March, 2000

Clinton publicly asks for money for programs supporting PP

In his radio address on January 8, 2000, Bill Clinton made public what we told you about in last month’s report—he wants to give PP a lot of money before he leaves office.

Clinton specifically said: “Today I am glad to announce we will be increasing funds for family planning and reproductive health care by $35 million next year. My budget for 2001 will include $274 million in grants for clinics and community-based health services that reach more than 5 million women and families.”

What he is speaking of is Title X funds.

In addition, Clinton said: “My budget for 2001 will increase funding for international family planning by almost $170 million. I am asking Congress to support these funds, and to provide them without restrictions that hamper the work of family planning organizations, and even bar them from discussing or debating reproductive health policies.”

STOPP supporters should gear up now to fight Title X and international family planning expenditures. There are a number of resources you can use to learn about this fight and to communicate with your elected officials. See the enclosed flyer; order the Title X packet, and make a difference.

More money from Clinton to PP

Another program being pushed by Bill Clinton is the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

While most of the public thinks this program is aimed at providing basic health insurance for young children, it already can cover “children” to age 18 and Clinton wants to extend the benefits even further.

The Family Research Council has examined this program and Clinton’s plans. Its director, Charles Donovan, issued the following statement:

President Clinton is proposing another $2.7 billion for the program. He wants to ... allow young people age 19 and 20 to enroll. Worse, his plan would allow schools and other sites (boys and girls clubs, for example) to immediately enroll children they think are eligible.

Of particular concern to STOPP supporters, and pro-lifers everywhere, is Donovan’s revelation that “quietly, however, the program is becoming a major conduit for distribution of contraceptives, including Norplant® and Depo-Provera®, to children without parental involvement.”

CHIP allows, but does not require, states to spend program funds on family planning services for adolescents. Thus, it could quickly become another lucrative source of government money for Planned Parenthood.

Donovan reports that an analysis done by the Family Research Council found that only one state, Pennsylvania, does not appear to be using CHIP to provide family planning funds. STOPP supporters know that PP will try to get government funds from as many sources as possible. In addition, Clinton will be trying this year to provide them with as much money as he possibly can.

We must insist that our elected officials look at every proposal in the health care area and make sure the programs are not being used to funnel our tax dollars to PP.

This next year is critical. We must act to stop the flow of money. Remember, we are not just electing a president this year. Every member of the House and one-third of the Senate are up for election. We must make PP funding an issue in every campaign this year.

Planned Parenthood of New York City announces formation of Othmer Institute

In 1998, Planned Parenthood of New York City (PPNYC) received a bequest of $75 million from the estate of Mildred and Donald Othmer. Recently, PPNYC formed the Othmer Institute. PPNYC says the institute might be called “the first ‘think tank’ promoting the advancement of reproductive freedom and healthy sexuality through innovative programs and ideas.”

According to a PPNYC news release, the institute:

...exists to foster a new dialogue with the American people and to rise above the polarized rhetoric and stereotyping which has surrounded reproductive health issues since the days of Margaret Sanger. Through the institute, we believe we can bring new ideas and issues into the public discourse and create a forum which allows us to listen and react to the voices of Americans who are critically effected—but emotionally distanced—by the ‘culture wars’ of the last two decades.

We know that Americans—young and old, men and women, insured or uninsured—are touched by many of the health care issues we face today. But they lack information. Our objective, through the Othmer Institute, is to act as a broker of ideas between those unengaged or alienated from politics and those creating public and private sector policy. We hope to create a mechanism to bring political power brokers together with those seeking reform—community leaders alienated from politics and those outside the process, principally young people, new immigrants and minorities.

The Othmer Institute will be located in New York City rather than Washington, D.C., not only to avoid the national center of partisan politics, but to benefit from the proximity to one of the most diverse, polyglot and populous cities in our nation.

We intend to take full advantage of New York’s huge reservoir of intellectual talent, its premier medical and health care institutions, its national media outlets and ready access to public policymakers, and its diverse population of rich and poor. Our goal is to create an environment outside of our nation’s capital where leaders of issue groups, independent thinkers and ordinary citizens can exchange ideas with public officials and the media in a civilized environment.

You will see the first initiative of the Othmer Institute through a monthly placement of “op-ads” in the national edition of the New York Times. The first ad will appear on January 18, 2000.

