire 50,000 new police officers.

Death Penalty, DNA Testing

Bush: Supports the death penalty for those who commit violent crimes. Supports post-conviction DNA testing if, in the context of all the evidence, it can help determine guilt or innocence.

Gore: Supports the death penalty for heinous crimes; says it has a deterrent effect. Has not stated a position on post-conviction DNA testing.

Mandatory Drug Testing of Prisoners, Parolees

Bush: Has not staked out a position.

Gore: Supports mandatory drug testing and treatment of state prisoners before release; would furnish states with $500 million in grants to cover the costs.

Victims' Rights

Bush: Supports a constitutional amendment that would give victims the right to be notified of trials and probation hearings, to give input in plea bargains, and to be told when a prisoner's release is imminent.

Gore: Supports a constitutional amendment giving victims the right to be notified of trials and probation hearings, to give input in plea bargains, and to be told when a prisoner's release is imminent.

Juvenile Crime

Bush: Supports aggressive enforcement of existing handgun laws and prosecution of gun offenses. Says he would support legislation to prevent juvenile offenders from buying a gun when they become adults.

Gore: Would support tough juvenile crime laws and additional federal funding for school anti-drug programs.



Bush: Embraces high-tech weapons, including ones for a national missile defense program.

Gore: Advocates spending increases; would exercise caution on national missile defense plans.

Defense Spending

Bush: Would increase defense spending, particularly for troops' pay and for weapons research.

Gore: Would continue recent steady increases in defense spending.

National Missile Defense

Bush: Would dramatically expand the proposed system of ground-based rockets, probably adding sea-based and possibly air- and space-based interceptors; would do so, if need be, at the expense of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia and of arms control in general.

Gore: Would continue President Clinton's cautious course by balancing a limited, ground-based system against international objections and the strictures of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia.

Gays in the Military

Bush: Would retain the current "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which allows closeted gays and lesbians to serve in the military.

Gore: Rejects the current "don't ask, don't tell" policy as unworkable, and would work to overturn the law that bans openly gay and lesbian people from serving in the military.

Modernizing the Military

Bush: Would increase military research-and-development spending by $20 billion over five years and focus research on revolutionary weapons that would "skip a generation" ahead of current technology.

Gore: Focuses on reorganizing the Pentagon, particularly streamlining business practices and increasing cooperation among the Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, rather than on developing radically new weapons for each service.

Military Readiness

Bush: Has blasted the Clinton-Gore Administration for underfunding and overusing U.S. forces, arguing this has eroded their readiness to fight and win a major war.

Gore: Defends military downsizing as well managed, and emphasizes that the U.S. military remains the strongest on Earth.



Bush: Favors a major cut in income tax rates and the privatization of Social Security.

Gore: Favors targeted tax cuts, broader increases in spending, but no major reforms or deregulation of the U.S. economy.

The Surplus

Bush: Favors making broad tax cuts, paying down the debt, and targeting spending increases and tax credits for education, health, and defense.

Gore: Favors eliminating the national debt more than cutting taxes or increasing spending.

Federal Reserve

Bush: Has said almost nothing about rising interest rates, a major complaint of U.S. business, but generally supports Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board's strategy of raising rates to rein in inflation. Bush advisers have voiced skepticism that the "new economy" can grow fast without inflation. Any successor to Greenspan would probably be less inclined to support bailouts of foreign economies or U.S. banks.

Gore: Takes Clinton's tack of praising Greenspan and largely keeping quiet on the Fed. Fully endorses the new-economy model. Candidates for replacing Greenspan: former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, and current Treasury Secretary Larry Summers.


Bush: Would likely focus on price-fixing cases. On Microsoft case, has suggested he'd prefer an out-of-court settlement.

Gore: Has given no indication he would depart from current policy. On Microsoft, supports action against predatory behavior that impedes competition.



Bush: Supports vouchers and charter schools, but would expand federal funding in a few areas, such as early-childhood education and teacher training.

Gore: Supports greatly expanding the federal role in education, including teacher hiring and training, school construction, and early-childhood education.

School Choice

Bush: Would give vouchers to students in schools that remain on a state's "failing" list for three years; the vouchers would be worth about $1,500 and could be used at a public or private school. Would offer $3 billion in loan guarantees to establish or improve 2,000 charter schools in the next two years.

Gore: Opposes vouchers but supports charter schools and public school choice. Would use federal money to triple the number of charter schools to 5,100 by 2005.


Bush: Would require states to annually test pupils in grades 3 through 8. Would establish a $500 million fund to reward schools that improve their test scores; would give vouchers to pupils in schools that fail. States that do not improve test scores would lose administrative money.

Gore: Would create a $500 million Accountability Fund to pay for state improvement plans. Schools would have to improve or face being shut down. Would reward states that improve their scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Teacher Quality

Bush: Would consolidate federal funding for teachers; the move would dissolve President Clinton's class-size-reduction program and increase total funding for teacher recruiting, hiring, and training from $2 billion to $2.4 billion. Would expand the current Troops-to-Teachers program budget from $2.4 million to $30 million.

Gore: Supports Clinton's effort to pay for 100,000 new teachers. Would offer grants to poor school districts to lure top teachers by giving higher salaries. Wants teacher testing and "fast, fair" removal of bad teachers. Would establish a Teacher Corps to encourage professionals and high school graduates to teach.

School Safety

Bush: Supports federal prosecution of juveniles who bring guns to school. Would rate schools on their safety and make the information available to parents.

Gore: Would offer grants to schools that enforce zero-tolerance policies for guns on campus and for alternative schools for children who have discipline problems. Unlike Bush, has no formal plan for rating schools on their safety.

Paying for Education

Bush: Would increase the annual limit on contributions to tax-free education accounts from $500 to $5,000; the savings could help pay for education from kindergarten through college. Boosts the maximum award for Pell grants from $3,300 to $5,100 for college freshmen. Proposes a $1.5 billion program to help states establish merit-scholarship programs.

Gore: Would create tax-free accounts for education throughout a person's life. Employers would be permitted to contribute. Persons could contribute up to $2,500 a year to the account and withdraw funds without paying taxes if they used the money for educational purposes. Would allow families to deduct from their taxes up to $10,000 a year for college tuition and fees.

Early-Childhood Education

Bush: Wants to make Head Start more focused on education, and to require evaluations of each program's effectiveness. Would spend $1 billion annually on a new federal reading initiative based on testing, remedial help, and teacher training. Proposes $400 million more a year for after-school "certificates" for low-income families.

Gore: Supports Clinton's proposal to spend $1 billion more on Head Start. Would set aside money to train preschool teachers. Favors voluntary universal prekindergarten for all 4-year-olds.



Bush: Says that his $483 billion, five-year tax cut will free up capital for investment, help the economy to expand, and create jobs. Shares his party's traditional skepticism of federal job training programs.

Gore: Supports minimum-wage hikes. Like Clinton, rejects the notion that federal spending can create jobs and tacitly shares the GOP view that that job creation and job training are best left to the private sector. However, supports some state-based job-training initiatives.

Minimum Wage

Bush: Has favored an unspecified increase in the minimum wage, provided the President could rescind it if it is judged to threaten job creation. After House GOP leaders backed Clinton's plan for a $1-an-hour wage increase, endorsed the $1 figure, with his opt-out clause.

Gore: Supports Clinton's call for a $1-an-hour hike in the minimum wage, phased in over two years. But he does not back the additional increases advocated by some labor unions.

Job Training

Bush: Has no specific plan for job training. His $7 billion college education plan is geared to those just out of high school.

Gore: Would leave the responsibility for most new job-training opportunities to states and employers, with matching grants used to encourage new spending. For example, the federal government would pay half the cost of an additional 13 weeks of unemployment benefits, to allow a recipient to complete job training. Dislocated workers would be helped by plan to make most college education expenses tax-deductible.



Bush: Promises a more state-directed, industry-friendly environmental policy, although his reliance on this approach while governor of Texas has come under attack from environmental groups.

Gore: Promotes a continuation and, in some cases, an acceleration of the Clinton Administration's environmental policies.

Global Warming

Bush: Agrees that human activity is causing warming, but opposes the 1997 Kyoto treaty, an international pact signed by the Clinton Administration, which would force industrial nations to reduce their greenhouse-gas emissions.

Gore: Supports the Kyoto global-warming treaty.

Energy Policy

Bush: Has not articulated a detailed energy policy, but would furnish tax incentives for ethanol use, and has said that he supports the development of energy-efficient technologies. Supported provisions in the Texas electricity deregulation bill that require state utilities to reduce pollution at their oldest coal-fired power plants.

Gore: Calls for a 10-year, $125 billion energy plan that would help electric firms retrofit coal-fired power plants; develop new energy technologies; and provide tax breaks, loans, and grants to consumers and businesses who switch to environment-friendly homes, factories, and vehicles.


Bush: Advocates flexible cleanup standards and new financial support to speed up reclamation and development of brownfields-- contaminated waste sites in urban regions.

Gore: Calls for more funding to help companies rehabilitate urban brownfields. Would let state and local governments float bonds to pay for cleaning up abandoned factories.

Oil Policy

Bush: Opposed tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Gore: Supported tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to supplement low heating oil supplies in the Northeast.

Snake River Dams

Bush: Opposes tearing down four dams on Washington state's Snake River to protect the seriously depleted local species of salmon and other fishes. Instead, recommends alternative methods to save the fish.

Gore: Promises to hold a "salmon summit" to decide whether to breach the dams to protect the declining populations of salmon and other fishes in the Snake River.



Bush: Emphasizes free trade and internationalism, with an emphasis on unilaterally asserting American interests.

Gore: Emphasizes free trade and internationalism, with an emphasis on cooperative engagement through international institutions such as the United Nations.

Arms Control

Bush: Opposes the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty and would withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, if necessary, to build a robust national missile defense system. Is generally skeptical of multilateral arms control agreements.

Gore: Supports the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty and a renegotiated Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. Is generally supportive of multilateral arms control agreements.


Bush: Would strive to reduce the role of U.S. forces in peacekeeping missions around the world by shifting peacekeeping duties in the Balkans to European allies, and by shunning future missions unless vital U.S. interests were at stake.

Gore: Strongly supports the use of U.S. forces in recent peacekeeping missions.


Bush: Favors a "one-China" policy, and supports the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act, which commits the United States to closer defense cooperation with Taiwan.

Gore: Supports a "one-China" policy, but opposes the Republican-crafted Taiwan Security Enhancement Act.


Bush: Supports tight economic sanctions and international isolation.

Gore: Backs the recent relaxation of sanctions on Cuba to allow for shipments of food and medicine, and for greater dialogue.


Bush: Would refocus U.S.-Russian relations on security matters. Would likely oppose further loans to Russia by the International Monetary Fund.

Gore: Helped fashion current policy of multilayered engagement with Russians to promote both economic reforms and nonproliferation efforts.

Middle East

Bush: Would move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.

Gore: Would delay any decision on moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem until a Middle East peace settlement is reached.


Bush: Advocates a timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops and transferring the peacekeeping mission to European allies.

Gore: Advocates the continued participation of U.S. troops in a NATO-led peacekeeping force.

Latin America and Mexico

Bush: Supports NAFTA and fast-track trade-negotiating authority, and proposes a hemispheric free-trade area for the Americas.

Gore: Supports NAFTA and fast-track authority, and proposes a free-trade area of the Americas.


Bush: Supports continued economic sanctions and advocates increasing support for Iraqi opposition groups seeking to oust Saddam Hussein. Has publicly threatened to unilaterally strike any known Iraqi sites used to produce weapons of mass destruction.

Gore: Defends the present policy of economic sanctions and "containment" of Iraq.

North Korea

Bush: Has aligned himself with foreign-policy advisers who have criticized the Clinton Administration deal that freezes North Korea's nuclear weapons program, but provides fuel oil to and constructs civil nuclear reactors for that country.

Gore: Supports the Clinton Administration's deal that freezes North Korea's nuclear weapons program, but provides fuel oil to and constructs civil nuclear reactors for that country.

United Nations

Bush: Supports the paying of past U.S. dues, but only if U.S.-backed reforms are fully instituted and the percentage of peacekeeping dues paid by the United States is reduced. Has pledged never to put U.S. troops under U.N. command. Has called for reforms to make the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank less activist.

Gore: Has called for the repayment of all past U.S. dues; advisers close to Gore support recent proposals for significantly strengthening U.S. peacekeeping capabilities.



Bush: Proposes dramatic restructuring and cuts to reduce the size of government.

Gore: Has been a longtime champion of "reinventing government." Touts federal staffing reductions and efficiency gains made on his watch.

Government Jobs

Bush: Would eliminate 40,000 civil service management jobs. Would give more government work to private contractors. Would change civil service rules to reward individual performance.

Gore: Says that the Clinton-Gore Administration has eliminated 370,000 federal jobs over eight years. Has not specifically called for more job cuts, outsourcing of federal work, or changes to civil service rules. Supports giving federal workers more on-the-job flexibility, as long as goals are met.


Bush: Would offer more government services and data online. Would create a chief information officer and furnish $100 million for computer automation.

Gore: Would offer more government services and data online, including his Across America initiative, which would target students, the elderly, and rural communities.


