PP’s ‘abortion distortion’ fuels promotion of over-the-counter abortion pill

"Planned Parenthood's president, Gloria Feldt, an arch-promoter of abortion chemicals, distorted the definition of abortion to 'justify' the American Medical Association’s approval of over-the-counter distribution of the 'morning after' pill," said Ed Szymkowiak, National Director of STOPP International, a division of American Life League.

"The truth is that life begins at conception," Szymkowiak said, "and about 5 to 7 days later, the new human being implants in its mother's womb. The morning after pill can prevent implantation, thus aborting a tiny preborn human person," he said.

Feldt falsely claimed that the morning after abortion pill would reduce the number of abortions by 800,000 in the United States (Associated Press, 12/01/00).

"Using a flawed redefinition of abortion as something that only occurs between implantation and birth, Feldt is misleading people with her incredulous claim that the 'morning after' abortion pill will prevent abortions. In fact, it will cause abortion.”

Szymkowiak also pointed out that the "morning after" abortion pill is also known as "emergency contraception" or EC. "This demonstrates the close connection that exists, in mentality, between the practice of contraception and abortion," Szymkowiak added. "They are fruits of the same tree and they reflect a self-centered concept of freedom which regards the child that could result from a sexual encounter as an enemy to be avoided at all costs."

Szymkowiak said that Planned Parenthood’s next step would be to seek FDA approval for over-the-counter distribution of the "morning after" pill. "This is what Planned Parenthood has wanted all along, and it is willing to ignore the truth to get it."


©2000 Stop Planned Parenthood International
A division of American Life League, Inc.