American Life League legislative policy

Dealing with exceptions

The ultimate goal of the pro-life movement is amending the U.S. Constitution with the Paramount Human Life Amendment which states:

"The paramount right to life is vested in each human being from the moment of fertilization without regard to age, health or condition of dependency." This amendment protects ALL innocent human persons from the moment of fertilization.

Legislative goals, however, are a bit more complex.

  • A law (bill) may be passed one year, strengthened or weakened the next, or repealed.

  • A law is just that, no more, nor less. It is constantly subject to the majority will of the legislature.

Can we support laws that are less than perfect?

Let's examine this question.

Pro-life people must not propose legislative goals, or goals of any sort, that would in any way be perceived as support for the abortion of even one child.

Pro-life people must expect lawmakers to work toward total protection for all innocent human beings, including the preborn, and we must demand this without hesitation.

Pro-life people must not appear to be gambling with these innocent lives in our tactics and strategy.

Pro-life people must make certain that our remarks reflect the principle that each innocent child's life is valuable and must be protected by the law and by society as a whole.

Dealing with a politician

A pro-life politician proposes an initiative that will save all of the babies, but his effort is defeated.

This politician begins the game of compromise, attempting to determine exactly what he can get and what will pass a particular lawmaking body at a given time.

He then comes to pro-life people, and explains that he tried to acquire total protection, but has failed. However, he explains what he can do and asks for our help.

Our response

Pro-life people stress to this legislator the need to be ever vigilant and to work toward the goal of total protection. We then treat each bill on a case by case basis before we as pro-lifers decide what to do.

The bottom line

Our Lord has placed us in this battle to be His hands, feet and eyes. Let us never initiate proposals or advocate pro-life strategy that would endanger even one of these, His children.

Pro-life people are the standard bearers; we are the stone wall around the children. We can present no cracks, we can promote no compromises, we can propose no killings.

"As long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me." (Matthew 25:4O)

Harry Truman lived by Sam Houston's maxim:
"Do right, risk consequences."

The maxim of some in the pro-life movement seems to be:
"Do polls, risk lives."

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