Bill Summary & Status for the 106th Congress


Sponsor: Rep Goodlatte, Bob(introduced 2/25/1999)
Latest Major Action: 7/23/1999 House preparation for floor: Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 149.
Title: To amend title 18, United States Code, to affirm the rights of United States persons to use and sell encryption and to relax export controls on encryption.
Jump to: Titles, Status, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments, Cosponsors, Summary

TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions) (Floor Actions/Congressional Record Page References)
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Referred to House Judiciary
Referred to the Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property.
Subcommittee Hearings Held.
Subcommittee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee by Voice Vote.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.
Referred to House International Relations
Referred to the Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade.
Subcommittee Hearings Held.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 33 - 5.
Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade Discharged.
4/27/1999 10:15pm:
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Judiciary. H. Rept. 106-117, Part I.
4/27/1999 10:16pm:
House Committee on International Relations Granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than July 2, 1999.
Referred jointly and sequentially to the House Committee on Armed Services for a period ending not later than July 2, 1999 for consideration of such provisions of the bill as fall within the jurisdiction of that committee pursuant to clause 1(c), rule X.
Executive Comment Requested from DOD.
Committee Hearings Held.
Committee Hearings Held.
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 47 - 6.
Referred jointly and sequentially to the House Committee on Commerce for a period ending not later than July 2, 1999 for consideration of such provisions of the bill as fall within the jurisdiction of that committee pursuant to clause 1(f), rule X.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade, and Consumer Protection.
Subcommittee Hearings Held.
Subcommittee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee (Amended) by Voice Vote.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote.
Referred jointly and sequentially to the House Committee on Intelligence (Permanent Select) for a period ending not later than July 2, 1999 for consideration of such provisions of the bill as fall within the jurisdiction of that committee pursuant to clause 11, rule X.
7/2/1999 2:20pm:
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Commerce. H. Rept. 106-117, Part II.
7/2/1999 2:24pm:
House Committee on International Relations Granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than July 16, 1999.
7/2/1999 2:25pm:
House Committee on Armed Services Granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than July 23, 1999.
7/2/1999 2:25pm:
House Committee on Intelligence (Permanent) Granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than July 23, 1999.
7/16/1999 2:56pm:
House Committee on International Relations Granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than July 19, 1999.
7/19/1999 7:15pm:
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on International Relations. H. Rept. 106-117, Part III.
7/23/1999 1:41pm:
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Armed Services. H. Rept. 106-117, Part IV.
7/23/1999 7:54pm:
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Intelligence (Permanent). H. Rept. 106-117, Part V.
7/23/1999 7:54pm:
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 149.





COSPONSORS(258), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:     (Sort: by date)