Another focus of the institute’s activities will be mini-conferences and symposiums designed to bring people together. And from the intellectual ferment generated we plan to publish and disseminate books, papers, videos and interactive web events that, in turn, can reach a larger national audience.

The Othmer Institute is a significant investment by PPNYC in America’s future. We will generate thinking of substance and value to as many people who want to participate in this venture. And we can begin to counteract the misinformation and violence that has pervaded the issue of choice in recent years.

As always, our ultimate goal will be the advancement of reproductive freedom and healthy sexuality for all Americans, regardless of class, race, religion, gender, age or sexuality. But our current resolve is to build a national center of civic dialogue that transcends the partisan politics of the moment—a place where morally complex and ambiguous issues can be debated freely.

PP endorses “Cider House Rules”

Planned Parenthood is using its website to encourage all its people to see The Cider House Rules, a new film from Miramax/Disney. STOPP supporters should know that this film is a celebration of abortion. In it a character learns how to perform abortions and then has an opportunity to actually do one.

The attitude of the film is that abortion is a wonderful thing and something to be treasured. Parents should keep their children away from this film. It is not the kind of “entertainment” that is suitable for persons of any age.

Feldt speaks out on partial-birth abortion ban

The United States Supreme Court has agreed to decide a case involving the banning of partial-birth abortions. Planned Parenthood wants desperately to protect this gruesome killing method. Here is the press release issued by PP concerning the Supreme Court’s involvement in this case:

Statement by Gloria Feldt, President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Washington, DC - Today the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal of Carhart v. Stenberg, regarding a Nebraska law banning abortion procedures. On September 24, 1999, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit affirmed the federal district court opinion by striking down the law as unconstitutional. Planned Parenthood fully supports that decision and urges the Supreme Court to do the same.

The Eighth Circuit held that the pivotal term in the proposed law, so-called “partial-birth” abortion, “though widely used by lawmakers and the popular press, has no fixed medical or legal content” (Carhart at 1144), has the effect of criminalizing the safest and most common medical procedures for terminating pregnancies. Furthermore, the law lacks an exception for the woman’s health, a condition Supreme Court jurisprudence has consistently held to be a paramount interest to be protected in the context of any abortion restriction.

More than any other event in our nation’s history, Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark decision legalizing abortion, gave women control over their reproductive choices. It had a profound and revolutionary impact, enabling women to participate fully in the political, social, and economic life of the nation. With Carhart v. Stenberg, the Supreme Court could dismantle the very foundations of the right to choose abortion—the privacy of women’s health, the role of doctors in making medical decisions, and the limited reasons available to justify state interference.

For 27 years, the anti-choice movement has done everything in its power to overturn Roe. Americans should not be fooled—this law is not about a medical procedure. It is part of a shrewd, on-going legal strategy to undercut a woman’s freedom to decide when or whether to have a child.

Anti-choice organizations oppose abortion for any reason, by any method, at any point in pregnancy. They also oppose contraception, medically accurate sex education, safer sex information, and they want women to become subordinate to the will of the men in their lives. Planned Parenthood stands for the right of individuals to make their own responsible sexual and reproductive health care decisions without interference from the government. We call on the Supreme Court to decide this case on the side of the health, the lives, and the freedom of American women and their families.

PP abortion facility moves close to school

Planned Parenthood runs the only facility in South Dakota that openly admits to doing abortions. Until recently, the facility was located on Louise Avenue near the Empire Mall. But recently, PP secretly rented and renovated a new facility and, without any warning, moved into the new facility on West 41st Street. The new facility will kill babies just south of Roosevelt High School.

STOPP supporters are aware that PP frequently picks locations near schools to be able to get the business of the children. In typical PP fashion, it maintained “the building was chosen based on the availability and accessibility of the space. The proximity to the high school is a coincidence.”

Local pro-lifers, including the Most Rev. Robert Carlson, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, were upset by the move and complained to the city council about its secrecy and the fact that there was no public input. The city council stated that PP had followed all the rules and there was nothing it could do.

After hearing of the move, high school officials expressed concern about possible disruption in the area because of pro-life protests. They did not say anything about the location of a facility killing babies being located near the school.

Pro-lifers have protested at the former Planned Parenthood site in the past and reportedly will continue their activities at the new site.

This move by Planned Parenthood reveals its true goal of trying to get to our children and kill as many babies as possible. We must continue to expose the truth about PP.

