Human life amendment

The paramount right to life is vested in each human being from the moment of fertilization without regard to age, health or condition of dependency.
If adopted as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, these words would permit states to enact and enforce laws to prohibit abortion. It would also permit Congress to adopt laws that protect the preborn.

Adoption of this measure has long been a goal of the pro-life movement, but in some cases this goal has been neglected—or seen as politically impractical. In light of the Supreme Court's ruling in the Stenberg v. Carhart partial-birth abortion case, attention to and passage of this amendment is more critical than ever before. It is clearly the only way the killing will end.

As American Life League President Judie Brown sees it, "Now is the hour; millions of lives are at stake. Ten, fifteen or twenty years from now, this decision will be cited to justify the selective termination of infants, toddlers, grandparents and the disabled. The Stenberg decision is just another 'evolutionary' step in that process."

The quest for passage of the human life amendment has both political and ethical components. These links will take you to further documentation of each aspect of the effort.