Rep Ackerman, Gary L. - 2/25/1999 Rep Andrews, Robert E. - 2/25/1999
Rep Archer, Bill - 2/25/1999 Rep Armey, Richard K. - 2/25/1999
Rep Bachus, Spencer - 2/25/1999 Rep Baird, Brian - 5/24/1999
Rep Baker, Richard H. - 3/23/1999 Rep Baldacci, John Elias - 3/23/1999
Rep Ballenger, Cass - 2/25/1999 Rep Barcia, James A. - 2/25/1999
Rep Barr, Bob - 2/25/1999 Rep Barrett, Bill - 2/25/1999
Rep Barrett, Thomas M. - 2/25/1999 Rep Barton, Joe - 2/25/1999
Rep Bilbray, Brian P. - 2/25/1999 Rep Blumenauer, Earl - 2/25/1999
Rep Blunt, Roy - 2/25/1999 Rep Boehner, John A. - 2/25/1999
Rep Bonilla, Henry - 3/16/1999 Rep Bonior, David E. - 2/25/1999
Rep Bono, Mary - 2/25/1999 Rep Boucher, Rick - 2/25/1999
Rep Brady, Kevin - 2/25/1999 Rep Brady, Robert - 2/25/1999
Rep Brown, Corrine - 2/25/1999 Rep Brown, George E., Jr. - 2/25/1999
Rep Bryant, Ed - 2/25/1999 Rep Burr, Richard - 2/25/1999
Rep Burton, Dan - 2/25/1999 Rep Calvert, Ken - 3/11/1999
Rep Camp, Dave - 2/25/1999 Rep Campbell, Tom - 2/25/1999
Rep Cannon, Chris - 2/25/1999 Rep Capps, Lois - 2/25/1999
Rep Chabot, Steve - 2/25/1999 Rep Chambliss, Saxby - 2/25/1999
Rep Chenoweth-Hage, Helen - 2/25/1999 Rep Christensen, Donna MC - 2/25/1999
Rep Clayton, Eva M. - 2/25/1999 Rep Clement, Bob - 2/25/1999
Rep Clyburn, James E. - 2/25/1999 Rep Coble, Howard - 2/25/1999
Rep Collins, Mac - 2/25/1999 Rep Conyers, John, Jr. - 2/25/1999
Rep Cook, Merrill - 2/25/1999 Rep Cooksey, John - 2/25/1999
Rep Cox, Christopher - 2/25/1999 Rep Crane, Philip M. - 3/23/1999
Rep Crowley, Joseph - 4/27/1999 Rep Cubin, Barbara - 2/25/1999
Rep Cummings, Elijah E. - 2/25/1999 Rep Cunningham, Randy (Duke) - 2/25/1999
Rep Davis, Danny K. - 2/25/1999 Rep Davis, Thomas M. - 2/25/1999
Rep Deal, Nathan - 2/25/1999 Rep DeFazio, Peter A. - 2/25/1999
Rep Delahunt, William D. - 2/25/1999 Rep DeLauro, Rosa L. - 2/25/1999
Rep DeLay, Tom - 2/25/1999 Rep DeMint, Jim - 3/23/1999
Rep Deutsch, Peter - 2/25/1999 Rep Diaz-Balart, Lincoln - 3/16/1999
Rep Dickey, Jay - 2/25/1999 Rep Dooley, Calvin M. - 2/25/1999
Rep Doolittle, John T. - 2/25/1999 Rep Doyle, Michael F. - 2/25/1999
Rep Dreier, David - 2/25/1999 Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. - 2/25/1999
Rep Dunn, Jennifer - 2/25/1999 Rep Ehlers, Vernon J. - 2/25/1999
Rep Emerson, Jo Ann - 2/25/1999 Rep Engel, Eliot L. - 3/16/1999
Rep English, Phil - 2/25/1999 Rep Eshoo, Anna G. - 2/25/1999
Rep Etheridge, Bob - 4/12/1999 Rep Ewing, Thomas W. - 2/25/1999
Rep Farr, Sam - 2/25/1999 Rep Filner, Bob - 2/25/1999
Rep Fletcher, Ernest L. - 5/11/1999 Rep Foley, Mark - 3/25/1999
Rep Forbes, Michael P. - 3/10/1999 Rep Ford, Harold, Jr. - 2/25/1999
Rep Fossella, Vito - 2/25/1999 Rep Frank, Barney - 2/25/1999
Rep Franks, Bob - 2/25/1999 Rep Frost, Martin - 2/25/1999
Rep Gallegly, Elton - 2/25/1999 Rep Gejdenson, Sam - 2/25/1999
Rep Gekas, George W. - 2/25/1999 Rep Gephardt, Richard A. - 2/25/1999
Rep Gibbons, Jim - 3/10/1999 Rep Gillmor, Paul E. - 2/25/1999
Rep Goode, Virgil H., Jr. - 2/25/1999 Rep Goodling, William F. - 2/25/1999
Rep Gordon, Bart - 2/25/1999 Rep Green, Gene - 2/25/1999
Rep Gutknecht, Gil - 2/25/1999 Rep Hall, Ralph M. - 2/25/1999
Rep Hall, Tony P. - 3/10/1999 Rep Hansen, James V. - 3/16/1999
Rep Hastings, Doc - 2/25/1999 Rep Hayes, Robin - 3/23/1999
Rep Herger, Wally - 2/25/1999 Rep Hill, Rick - 2/25/1999
Rep Hilleary, Van - 3/16/1999 Rep Hilliard, Earl F. - 3/16/1999
Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. - 7/22/1999 Rep Hobson, David L. - 2/25/1999
Rep Hoeffel, Joseph M. - 5/4/1999 Rep Hoekstra, Peter - 2/25/1999
Rep Holt, Rush D. - 3/10/1999 Rep Hooley, Darlene - 2/25/1999
Rep Horn, Stephen - 2/25/1999 Rep Houghton, Amo - 2/25/1999
Rep Hutchinson, Asa - 2/25/1999 Rep Inslee, Jay - 2/25/1999
Rep Istook, Ernest J., Jr. - 2/25/1999 Rep Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. - 2/25/1999
Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila - 2/25/1999 Rep Jefferson, William J. - 2/25/1999
Rep Johnson, Eddie Bernice - 2/25/1999 Rep Johnson, Nancy L. - 2/25/1999
Rep Johnson, Sam - 3/16/1999 Rep Kanjorski, Paul E. - 2/25/1999
Rep Kasich, John R. - 2/25/1999 Rep Kelly, Sue W. - 2/25/1999
Rep Kennedy, Patrick J. - 5/26/1999 Rep Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. - 2/25/1999
Rep Kind, Ron - 2/25/1999 Rep King, Peter T. - 3/16/1999
Rep Kingston, Jack - 2/25/1999 Rep Knollenberg, Joe - 2/25/1999
