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Reproductive Rights

Do you support a woman’s right to a safe and legal abortion without restrictions?

Governor Bush: I want to build a culture that respects life, where all unborn children are welcomed in life and protected in law. While I respect those with differing views, I am pro-life and support compassionate alternatives to abortion. I support the goal of a Human Life Amendment with exceptions for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother. If elected President, I will provide leadership to take positive, practical steps to reduce the number of abortions: ending partial-birth abortion, streamlining adoption, helping women in crisis through maternity group homes, promoting abstinence, and passing laws requiring parental notification and waiting periods. I also oppose the use of public money to provide or advocate abortions.

Vice President Gore: Yes, as Vice President and a Member of Congress, I have worked hard to protect a woman’s right to choose. As President, I will make sure it is never taken away. I believe that legal abortions should be safe and rare. The decision to have an abortion should be between a woman, her conscience, her doctor and her God.

Family Planning