New birth control methods

On January 13, 2000, the Chicago Tribune did a story titled “The Next Generation of Birth Control.” In it, the newspaper discussed various types of birth control that could be on the market in the United States within the next couple of years.

Because all the methods they discussed are abortifacient, and since Planned Parenthood will most likely be quick to start dispensing the methods, we felt you should know about them now.

The methods on the contraception horizon were described to the Tribune by Dr. Anita Nelson, spokeswoman for the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. These methods include vaginal rings, a patch technique, once-monthly injections, “the best IUD ever” and a onetime implant system that is likely farthest from federal government approval. Here’s what the

Tribune had to say about each:

  • Vaginal ring: This method involves a woman inserting a flexible, lightweight ring in the vagina. The two- to three-inch-wide ring releases estrogen and progestin (the primary ingredients of the pill) into surrounding tissues to stave off pregnancy. The rings are used for three weeks—and can be reused for one to 12 cycles depending on the manufacturer—then removed for one week in a pattern similar to birth control pills.

    One plus of the method is the estrogen and progestin offered in the rings is about one-third less than the oral dose. The medication is also released gradually rather than a larger dose entering the body all at once. This reduces the occurrence of side effects that have been associated with the Pill, though some women report nausea during the first 24 hours after insertion of a new ring.

  • The patch: This technique, similar to the rings in that it has been proven effective and tolerable for hormonal replacement therapy, appears to be another convenient birth-control option with high probability for success. It can be worn anywhere on the body, typically the arm or chest, and can be removed during menstruation. Each patch lasts several days before reapplication is needed.

  • Monthly injections: A new injectable system called Lunelle® is in the FDA pipeline to challenge Depo-Provera®, which is the approved form of birth control shots now on the market. Lunelle is administered monthly; Depo-Provera users only need four shots per year. But Lunelle offers both estrogen and progestin (Depo-Provera is progestin only) and the progestin dose is lower over time.

  • A new IUD: a new intrauterine device will be a viable option for women who normally experience heavy menstrual bleeding or fibroids and as a result cannot wear today’s plastic T-framed IUDs (two are approved by the FDA; one uses copper and the other releases progesterone to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus). The new IUD, designed by a Belgian firm, involves implanting copper bands into the muscular wall of the uterus (known as the myometrium) with biodegradable sutures, reducing bleeding and pain problems associated with removal of typical IUDs.

  • Implants: While researchers consider the Norplant® implant a good and safe option for birth control, its highly publicized troubles with women stemmed from incorrect implant techniques and difficult removals. The new onetime implant system is designed for easier insertion of a single-rod device (compared to six with the Norplant method), and in early studies removal is reported to be less difficult too.

The current picture of contraception

The most popular contraceptive is tubal sterilization (27.7 percent), followed closely by the birth control pill (26.9 percent). Women in their 20s are most likely to use the Pill. Tubal sterilization is chosen by 50 percent of women between 40 and 44 who previously used other forms of contraception.

Male condoms (used by 20.4 percent of couples overall and 37 percent among teenagers), vasectomy (10.9 percent) and withdrawal (three percent) round out the top five methods, according to the National Center for Health Statistics and the Alan Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of Planned Parenthood).

Injections, implants and intrauterine devices (IUDs) account for about five percent, while diaphragms represent about two percent and female condoms less than one percent.

Of course, all these products become unnecessary if we live a chaste life and trust that God knows what He is doing.

PP upset in Amarillo

Planned Parenthood of Amarillo and the Texas Panhandle is livid. It can’t understand why a local health care agency doesn’t want to kill babies in the womb.

It was reported in the Globe-News on December 29 that Planned Parenthood is urging the Northwest Texas Healthcare System to change its policy of not providing an abortion to a woman “whose sonogram shows the fetus stands no chance of life outside the mother’s womb.”

Claudia Stravato, chief executive officer at Planned Parenthood, told local media, “We regret that there are no local resources to provide medically appropriate care for women who are carrying a fetus that cannot live outside the uterus.” Stravato said, “We view the issue of terminating a nonviable fetus to be strictly a medical decision, and not a political one.

“We believe this decision should be determined by a physician using the latest technology. A physician on the staff of a hospital should then be able to provide what he or she determines to be appropriate care for their patient.”

Contrast this with the position expressed by Candy Gibbs, site director of the First Heartbeat Crisis Pregnancy Center of Amarillo. She said, “under no circumstances would the center ever back an abortion,” even for a nonviable fetus.

