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CCRE Applauds Introduction of Reid-Bennett Legislation in Senate

Washington, D.C. -- The Computer Coalition for Responsible Exports (CCRE) today praised Senators Harry Reid (D-NV) and Robert Bennett (R-UT) for introducing legislation that addresses a flaw in the U.S. export control system that hurts the ability of U.S. companies to compete effectively in overseas markets. The two senators introduced S. 2539, a bill that would shorten the waiting period before changes to U.S. computer export controls can take effect. The Reid-Bennett bill would cut the current waiting period from 180 to 30 days.

"At the rate technology is advancing, many U.S. products become obsolete after the six-month delay," Senator Reid said. "This becomes a U.S. national security issue, since U.S. companies that provide us with cutting edge technologies are being replaced by foreign computer companies in overseas markets. However, changing the waiting period to 30 days will ensure U.S. companies keep their competitive edge around the world and help maintain a strong U.S. national security."

"Without a reduction in the waiting period on computer exports, the U.S. essentially cedes its competitive advantage to the rest of the world," said Senator Bennett, chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force. "An F-16 makes it to market in one month, while a microprocessor in a computer is held up for six. For an industry growing at such a rapid rate, a 180-day wait means the loss of critical market share, often impossible to recapture."

The companion bill in the House, H.R. 3680, currently has over 80 cosponsors. The House version was approved unanimously by the House International Relations Committee on April 13.

"Senators Reid and Bennett, as well as the House sponsors, Reps. David Dreier (R-CA) and Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), realize the importance of maintaining America`s technological leadership and deserve much credit for their leadership on this issue," said Rhett Dawson, CCRE Co-Chairman and President of the Information Technology Industry Council. "The introduction of the Senate bill will help create momentum within Congress to reduce the current review period."

CCRE members include Apple Computer, Inc., Compaq Computer Corporation, Dell Computer Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, IBM Corporation, Intel Corporation, NCR Corporation, SGI, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Unisys Corporation, the American Electronics Association (AEA), the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA), the Computer Systems Policy Project (CSPP), the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA), and the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI).

For more information about CCRE and the issues surrounding export controls, visit the CCRE website at: