


CONFERENCE: The international abortionists' conference will take place in Sydney, Australia, from November 12 to the 15. Right to Life Australia is asking you to write the hotel where this meeting will occur, the Coolum Hyatt, General Manager Mr. Kamahl Chaoui, and express your disdain that they are hosting these professional killers: It wouldn't hurt to let corporate headquarters in Chicago know about your feelings either: fax 312-750-8579. Speakers include abortionists George Tiller and Warren Hern.

MISSOURI: Governor Mel Carnahan, who vetoed a bill that is described as banning infanticide, says "the bill bans virtually all abortions back to the sixth week of pregnancy." The bill, HB427, the Infant's Protection Act, says "partial separation of a child from the mother with the child's head intact with the torso" is a partially born child, and the bill allows the taking of the life of this partially born child when "a physician using procedures consistent with the usual and customary standard of medical practice to save the life of the mother during pregnancy or birth" proceeds to end the child's life. The bill also allows the taking of the life of one baby if deemed necessary to save the life of another child (a twin).

(Reading: "End the Annual Legislative Battle," St. Louis Post Dispatch, 10/3/99)

emergency contraception

TRAVELLING? The Los Angeles Times health columnist Kathleen Doheny recommends taking along "emergency contraception," which "may be needed during a trip in a variety of situations besides unprotected sex with a stranger."

COMMENT: Strangers in the night?

(Reading: "Thinking Ahead About Emergency Contraception," L. A. Times, 9/26/99; for the facts about these abortive chemicals, see "What part of ‘emergency contraception’ is not abortion?")


MARCH OF DIMES: Randy Engel, founder of The Michael Fund, has written an outstanding update on the March of Dimes, their "eugenic spirit," and what can be done about it. Visit or write The Michael Fund, 500A Garden City Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15146; for interviews call Mrs. Engel, 724-823-6380.

frozen embryonic babies

ILLINOIS: A Catholic couple seeking a divorce are divided over the fate of frozen embryos created during fertility treatments. The father of these tiny ones "wanted them destroyed or perhaps used for medical research, saying he cannot be forced to be a father against his will."

COMMENT: He is a father!

(Reading: "Divorced Catholic Couple Fight over Embryos Raises Legal Issues," CWNews, 10/1/99)

health care

HOME CARE: During a survey of 988 terminally ill patients, researchers found that family members, "usually women, provided the majority of assistance with nonmedical care. Although many people received assistance from paid caregivers, very few had assistance from volunteers." Researchers warn that restrictive policies on what will be paid by Medicaid are "likely to have adverse effects on many terminally ill patients, especially those who are most likely to rely on paid assistance-women, blacks, widowed patients and the elderly."

(Reading: "Assistance from Family Members, Friends, Paid Care Givers, and Volunteers in the Care of Terminally Ill Patients," The New England Journal of Medicine, 9/23/99, pp. 956-963)

homosexual rights

McDONALDS: Concerned Women for America has issued an alert about McDonald's newest addition to their diversity program: sexual orientation.

human experimentation


  • The California Lawyer reports that one patient in the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital was dead four days after being admitted. His family is now suing.

    (Reading: "No Retreat, No Surrender," California Lawyer, 9/99; see Mad Nation)

  • New York: State investigators are probing Manhattan's Bellevue Hospital for possible violations of patient rights by medical researchers.

    (Reading: "Ethics of Drug Testing Probed-Emergency-Room Patients Used," New York Newsday, 9/9/99)

  • Philadelphia: An 18-year-old boy in a gene-therapy experiment at the University of Pennsylvania died.

    (Reading: "Death of Gene-Therapy Patient Prompts Federal Probe of Other Experiments," Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/30/99;

  • U. S. surgeons are accused of drilling holes in the heads of Parkinson's patients for placebo surgery.

    (Reading: "Doctors Drill Into Patients' Heads in Placebo Surgery," Independent News, United Kingdom, 9/29/99; "The Ethical Problems with Sham Surgery in Clinical Research," New England Journal of Medicine, 9/23/99)

COMMENT: When the dignity of a single human being is denied, what can we expect? After more than 40 million abortions, is anyone listening anymore?


CLONING: In a review of Lori B. Andrews' new book, "The Clone Age," John Turner of the New York Times says "it requires a strong sense of abstract ethics to see a ball of eight embryonic cells as a human being." Andrews would agree, of course. And Turner writes, "Personhood and human uniqueness do not reside in a unique sequence of DNA but in some phenomenon within the developed mind."

COMMENT: Strange to what lengths man will go to avoid God!

(Reading: Review of The Clone Age by John R. G. Turner; New York Times Book Reviews, 9/19/99; for a basic primer on the lack of moral ethics involved in efforts to clone human beings, see "When Word Games Kill" by Dianne Irving, Ph.D.)

CONGRESS: What if every member of Congress who voted for the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (254 in all) became co-sponsors of the Right to Life Act of 1999 (HR 639; S907)? Learn more about this genuine pro-life proposal from the U.S. Congress web site.

planned parenthood

VIRGINIA CHARITY? The university florists of Charlottesville distributed ten thousand roses to "community service organizations" including Planned Parenthood. Is this happening in your community?

(Reading: "Thank You Charlottesville," Daily Progress [Charlottesville, Va.], 9/22/99)

stem cell research

BRIGID HOGAN: Dr. Hogan, who is the principal author of the National Institutes of Health report on human embryo research (a report that favored destructive research on embryonic babies) said during a recent interview: "I carry a picture of a mouse embryo in my wallet to look at if I'm feeling low, like people carry pictures of their family."

(Reading: "Scientist at Work: In the Ethics Storm on Human Embryo Research," New York Times, 9/28/99; for background on Dr. Hogan's work with mouse embryos: Cell-Cell Interactions and Pattern Formation in the Mammalian Embryo; and The Hogan Laboratory)

web news

DEATH ON LINE: Derek Humphry, founder of the Hemlock Society, has signed an exclusive digital publishing agreement with This electronic publishing company is privately held, is based in Seattle, and features various works, pays high royalty rates and charges low fees to readers.

POPULATION CONTROL: The Population Research Institute is tracking the anti-life agenda of the United Nations Population Fund with onsite reporting from Kosovo.

reflection for prayer

Only the sinless and the chaste of heart have a right to the Beatific Vision of the all-holy God.

"But even here on earth, we may speak of seeing God by faith, as the foundation for our hope and love. We are to grow in faith, and the divinely ordained means of this growth are sinlessness and chastity. As we become less sinful, the eyes of our mind perceive God's presence more clearly and deeply. As we grow in chastity, which means chastity of mind and body, our perception of God becomes more vivid and our seeing him, more profound."

Retreat with the Lord, John Hardon, S.J., p. 99

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