“We believe that God is the creator of all life, and He should be the decider when a life should end,” Gibbs said.

“If the baby is alive in the mother, it should have a chance to survive in the real world.”

PP “pledge-a-picket” in Marquette, Michigan

Planned Parenthood is trying an old tactic as a publicity tool in Michigan. The Planned Parenthood facility in Marquette moved into a new building. In an effort to get more press coverage for itself, PP announced that it would begin a Pledge-a-Picket campaign in Marquette. PP already has the same type of program in two other Michigan towns—Petoskey and Traverse City.

The concept behind the Pledge-a-Picket campaign is to discourage pro-life picketers by claiming that the more picketers who show up, the more money Planned Parenthood makes. In Marquette, PP added a new twist when talking to reporters.

The lead paragraph of the story about Planned Parenthood contained the following sentence, “Marquette’s Planned Parenthood is preparing to open the doors to their new complex on Monday and they have found a way to pay for abortions for low-income women.”

In an effort to further discourage picketers, PP is claiming that the money raised from the Pledge-a-Picket campaign will be used to pay for abortions.

“The whole idea behind a ‘Pledge-a-Picket’ is to have people adopt a picketer and pledge a level of support for that picketer. Then those contributions come rolling in every time these people are out on the street and visit. It’s a good revenue for us,” Jim Parks of Planned Parenthood, said. “The money raised will be used to support women who are on Medicaid and seeking an abortion, which the state legislature cut access for years ago.”

STOPP supporters should know that the Pledge-a-Picket campaign has been tried by PP facilities all over the country and STOPP knows of no instance where it ever discouraged picketers or raised a lot of money for PP.

The reaction of pro-life picketers in Marquette is typical of pro-life reaction across the country. One of the pro-life picketers, Paul Korzenko, told the press, “That’s not going to stop us. We’ll be here until we’re thrown in prison for some trumped up reason, until we’re dead or Planned Parenthood is out of business in this town.”

Congratulations to the faithful fighters against Planned Parenthood in Marquette. Your persistence and forthright statements show us the right answer to these scare tactics of Planned Parenthood. May God bless your activities.

PP can’t believe we’re still around

As STOPP supporters protested outside the PP facility in Washington, D.C. (see story on next page), PP’s reaction was one of disbelief.

Jatrice Martel Gaiter, president and chief executive officer of Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Inc., told reporters, “It’s the same as always. I’m appalled that 27 years after Roe v. Wade we are still having the same sidewalk debate.’’

Get used to it Jatrice. We’re not going away.

Stopp off and running in 2000

As a new year dawned (the 16th in our struggle against Planned Parenthood), STOPP was actively involved in the fight against PP.

Bucks County, Pennsylvania

We began the year by traveling to Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where Planned Parenthood is trying to open a new abortion facility in Warminster. Jim was invited to speak to a meeting of the Bucks County Christian Coalition. Here is Jim’s account of the day:

After a four-hour drive, I met with Gail Pedrick at her home in New Hope, Pa. Gail provided me background on the local situation along with a tremendous dinner. Then it was off to the talk. The talk was held in a meeting room at the local Boy Scout building. The room had about 50 chairs and organizers were hoping that most of them would be filled. They needn’t have worried because the room filled to overflowing as many people gathered to learn about Planned Parenthood.

During the talk, I discussed the background and philosophies of Planned Parenthood and showed the audience how Margaret Sanger’s three basic philosophies of free sex, birth control and eugenics are still alive and well in the organization today.

I got into specific detail about PP’s abortion business and the fact that its current president, Gloria Feldt, is pushing to have surgical abortion performed at more and more of the organization’s facilities. I reminded the audience that Warminster was just one of several towns in Pennsylvania where PP was trying to open an abortion facility.

We got into some detail on how dedicated pro-lifers in Lancaster had been able to stall the PP drive for a new killing center.

The Bucks County people took lots of notes, asked great questions, and vowed to fight against PP opening a death house in their county.

STOPP on Radio

In the days before the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, STOPP was contacted by a number of radio stations, including the USA Radio Network and the Salem Radio Network, to do commentary on abortion and Planned Parenthood. We were able to get out the truth about Planned Parenthood to a wide audience across the United States. All the stations expressed appreciation that we were there with the latest facts for them.

PP — Washington, D.C.