Bush: Would establish a bipartisan Sunset Review Board to eliminate duplicative and ineffective programs.

Gore: Has not stated a position. As an eight-year incumbent, has less reason than challenger Bush to emphasize oversight.



Bush: Supports strong enforcement of existing gun laws, and funding for such federal programs as Project Exile, which brings prosecutors and law enforcement officials together to target armed, convicted felons and violent criminals.

Gore: Supports strong gun control measures.

Background Checks at Gun Shows

Bush: Supports immediate background checks of prospective buyers at gun shows.

Gore: Supports background checks at gun shows, even if they cannot be done instantly.

Gun Registration and Licensing

Bush: Opposes government-mandated registration of guns.

Gore: Supports national, mandatory licensing; supports an alternative to registration, whereby sellers report identities of buyers to state authorities; backs photo licenses and gun safety tests for new handgun owners.

Child Safety Locks

Bush: Supports voluntary efforts to equip guns with safety locks; however, will sign gun-lock mandates if Congress approves them.

Gore: Supports mandatory child safety locks.

Concealed Weapons

Bush: Believes that individuals who pass background checks and a firearms proficiency test should be able to carry concealed weapons, but says that this decision is best left to individual states.

Gore: Strongly opposes any laws that loosen the restrictions on carrying concealed weapons.



Bush: Advocates reducing the number of uninsured citizens by subsidizing their purchase of private health coverage. Also supports limited patients' rights.

Gore: Supports incremental movement toward reducing the number of uninsured citizens, first by expanding coverage through existing government programs. Also supports broad patients' rights legislation, including patients' right to sue their health plans for denied services.

Tax Credits

Bush: Would give people who don't have employer-sponsored health insurance an annual tax credit of up to $1,000 per individual and $2,000 per family to cover up to 90 percent of the cost of health insurance. The subsidy would vary depending on income.

Gore: Advocates the use of tax credits as a way to make insurance more affordable for the uninsured. The tax credit would be the equivalent of 25 percent of a person's health insurance costs.


Bush: Wants to give states more flexibility in administering the Children's Health Insurance Program, a federal block grant, and allow them to expand CHIP to other eligible people, including some parents.

Gore: Supports enrolling more children, and some parents, in the state Children's Health Insurance Program and in Medicaid. Would expand eligibility to include children living at up to 250 percent of the federal poverty level (which would make a family of four earning $41,000 eligible), and make states responsible for enrolling eligible children.

Medical Savings Accounts Bush

Wants to make existing medical-savings-account pilot programs permanent and to lift the federal cap of 750,000 on the number of accounts. Would allow all employers to offer MSAs, and would let both employers and employees contribute to them. Would lower the minimum deductible for accompanying catastrophic health plans to $1,000 for an individual and $2,000 for families.

Gore: Opposes the widespread use of medical savings accounts, which he argues would mostly attract healthy people and pull them out of the regular insurance market, ultimately boosting costs for others.

Patients' Bill of Rights

Bush: Supports giving patients in federally governed health plans a limited ability to sue their health plans for denied medical services.

Gore: Wants a broad patients' bill of rights that allows people who are denied medical services to sue their health plans.

Long-Term Care

Bush: Would make the cost of long-term-care insurance fully deductible, and establish a personal tax exemption for home caregivers.

Gore: Wants a $3,000 tax credit for home caregivers. Has not proposed a tax break for the purchase of long-term-care insurance because he wants to see quality improvements in that market.

Group Purchasing

Bush: Would allow small businesses to band together across state lines and form association health plans, in order to buy health insurance through bona fide trade associations.

Gore: Would give tax credits to small-business employees who join health care purchasing cooperatives, which could be run by nonprofit organizations or other groups. Opposes association health plans.



Bush: Would let local public housing authorities give low-income renters up to a year's worth of rental vouchers in a lump-sum payment, to cover home-purchase costs. Would permit the use of Section 8 vouchers to subsidize monthly mortgage payments. Would furnish $1 billion in federal homeownership assistance over five years.

Gore: Supports President Clinton's call for $690 million for 120,000 new Section 8 vouchers for fiscal 2001. Would also increase support for the Housing and Urban Development Department's Home Investment Partnership program and Community Development Block Grant program.



Bush: Calls for changes in structure and policy of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Gore: Supports changes in laws to allow families to stay together; supports Clinton Administration policies intended to streamline the naturalization process.

INS Reform

Bush: Would divide the INS into two agencies-one that handles enforcement of current immigration law and one that focuses on naturalization. Calls for a $500 million funding increase over five years to improve service through employee incentives.

