Abortion is still murder; God doesn’t read the polls!

A recent poll of American women shows that 50 percent of those surveyed believe politics should be guided by religious values, while 53 percent are split between making abortion illegal in all cases and making abortion illegal except in cases of rape, incest and saving a mother's life.

"While I am encouraged by the increase in women who recognize the value of religious practices to every day life, it disturbs me to think that many of these women still don't see abortion for what it truly is—an act of murder committed against a fellow human being," said American Life League president Judie Brown.

"Rather, they appear to see reasons why certain human beings should be murdered in cold blood by abortion. This is inconsistent with a belief that God is the author of life. Only He decides when a human being's life will end," Mrs. Brown said.

Mrs. Brown went on to say that abortion "to save the life of the mother" is completely erroneous. Quoting a large number of obstetrician/gynecologists, she points out overwhelming agreement among physicians that "there are no medical circumstances justifying direct abortion; that is, no circumstances in which the life of amother may be saved only by directly terminating the life of her unborn child."

"Women must understand that the 'life of the mother' clause is merely a ploy to keep abortion legal on demand throughout all nine months of pregnancy. The abortion industry has attempted to pull on America's heartstrings by creating an image of an expectant mother whose only recourse in avoiding death is to abort her child. This is never a reality," Mrs. Brown said.

©1999 American Life League, Inc.