One of the great things about operating as a division of American Life League is that it is now possible for STOPP to literally be in two places at the same time. Thus, while Jim was traveling to Cleveland, Ohio (see next item), for a talk, the youth from Why Life?/Rock for Life were bringing the truth to Planned Parenthood on the streets of Washington, D.C. Bryan Kemper reported that “our weekend started off Saturday morning with prayer in front of Planned Parenthood. A lot of the kids who came to join us actually got to town on Saturday morning and showed up at Planned Parenthood with their luggage and sleeping bags. We had between 75 and 100 people brave the bitter cold weather to join us for prayer and picketing between 8:00 and 10:00am.”

Bryan observed that “for the past few years, I’ve seen the number of people outside the clinics dwindling. This year, as we got to Planned Parenthood, I saw the same familiar faces that are there every year, praying and holding picket signs. But, as the morning moved on, I saw more and more young people showing up. Before long, the sidewalk was packed with our generation’s legalized abortion survivors. I was choked up to see so many young, radical kids in front of the mill, praying and speaking out for their generation.

“Many of these kids had just spent the entire night on buses and trains or driving to participate in the activities. Not one of them, however, complained as they boldly stood in silent witness to the children dying at Planned Parent-hood on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Some of them commented that this was their first time in front of a clinic, but definitely would not be their last.”

The Associated Press covered the protest at Planned Parenthood and included in its story a comment from Anthony Sheehan, a pro-life activist from Alexandria, Va., who told the media, “When they stop killing children, we’ll stop showing up.’’

The Planned Parenthood facility is less than five blocks from the White House. Bryan reported, “when the PP protest ended at about 10:00 am we packed everybody’s luggage in the van then marched over to the White House to take the tour wearing pro-life shirts.

"We had to stand in line for about an hour and a half to take the tour. We were all wearing pro-life shirts that said ‘Abortion is Homicide’ or ‘Mr. Clinton, Stop Killing Children.’

“It was a great sight to see a long line of pro-life messages walking through the White House. We were the only group of people taking the tour that had their own Secret Service agents assigned to walk with them. After the tour we gathered for a group shot in front of the White House” (you can check it out on the picture page of our Rock for Life web site).

Cleveland, Ohio

While the young STOPP supporters were in the streets of our nation’s capital, Jim was flying to Cleveland, Ohio. He was invited to address an annual pro-life gathering of the Greater Cleveland Orthodox Christians for Life.

Jim attended a luncheon with local pro-life leaders on Saturday. They discussed the situation in the Cleveland area and the new PP facility in Rocky River—a Cleveland suburb. Following the luncheon, Jim was taken on a tour of the Cleveland area and met a local Orthodox priest and a deacon, both of whom are very pro-life.

On Sunday, Jim gathered with a good group of about 60 area pro-lifers for their annual prayer vigil and talk. In addition to local pro-lifers, in attendance was Bishop Job of Chicago, who is head of the Diocese of the Midwest of the Orthodox Church in America. The prayer vigil took place in the local Orthodox cemetery. Pro-lifers stood in the bitter cold and asked God to bless their work and to shower His blessings on all involved in the abortion tragedy.

Jim then gave a one-and-a-half hour presentation on the background and philosophies of Planned Parenthood. The group had previously received copies of Jim’s videos on Planned Parenthood and many had viewed them. Jim was told that the video on the Humanist Manifestos was particularly useful to the group. (Jim’s videos are available by calling the STOPP resource department at 540-659-4171.)

During the talk, Jim emphasized the need to spread the message of God using the Gospel of St. Matthew, chapter 10, as the guiding document. He emphasized the need for persistence and the need to loudly proclaim Christ’s message. He told the audience of the promise in Matthew 10 where Christ says, “whoever proclaims Me before man, I will proclaim him before My Father in heaven.”

The audience was very attentive and there were a large number of questions. After the talk, one attendee came up to Jim and told him that she had been reinvigorated by the presentation and was going to renew her efforts to fight abortion and Planned Parenthood.

Seaford, New York

Jim’s talk in Seaford, New York, was an event that had a long history even before Jim took the stage. The talk had originally been scheduled for September 1999.

The local people in Seaford (on Long Island) have been actively fighting Planned Parenthood for a number of years. They have been successful in getting Planned Parenthood programs out of a local high school. But the PTA is paying Planned Parenthood to come in after hours to teach a sex education class to children who attend with the permission of their parents. The local people rightly feel that if the parents really understood what PP is all about, they would keep their children home.