Gore: Would encourage the agency to separate enforcement and service operations more clearly, but opposes creating two separate agencies. Supports the Administration's call for more than $200 million in additional INS funding, most of it for enforcement and border patrols.

H1-B Immigrant Visas

Bush: Calls for an unspecified increase in the number of H1-B visas for high-skilled foreign workers.

Gore: Would increase the number of H1-B visas offered annually from 115,000 to 200,000, but would raise the fee for them and use that money for education programs.


Bush: Calls for a six-month deadline for processing applications.

Gore: Supports Clinton Administration efforts to streamline the process with a goal of reducing the time of processing applications to three months.

Family Reunification

Bush: Would change INS policy so that spouses and children of permanent legal residents can more easily obtain visitor visas while their applications for permanent residency are pending.

Gore: Supports provisions that would more easily allow families to stay together; would allow immigrants to have their papers processed in the United States, rather than in their home countries.

Status of Refugees

Bush: Has declined to take a position on recent legislation proposed by Democrats on Capitol Hill that would relax restrictions on Central American and Caribbean immigrants fleeing human rights violations.

Gore: Supports recent legislation authored by Democrats on Capitol Hill that would allow Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, and Haitians fleeing human rights violations to become legal immigrants. (At present, only Cubans and Nicaraguans enjoy that privilege.) The legislation also would make it easier for long-term migrants to obtain permanent legal residency.



Bush: Advocates making greater use of the nation's natural resources and handing over more authority for land use policies to the states.

Gore: Would expand the land preservation policies of the Clinton Administration.

Land Preservation

Bush: Would encourage land conservation with tax credits for private parties and local governments. Recommends abolishing the inheritance tax so landowners won't be tempted to sell property to developers to pay taxes. Supports full funding of the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, with a mandate that 50 percent of the proceeds be spent on state and local conservation efforts.

Gore: Recommends setting aside more federal lands and paying for them with new mining royalties from other federal property. Calls for $2 billion in tax incentives to protect wilderness areas from development. Supports the use of habitat conservation plans, under which landowners agree to preserve local species.

Resource Extraction

Bush: Supports increased domestic production and exploration, including in the protected Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Would continue the current moratorium on offshore drilling in California and Florida.

Gore: Opposes new oil exploration in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Would go beyond the current moratorium on oil-exploration leases off the coasts of California and Florida and ban new drilling under existing leases.

National Monuments

Bush: Opposes President Clinton's policy of protecting federal lands by designating them as national monuments.

Gore: Supports President Clinton's designation of new national monuments.

National Forests

Bush: Would reverse Clinton Administration proposals to protect 43 million acres of road-free national forests. Recommends more logging on all national lands.

Gore: Supports Administration proposals to bar new road-building on as-yet-untouched national forest lands, but would take the issue further by including Alaska's Tongass National Forest in the road-free designation. Also would prohibit logging in those wilderness regions.



Bush: Opposes expansive readings of the Constitution by judges. Strong supporter of measures to discourage proliferation of lawsuits.

Gore: Has opposed measures that would limit class action suits and citizens' access to courts.

Tort Reform

Bush: Favors a reduction in what he sees as a proliferation of frivolous civil lawsuits that he argues undermines U.S. competitiveness. Favors making losers in civil lawsuits pay costs of litigation. Would push class action cases into federal courts. Favors a cap on punitive damages.

Gore: Opposes efforts to limit non-economic damages or cap punitive damages or otherwise limit recoveries for workplace injuries. Opposes limits on class action lawsuits.



Bush: Advocates additional private-sector health plan choices for Medicare beneficiaries, including options with prescription drug coverage.

Gore: Defends the rights of the elderly to remain in traditional fee-for-service health insurance plans if they so desire, and advocates a prescription drug benefit that applies to all Medicare beneficiaries.

Medicare Reform

Bush: Wants to build on the work of the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare; its leaders recommended opening up Medicare to more health plans as a way to give the elderly more choices while lowering costs.

Gore: Advocates rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse and giving Medicare more competitive tools, so long as beneficiaries are protected from premium inflation. Would bar HMOs that leave Medicare from re-entering for four years.

Prescription Drugs

Bush: Supports spending $48 billion over four years to fund state assistance programs that would provide prescription drugs to low-income seniors. Would furnish another $110 billion over eight years for broader Medicare reforms that would give seniors a choice of health plans, including plans providing prescription coverage. Seniors living in poverty would get full or partial subsidies for prescription insurance premiums, depending on their income levels. All other seniors would receive 25 percent of the premium costs for coverage, as well as catastrophic protections after $6,000 in out-of-pocket payments.

