I received a note from Dean Steele that included as an attachment a note from a member who called Congressman Mica's office to check on the status of H.R. 448. He was told that there are no plans for a hearing at this time. That is correct as of this date. However, we must address that - and take the appropriate steps to rectify the problem. The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee hearing last spring was held as a result of pressure from Senator Murkowski, and helped out by the intensive lobbying efforts of the PAAD leadership (knocking on doors in the hallowed halls of Congress).

We do have active plans in the mill to continue - and yes to intensify our lobbying effort regarding both S.361 and H.R. 448. In the meantime guys - NOW is the time to gin up the "greasing of the skids". I know from on-site experience that when enough letters land on the desk of the appropriate staffer (in this case the Aviation/Transportation staffer) that it gets their attention in their little corner of the world, and they take what has their attention to the boss. The boss then determines how to proceed. Since 9-11, Congress had had huge fish to fry. They still do, as we know, but we feel that now the time is right for us to continue our effort to get House Hearings on H.R. 448. Something you all can do to help out our lobbying effort is to contact the office of the House Aviation Subcommittee. Congressman Mica is the chairman of the committee. Dr. Wilkening, Paul Emens and I met with him last year. He is receptive - but as usual "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Communication with his office needs to start immediately to keep our efforts alive. Please, please, please take the time to write a letter and follow it up with a phone call. I believe that a phone call to the Aviation Subcommittee office is better than calling Congressman Mica's office because that is where he does his "aviation thing".

Address: House Aviation Subcommittee
2251 Rayburn Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Phone: 202-226-3220 The staffers you can ask for: Mr.. David Schaffer and Mr.. Adam Tsao

I imagine most of you have cell phones with some minutes you forfeit every month. Please take a minute and call one or both of these gentlemen. I've met both of them, and they will be receptive to your phone calls.

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