Rep Kolbe, Jim - 2/25/1999 Rep LaHood, Ray - 3/16/1999
Rep Lampson, Nick - 2/25/1999 Rep Largent, Steve - 2/25/1999
Rep Latham, Tom - 2/25/1999 Rep Lee, Barbara - 2/25/1999
Rep Lewis, John - 2/25/1999 Rep Lewis, Ron - 2/25/1999
Rep Linder, John - 2/25/1999 Rep Lofgren, Zoe - 2/25/1999
Rep Lucas, Frank D. - 2/25/1999 Rep Luther, Bill - 2/25/1999
Rep Maloney, James H. - 2/25/1999 Rep Manzullo, Donald A. - 2/25/1999
Rep Markey, Edward J. - 2/25/1999 Rep Martinez, Matthew G. - 2/25/1999
Rep Matsui, Robert T. - 2/25/1999 Rep McCarthy, Karen - 2/25/1999
Rep McDermott, Jim - 2/25/1999 Rep McGovern, James P. - 2/25/1999
Rep McInnis, Scott - 3/23/1999 Rep McIntosh, David M. - 2/25/1999
Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. - 3/16/1999 Rep Meehan, Martin T. - 2/25/1999
Rep Meek, Carrie P. - 2/25/1999 Rep Menendez, Robert - 7/20/1999
Rep Metcalf, Jack - 2/25/1999 Rep Mica, John L. - 2/25/1999
Rep Millender-McDonald, Juanita - 2/25/1999 Rep Miller, Gary - 3/17/1999
Rep Miller, George - 2/25/1999 Rep Minge, David - 3/23/1999
Rep Moakley, John Joseph - 2/25/1999 Rep Moran, James P. - 2/25/1999
Rep Moran, Jerry - 3/16/1999 Rep Morella, Constance A. - 2/25/1999
Rep Myrick, Sue - 2/25/1999 Rep Nadler, Jerrold - 2/25/1999
Rep Napolitano, Grace F. - 2/25/1999 Rep Neal, Richard E. - 2/25/1999
Rep Nethercutt, George R., Jr. - 2/25/1999 Rep Ney, Robert W. - 3/16/1999
Rep Northup, Anne - 3/16/1999 Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes - 3/17/1999
Rep Norwood, Charlie - 2/25/1999 Rep Nussle, Jim - 2/25/1999
Rep Olver, John W. - 2/25/1999 Rep Ose, Doug - 3/23/1999
Rep Packard, Ron - 2/25/1999 Rep Pallone, Frank, Jr. - 2/25/1999
Rep Pastor, Ed - 2/25/1999 Rep Pease, Edward A. - 2/25/1999
Rep Peterson, Collin C. - 2/25/1999 Rep Pickering, Charles (Chip) - 2/25/1999
Rep Pombo, Richard W. - 2/25/1999 Rep Pomeroy, Earl - 2/25/1999
Rep Price, David E. - 2/25/1999 Rep Pryce, Deborah - 2/25/1999
Rep Quinn, Jack - 2/25/1999 Rep Radanovich, George P. - 2/25/1999
Rep Rahall, Nick J., II - 2/25/1999 Rep Rangel, Charles B. - 2/25/1999
Rep Reynolds, Thomas M. - 2/25/1999 Rep Riley, Bob - 3/16/1999
Rep Rivers, Lynn N. - 2/25/1999 Rep Rogan, James E. - 2/25/1999
Rep Rohrabacher, Dana - 2/25/1999 Rep Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana - 2/25/1999
Rep Rush, Bobby L. - 2/25/1999 Rep Ryan, Paul - 4/12/1999
Rep Salmon, Matt - 2/25/1999 Rep Sanchez, Loretta - 2/25/1999
Rep Sanders, Bernard - 2/25/1999 Rep Sanford, Marshall (Mark) - 2/25/1999
Rep Sawyer, Tom - 6/16/1999 Rep Scarborough, Joe - 2/25/1999
Rep Schaffer, Bob - 2/25/1999 Rep Sensenbrenner, James, Jr. - 2/25/1999
Rep Serrano, Jose E. - 3/16/1999 Rep Sessions, Pete - 2/25/1999
Rep Shays, Christopher - 2/25/1999 Rep Sherman, Brad - 2/25/1999
Rep Shimkus, John - 2/25/1999 Rep Shows, Ronnie - 3/25/1999
Rep Slaughter, Louise McIntosh - 3/11/1999 Rep Smith, Adam - 2/25/1999
Rep Smith, Christopher H. - 2/25/1999 Rep Smith, Lamar - 2/25/1999
Rep Souder, Mark E. - 2/25/1999 Rep Stabenow, Debbie - 2/25/1999
Rep Stark, Fortney Pete - 2/25/1999 Rep Stenholm, Charles W. - 3/16/1999
Rep Sununu, John E. - 2/25/1999 Rep Sweeney, John E. - 3/23/1999
Rep Talent, James M. - 5/25/1999 Rep Tancredo, Thomas G. - 3/16/1999
Rep Tanner, John S. - 2/25/1999 Rep Tauscher, Ellen O. - 2/25/1999
Rep Tauzin, W. J. (Billy) - 2/25/1999 Rep Taylor, Charles H. - 2/25/1999
Rep Terry, Lee - 3/25/1999 Rep Thomas, William M. (Bill) - 2/25/1999
Rep Thompson, Bennie G. - 2/25/1999 Rep Thune, John R. - 2/25/1999
Rep Tiahrt, Todd - 2/25/1999 Rep Tierney, John F. - 2/25/1999
Rep Udall, Mark - 5/4/1999 Rep Udall, Tom - 6/8/1999
Rep Underwood, Robert A. - 3/23/1999 Rep Upton, Fred - 2/25/1999
Rep Vento, Bruce F. - 2/25/1999 Rep Walden, Greg - 3/23/1999
Rep Walsh, James T. - 2/25/1999 Rep Wamp, Zach - 2/25/1999
Rep Waters, Maxine - 2/25/1999 Rep Watkins, Wes - 2/25/1999
Rep Watt, Melvin L. - 4/14/1999 Rep Watts, J. C., Jr. - 2/25/1999
Rep Weldon, Dave - 3/23/1999 Rep Weller, Jerry - 2/25/1999
Rep Wexler, Robert - 2/25/1999 Rep Whitfield, Ed - 2/25/1999
Rep Wicker, Roger F. - 2/25/1999 Rep Wise, Robert E., Jr. - 3/23/1999
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. - 2/25/1999 Rep Wu, David - 2/25/1999
Rep Holden, Tim - 2/25/1999(withdrawn - 4/21/1999) Rep Hastings, Alcee L. - 3/16/1999(withdrawn - 6/10/1999)