Gore: Would create a prescription drug benefit that would cover half the cost of medicines up to $5,000 with no deductibles, and catastrophic protections after $4,000 in out-of-pocket payments. Elderly people with annual incomes below $11,000 would pay no premiums or co-payments.


Bush: Has not taken a position on Gore's proposal to put Medicare in an off-budget lockbox.

Gore: Wants to put Medicare in an off-budget lockbox, so that savings from Medicare cannot be spent on other programs.

Trust Fund

Bush: Proposes a unified trust fund for Medicare Part A, which covers hospitalization, and Medicare Part B, which covers doctor visits. Also supports doubling federal funding for Medicare over 10 years, but has not said where the extra money would come from.

Gore: Advocates using $75 billion of budget surplus money over 10 years to extend the life of Medicare's hospital insurance trust fund until at least 2030.

Provider Giveback

Bush: Proposes to restore $40 billion in Medicare funding that was lost to doctors, hospitals, and other Medicare providers as a result of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.

Gore: Would use $40 billion in budget surplus money to restore funding to hospitals and other health care providers that was lost as a result of the 1997 Balanced Budget Act.



Bush: Has endorsed "opt-in" rules under which companies must get their customers' explicit approval for use of data collected from each transaction. "The principle ought to be [that] people should not be able to use your information or mine without permission." However, it is not clear whether these proposed rules would apply only to particularly sensitive data, such as medical and financial information, or to all transactions, including routine online purchases. Has generally adopted a free-market, anti-regulation approach to economic matters, but has also expressed some sympathy for citizens unwilling to provide extensive personal details required by the federal census.

Gore: Promotes an "electronic bill of rights" that would allow consumers to learn how much companies know about them and how the data is used. It would also block the transfer of that data to other companies. But while supporting new laws to protect financial and medical privacy, Gore also supports self-regulation by the online industries, possibly giving them greater freedom to collect and share personal data. Would also propose a law banning the sale of Social Security numbers, and would provide citizens with "digital keys" to allow them to view information held by the federal government about them-such as retirement data or medical records-without exposing the data to others.



Bush: Says government should turn first to faith-based organizations to help needy people. Would extend the role and reach of charities and churches, communities and corporations, synagogues and mosques, and mentors and ministers.

Gore: Defends separation of church and state.

Faith-Based Initiatives

Bush: Would establish an Office of Faith-Based Action in the Executive Office of the President. Would remove barriers to faith-based groups' participation in government programs.

Gore: Supports allowing states to enlist faith-based organizations to provide basic welfare services as long as there is a secular alternative and no one is required to participate in religious observances to receive services. Opposes the use of faith-based organizations as a substitute for governmental programs.

Public Funding

Bush: Would offer competitive grants to faith-based groups for programs that address problems such as the needs of children of prisoners. Would expand the federal charitable deduction to people who do not itemize on their tax returns, would promote a new charitable state tax credit, and would provide incentives for corporate giving.

Gore: Supports public funding for faith-based organizations, but not to the exclusion of government programs. Calls for more private support for religious groups.

Religion in School

Bush: Lamented recent Supreme Court ruling that public school districts cannot allow students to lead stadium crowds in prayer before high school football games. Supports student-led prayer and posting of the Ten Commandments in public schools.

Gore: Opposes government-mandated prayer in public schools.



Bush: Would promote technology innovation with free-market policies, increased government research, free trade, and legal reforms to curb lawsuits.

Gore: Would promote technology innovation with free-market policies, increased government research, and free trade.

Internet Taxes

Bush: Has endorsed a five-year moratorium on any federal law allowing the states to collect sales taxes from out-of-state Internet vendors, and a permanent extension of the research- and-development tax credit.

Gore: Has supported an extension of the moratorium on any federal law allowing the states to collect sales taxes from out-of-state Internet vendors. His economic plan endorses a ban on tariffs imposed on international Internet sales, and supports a permanent extension of the research-and-development tax credit.

Biotech and Medical Research

Bush: Would add $20 billion to Pentagon research and double health research spending, but would bar federal funding for experiments on stem cells taken from human embryos. Also supports a "medical moon shot" program to cure a variety of diseases.

Gore: Would double spending on health care research, increase spending on environmental technologies, and create 20 biomedical computer centers. Would support federal spending for experiments on stem cells that were taken from human embryos by private researchers. His economic plan criticizes European countries for unfairly excluding U.S. biotech products.

