March 8, 2000 Washington DC -- The Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) today named Senators Spencer Abraham (R-MI) and Christopher Dodd (D-CT) its 1999 'High-Tech Legislators of the Year.' The two senators were recognized for the support and leadership on key information technology issues in 1999. The House recipients will be named next week at the ITI Spring Board Meeting.

"At a time when more and more public policy decisions impact the technology industry, we are pleased to have Senators Abraham and Dodd as our champions on Capitol Hill," said Rhett Dawson, president of ITI. "It is clear that they understand the important role information technology plays in growing our economy and creating new jobs."

ITI represents the leading U.S. providers of information technology products and services. It is currently the only D.C. based technology association to release an annual vote guide that rates how Members of Congress vote on key IT issues. This is the first year ITI has named 'High-Tech Legislators of the Year.' The honorees were chosen based on their leadership and support for key IT issues in 1999.

ITI cited Senator Dodd's leadership on Y2K legislation, his work to increase the number of H-1B visas, and his support for the Internet tax moratorium as reasons why he was chosen for the honor. Senator Abraham was picked for his leadership on H-1B visa legislation, his outspoken support for easing computer export controls, and his work on digital signatures.

"The key American leadership in the Information Age has been, and I hope will continue to be, the bi-partisan nature of our issues," continued Dawson. "Senators Abraham and Dodd are two examples of how our industry benefits when both sides work together."

This year ITI will focus on a number of important public policy issues including: passing permanent normal trade relations with China; updating our current computer export control regulations; promoting the deployment of high-speed broadband, and helping create an education system for the digital world.

ITI member companies include: 3COM; Agilent; AOL; Apple; Cisco; Compaq; Corning; Dell; Eastman Kodak; Gateway; Hewlett-Packard; IBM; Intel; Lexmark; Microsoft; Motorola; NCR; Panasonic; Pitney Bowes; SGI; Sony; StorageTek; Symbol Technologies; Tektronix; Tyco; and Unisys.



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