Stenberg decision will lead to infanticide epidemic

On the heels of today's Stenberg v. Carhart decision is the more shocking news that infanticide is spreading in America. A 36 year-old mother recently testified in court that she purposely started a fire in her home - five days after she had an abortion - in order to kill four of her remaining children. The LA Times reported that the woman said on the stand that she was devastated by abortion.

"Abortion is, in fact, infanticide disguised as 'choice,'" said Cathy Brown, director of Why Life? "There is a rising tide of infanticide throughout the length and breadth of America. We need to be seriously concerned about the Stenberg v. Carhart decision because it has sent out the message that infanticide is tolerable."

Brown urged Americans to "wake up and realize the state of moral upheaval that abortion has brought to our country." Brown said she fears "the Supreme Court decision will likely spur other acts of infanticide as Americans, especially teens, struggle to figure out what behaviors are acceptable."

Brown cited infanticide cases in the news within the past few months:

  • In January, North Las Vegas police investigated the death of a newborn girl found stuffed into a plastic bag in her mother's closet.
  • In April, teens Abagail V. Caliboso and Jose E. Ocampo left their newborn to die at a Delaware construction site.
  • On April 25, a newborn's body was found in a Mississauga River. Joggers found the baby, wrapped in plastic bags and submerged in the river. Police have been unable to find the mother.
  • In April, a newborn baby, born in New York, was stabbed to death with a pair of scissors.
  • In May, Michelle Klewin, a Wisconsin mother, gave birth to her baby in her apartment toilet and then left him there to drown.
  • On May 10, Kayonia Harvey, 19, stabbed her newborn daughter repeatedly with a kitchen knife, placed her in a garbage bag, and stuffed her under the house.
  • In June, a young mother hurled her 16-month-old baby boy into the Passaic River after she couldn't find a baby sitter. The young boy was found dead more than two miles downstream.

"The Supreme Court decision in Stenberg v. Carhart is just one more step down the slippery slope," Brown said. "The next logical step is the legalization of newborn murder."

Brown called for Americans to stand up and defend life, demanding a human life amendment that would protect all human persons from fertilization/conception until natural death.


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