Media and Entertainment

Bush: On marketing of violence and sex to children, has said the industry must better police itself and do more "to reduce the violence that our children see on the screen." Has also called for more values education in the schools. Dick Cheney has called for new rules to foster cooperation among entertainment companies, along with internal industry sanctions and a standardized ratings system.

Gore: Has called on the Internet and entertainment industries to better use content ratings and porn-filtering software to help parents monitor and control their children's media habits. And, "if necessary we will support strengthening of the current laws that cover false and deceptive advertising" by the movie industry, if the industry does not act by spring of 2001.

Education and Training

Bush: Would boost government funding for use of the Internet and computers in schools. Would bolster math and science education, and supports vouchers for students in low-performing schools.

Gore: Would add more Internet links to schools, hire additional teachers, and provide more loans for university education.

Digital Divide and Telecommunications

Bush: Generally favors a free-market approach, but has offered a plan to extend Internet and telecommunication services to underserved areas.

Gore: Would provide incentives for companies to extend telecommunication links to rural areas, spend $2 billion per year to link schools to the Internet, and create centers to help citizens get and use Internet technology.

H-1B Visas

Bush: Says he is more willing than Gore to allow large increases in immigration of foreign-born technical workers to the U.S.

Gore: Has supported increases in annual H-1B visa awards.



Bush: Proposes allowing younger workers to divert an unspecified portion (uses 2 percent in his examples) of their Social Security payroll taxes into individual investment accounts. Has pledged to maintain existing benefits for disabled workers and survivors, as well as for both current retirees and workers nearing retirement.

Gore: Proposes to use the federal budget surplus to pay down debt and reduce the need for federal borrowing. Would credit the resulting interest savings to the Social Security system as an accounting mechanism to extend the life of the funds.


Bush: Proposes a plan that would not extend the life of the trust fund, as now defined, because his plan would siphon younger workers' taxes out of the U.S. Treasury in an expensive transition to private-sector accounts. Has ruled out tax hikes to bridge the shortfall, leaving unspecified benefit cuts or a diversion of general revenues as the future alternative.

Gore: Relies on federal debt reduction and reduced interest costs to extend the life of the Social Security trust fund to 2050. Advisers say he could apply additional interest savings as they materialize to extend solvency even further-to 2075.

Private Investment

Bush: Would allow workers to move some of their tax payments into the equity and bond markets to invest as they wish. Touts the "wealth creation" potential of private accounts, which are controversial and would accrue more dramatically to upper-income investors.

Gore: Would offer workers supplemental individual tax-free retirement accounts ("Retirement Savings Plus") matched with government tax credits on a sliding scale. Workers could deposit as much as $1,500 a year in accounts managed by private financial institutions and invested in broad-based equities, bonds, and government securities.


Bush: Acknowledges that individual accounts would mean less in the way of guaranteed benefits for the elderly, but says that nothing about the Social Security system has been "guaranteed" since 1935, because Congress has made and continues to make legislative changes along the way.

Gore: Would add an expensive new benefit: government-matched private accounts similar to 401(k) plans. The Gore plan includes no benefit reductions to deal with the anticipated shortfall resulting from too few workers covering the costs of too many retirees.

General Revenues

Bush: Would divert an estimated $950 billion from federal coffers between 2002 and 2010 into privately managed stocks and bonds, according to one recent analysis. Additional revenues would be needed to cover benefits to future retirees, unless benefits are reduced.

Gore: Says his supplemental accounts plan would cost $200 billion over 10 years, but most independent analysts say the price tag would likely go much higher.



Bush: Has promised not to apply ideological litmus test on abortion or other issues in considering nominees to the Court. Supports "strict construction" of the Constitution. Has said that he most admires Associate Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, the two most conservative members of the Court.

Gore: Has said that he will nominate Justices who recognize that the Constitution is a living, breathing document. Defends abortion rights and the landmark Roe vs. Wade decision, and stated at the Democratic National Convention that "the last thing this country needs is a Supreme Court that overturns Roe vs. Wade." Has said that he most admires the late Thurgood Marshall, the Court's most liberal member.



Bush: Favors tax cuts of some $483 billion over five years, including cuts in the rate structure.

Gore: Favors targeted tax cuts for specific purposes, as opposed to Bush's more-sweeping cuts. Favors modified universal savings accounts, which would encourage retirement savings for people who cannot take advantage of IRAs or 401(k)s.


Bush: Replaces current five-rate structure of 15, 28, 31, 36, and 39.6 percent with four lower rates of 10, 15, 25, and 33 percent.

Gore: Would make no overall changes to rate structure.

"Marriage Penalty"

Bush: Favors an $88 billion tax cut over 10 years for married couples. Would restore the 10 percent deduction for two-earner families so they could deduct up to $3,000 more than now permitted.

Gore: Would address the so-called marriage penalty by providing an $80 billion tax cut over 10 years for married couples, which is less than that proposed by congressional Republicans.

Low-Income Families

Bush: Would cut the marginal rate by more than 40 percent for low-income families with two children, and by nearly 50 percent for families with one child. Would increase the existing child tax credit from $500 to $1,000 per child.

Gore: Would expand the earned-income tax credit by up to $500 for families with three or more children, and increase by $1,450 the maximum income that two-wage married couples can earn before their credit is phased out. Favors a $1-an-hour increase in the hourly minimum wage over the next two years.

Research and Development

Bush: Would make permanent the research-and-development tax credit, which provides tax breaks to businesses conducting research.

Gore: Would make permanent the research-and-development tax credit, which provides tax breaks to businesses conducting research.


Bush: Would allow people to make additional contributions to the personal retirement accounts that would be established under a Bush Social Security plan.

Gore: Has proposed "Retirement Savings Plus" accounts that would provide a tax credit match to encourage families to save.


Bush: Would expand tax-exempt bonds that private contractors can receive to build public facilities to include schools. Under the plan, the private firms would then lease the school buildings to school districts.

Gore: Would provide tax credits for bonds to modernize up to 6,000 school buildings. Would also create a college opportunity program that would provide tax credits or deductions for college tuition.

Earned-Income Tax Credit

Bush: Unlike Gore, has not proposed expanding the Earned- Income Tax Credit.

Gore: Would expand EITC by increasing the credit for families with three or more children and for married couples.

Estate Tax

Bush: Would eliminate the estate tax.

Gore: Has not proposed eliminating estate tax.

Health Insurance

Bush: Would provide tax credit of up to $1,000 per individual and $2,000 per family for those without health insurance.

Gore: Would provide a 25 percent refundable tax credit for families without employer-provided health insurance.

Long-Term Health Needs

Bush: Would provide a 100 percent above-the-line deduction to help people purchase long-term-care insurance and would establish an additional exemption for each elderly spouse, parent, or relative cared for in the home.

Gore: Would provide a $3,000 tax credit for families that must provide long-term health care.

Child-Care Expenses

Bush: Would fund certificates to help low-income families pay for after-school activities.

Gore: Would expand the child care tax credit to 50 percent of cost of care for moderate-income families and make it refundable.



Bush: An unabashed free-trader. Wants free-trade agreements with Latin America.

Gore: Supports free-trade policies, but emphasizes "fair trade," a code word for a get-tough trade policy. Wants to reduce the trade imbalance.

Trade With China

Bush: Supported permanent normal trade relations with China as part of the requirements for Beijing's membership in the World Trade Organization.

Gore: Supported permanent normal trade relations with China, over opposition from organized labor.

Labor and Human Rights, Environmental Standards

Bush: Opposes conditioning trade liberalization on progress on labor, human rights, and environmental issues.

Gore: Supports using trade deals to improve worker and human rights and to protect the environment.

High-Tech Trade

Bush: Committed to easing export restrictions on commercially available technologies, but supports trade sanctions to promote his foreign policy agenda.

Gore: Supports relaxing export restrictions on commercially available technologies.



Bush: Hasn't announced a transportation agenda, but has attacked the Clinton Administration for higher gas prices, and has proposed a modest plan to help disabled Americans.

Gore: Supports transportation alternatives to reduce urban sprawl and help clean the environment.


Bush: Would set aside $145 million over five years to provide easier transportation access to disabled Americans and would target community and faith-based organizations to provide this transportation.

Gore: Would provide $25 billion over 10 years to give Americans more transportation choices, such as high-speed rail, light rail, and cleaner and safer buses.

Gasoline Prices

Bush: Blames today's high gas prices on the Administration's quest for cleaner fuel and its failure to develop a comprehensive national energy policy. Also argues that the Administration should pressure OPEC to increase the supply of oil. Opposes efforts to suspend the 18-cent-per-gallon federal gasoline tax to alleviate higher gas prices.

Gore: Blames today's high gas prices on possible price-gouging by the oil industry. Would provide tax credits to Americans who buy energy-saving vehicles and appliances. Like Bush, opposes suspending the federal tax on gasoline purchases.

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