Seaford pro-lifers invited Jim to come and give a presentation on PP in general but concentrating on the harm done by its sex education programs.

On the day of the presentation in September, a hurricane hit the east coast of the United States. Jim arrived at Reagan Airport in D.C. only to find that all flights to New York had been canceled. He then decided to drive the six hours to the meeting. As Jim got to Baltimore, weather conditions worsened and the road was becoming dangerous. He called the organizers in New York and it was decided to postpone the event.

Just two days before the rescheduled event was to take place in January, a blizzard hit the east coast. Many news reporters were calling it the Blizzard of 2000. It dumped over 12 inches of snow on the Washington, D.C., area and about five inches on Seaford. Fortunately, the weather cleared and Jim was finally able to get to Seaford.

Jim’s talk was held in a Knights of Columbus hall. Organizers setup a hundred chairs and hoped they could fill most of them. Not to worry. By the time Jim took the stage for his talk, the K of C staff had to set up additional chairs to accommodate all the people. And they all enjoyed the talk.

Jim spent two hours educating the audience on PP and its outrageous sex ed programs. He told them how PP, from the beginning, targeted its sex education programs to “teach children how to obtain sexual satisfaction before marriage.” He referred them to a current book titled It’s Perfectly Normal, by Robie Harris, as an example of how offensive PP sex education really is.

A large number of questions were answered and a Catholic priest approached Jim after the talk and said, “It was worth the wait.”

Congratulations to Veronica Mullin and all the pro-lifers in Seaford for your persistence in getting this event to happen.

PP loses debate in New Hampshire

The following report was written by Andrew Daub, director of American Life League’s youth divisions:

Most of the Youth Division of ALL went to New Hampshire for the College/High School Convention 2000. The event, designed to mirror political conferences, drew thousands of politically active young people, from across the U.S., for three days of debates, speeches, polling and candidate promotion.

More than thirty organizations set up booths promoting their message in an adjoining room, with the Why Life? / Rock for Life booth ending up as the most identifiable and heavily visited booth in the convention.

Most fittingly, Planned Parenthood’s booth was directly down the aisle from ours. In addition to passing out literature, Planned Parenthood saw fit to provide conference-goers with free condoms, despite directions from the conference planning committee not to do so.

The culmination of our involvement was a debate between the New England Planned Parenthood’s legislative director, Zero Population Growth’s Executive Director, Gianna Jessen (a saline abortion survivor) and me.

In true form, Planned Parenthood and ZPG presented their messages in a politically correct, watered down, seemingly “understanding” format—addressing reproductive health rather than abortion, promoting no message other than their willingness to keep the murder of children “legal” and “safe.”

The audience was quickly roused from their propaganda-induced slumber by Gianna’s first sentence—“I was aborted.” The environment of the debate was never the same.

I followed Gianna with a clarification of abortion, its disastrous effects and a call to action for the young people attending the conference.

The question and answer period proved most interesting, and in our favor, as PP had no definitive answers to the tough questions, did the proverbial tap-dance, and resorted to throwing their hands in the air and calling us “radicals.”

All in all, the conference proved extremely successful as we debated and discussed abortion with numerous attendees, passed out hundreds of educational brochures and hopefully, by the grace of God, touched hearts and planted seeds of truth.

Two Wisconsin PP clinics closed

Pro-lifers in Wisconsin have been targeting Planned Parenthood ever since Jim Sedlak paid visits to the state. Word now comes to STOPP headquarters that PP clinics in Cedarburg and New London have been permanently closed by PP of Wisconsin!

Congratulations to Pro-Life Wisconsin and Missionaries to the Preborn for your outstanding efforts against PP.

This month’s action items

  • Use the enclosed form to order your Title X material and be ready for the debate on PP funding.
  • As new birth control methods are announced, be ready to tell the truth—they all cause the deaths of babies in the womb.
  • Begin to take action against PP in your community. If you don’t, who will?
  • Invite Jim Sedlak to speak in your town in 2000. Call 540-659-4171, and ask for Rozann.
  • Send a tax-deductible donation today to help us keep fighting Planned Parenthood.
  • Pray that God will lead us in our work, and that we will always have the courage to do His will.

Back issues of the Ryan Report.


©2000 Stop Planned Parenthood International
A division of American Life League, Inc.