April 5, 2000
CONTACTS: Communications Director, 202-667-5881


Opponents of the Bill Gain Nine Votes As Legislators Discover True Effects of Ban

Washington, DC - The House passed HR 3660 by a vote of 287- 141 today, representing a gain of 9 votes in opposition to the abortion ban since the last time the House voted. "Today's vote gain is an important step in preserving a woman's right to choose," said Vicki Saporta, Executive Director of the National Abortion Federation (NAF). "While the House did pass this broad-sweeping abortion ban, they received nine fewer votes because legislators discovered that they have been misled by proponents of the ban into believing it would outlaw only one abortion procedure. Legislators are discovering what courts across the country have concluded: that so-called 'partial-birth abortion' bans outlaw most safe abortion procedures performed throughout pregnancy."

"Contrary to what anti-choice legislators have claimed, today's vote was not about banning one abortion procedure, nor was it confined to abortions performed later in pregnancy. The public has been misled by inflammatory rhetoric and graphics that don't match the language of this legislation. Because this bill's language is intentionally vague, it could even criminalize first trimester abortion procedures."

"This bill also puts legislators in the middle of what should be a private relationship between a patient and her physician. A physician in the operating room shouldn't have to call his or her legislator for permission to provide appropriate medical care to a patient. Doctors, not legislators, should make health care decisions," said Saporta.

"We thank those legislators who voted today to protect the ability of women and families to make their own private medical decisions in consultation with their physician. We also thank the President for his committment to once again veto this deceptive legislation."

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The National Abortion Federation is the largest professional association of abortion providers, with member facilities throughout the U.S. and Canada. NAF is dedicated to ensuring that abortion remains safe, legal, and accessible.