7/26/1999--Reported to House, amended, Part IV.    (There are 4
other summaries)

Protection of National Security and Public Safety Act - Directs the President to control the export of all dual-use encryption products. Authorizes the President to deny the export of any encryption product on the basis that its export is contrary to U.S. national security interests. Provides that any decision made by the President or his designee regarding the export of encryption products under this Act shall not be subject to judicial review.

(Sec. 3) Makes encryption products with encryption strength equal to or less than the level identified in section 5 of this Act eligible for export under a license exception if: (1) such encryption product is submitted for a one-time technical review, does not require licensing under otherwise applicable regulations, and is not intended for a country, end user, or end use that is by regulation ineligible to receive such product and is otherwise qualified for export; and (2) the exporter, at the time of submission of the product for technical review, provides the names and addresses of its distribution chain partners.

(Sec. 4) Directs the President to specify the information that must be submitted for that one-time review.

(Sec. 5) Directs the President: (1) within 180 days, to notify Congress of the maximum level of encryption strength that may be exported from the United States under license exception without harm to U.S. national security interests (such level shall not become effective under 30 days after such notification); and (2) at the end of each successive 180-day period after that notice, to notify Congress of the maximum level of encryption strength, which may not be lower than that in effect during that 180-day period, that may be exported from the United States under a license exception without harm to U.S. national security interests (such level shall not become effective until 30 days after such notification).

(Sec. 6) Requires an export license for the export of any encryption product designed or manufactured within the United States with an encryption strength exceeding the maximum level eligible for a license exception under section 3.

Requires an export license applicant to submit: (1) the product for technical review; (2) a certification identifying the intended end use of the product and the expected end user of the product; and (3) in instances where the export is to a distribution chain partner, such partner's name and address and proof that such partner has contractually agreed to abide by all U.S. laws and regulations concerning the export and reexport of encryption products designed or manufactured within the United States.

Requires: (1) any exporter of encryption products that are designed or manufactured within the United States to submit a report to the Secretary at any time the exporter has reason to believe that any such product is being diverted to a use or user not approved at the time of export; and (2) all such exporters and all distribution chain partners of such exporters to submit to the Secretary a report specifying the particular product sold, the name and address of the product's end user, and the product's intended use.

(Sec. 7) Grants the President certain waiver authority where necessary to protect U.S. national security interests. Sets forth reporting requirements.

(Sec. 8) Establishes an Encryption Industry and Information Security Board to advise the President on the foreign availability of encryption products.

(Sec. 9) Directs the Secretary, at least once every six months, to conduct a market share survey of foreign markets for encryption products and to publish the results in the Federal Register.