We Need Letters to Age 60/Aviation Subcommittee - ASAP.

House Bill 448 will soon come before the House Aviation Subcommittee (under the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee) for hearings. Many of you have already sent letters to the members of the Transportation Committee. If you have not however, I strongly encourage you to crank out a letter, or even copy an old letter, and get it off to the following representatives:

Rep John L. Mica (Republican/FL)
(Chairman - Aviation Subcommittee)
2445 Rayburn Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

William O. Lipinski (Democrat/IL)
(Ranking member of the Aviation Subcommittee)
2470 Rayburn Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

If you want to follow up to see when the bill (H.R. 448) will be formally scheduled check out www.house.gov where you can search for the status of the bill. The website is good.

If you need help formatting a letter try www.apaas.org (click on: Go to Political Action Page at bottom) or www.aarp.com (click on: Legislative Issues/Capital Hill Basics).

Many of you strongly feel that the age 60 rule should be changed but are not taking the time to submit your inputs to your elected officials. However, if

YOU don't do it it won't get done. YOUR LETTERS ARE IMPORTANT!! Please take a few minutes to write a one page or less letter in your own words and fire it off to the two members listed above. Then keep it in your files for future use. We really are making progress, but each hurdle in the legislative process is a potential show stopper. We must each do our part on the team to help us all keep the momentum up!!


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