Supreme Court majority tramples First Amendment

In addition to legalizing partial-birth abortion in its Stenberg v. Carhart decision, the US Supreme Court upheld a Colorado law placing restraints on the freedom of speech rights of pro-life Americans. The Hill v. Colorado decision ruled that pro-life counselors outside an abortion clinic can be punished by imprisonment and fine.

"On one remarkable day of judicial tyranny, the high court effectively legalized infanticide, then deprived Americans of their right to provide expectant mothers -- misled into seeking abortion -- with life saving information," said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.

"On every front, expectant mothers are bombarded with false pro-death information claiming that abortion is a good thing," Brown said. "The abortion industry deceives women by claiming that the child they are carrying is something less than a human person. It deprives expectant mothers of accurate information about the existence of post-abortion trauma. In placing restraints on the dissemination of accurate pro-life information, the Supreme Court has demonstrated its complicity with the abortion industry in the destruction millions of Americans.

"These unconstitutional decisions must be a call to action for the pro-life movement," Brown said. "Americans must demand a human life amendment to the Constitution, to explicate the 'inalienable right to life' for all human beings begining at conception (fertilization). And let us pray for the ruthless, politically motivated majority of Supreme Court justices."

©2000 American Life League, Inc.