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Automotive Aftermarket Political Action Committee (AAPAC)

AAPAC: A key benefit of AAIA membership
Government actions have a profound and lasting effect on every company involved in the automotive aftermarket. AAIA's Automotive Aftermarket Political Action Committee (AAPAC) provides members with an easy, powerful way to get personally involved in the political process. By pooling the donations of many members, AAPAC:

  • Positions the automotive aftermarket as a serious player in Washington's game of power politics.
  • Helps elect Congressional candidates who are committed to a free and competitive aftermarket.
  • Opens doors to Congress so that we may convince them to support a pro-aftermarket legislative agenda.

What are AAPAC contributions used for?
Every penny of every AAPAC contribution is used to support the election of U.S. senators and representatives who share the industry's goals: consumer choice, free trade and reasonable regulation. By ensuring access to key federal legislators, AAPAC allows the association to effectively educate Congress about the automotive aftermarket. (Click here for information on AAPAC's purpose and philosophy)

Who Receives AAPAC Contributions?
AAPAC's process for selecting candidates to receive contributions is non-partisan and unbiased. Our main consideration is the strength of the candidate's commitment to the automotive aftermarket and his or her willingness to work with AAIA in promoting a common agenda. Other factors include: the candidate's seniority or congressional power and personal contacts in the industry. (Click here for information on AAPAC's candidate selection criteria)

Who can contribute to AAPAC?
Contributions to political action committees are tightly controlled by the Federal Election Commission (FEC). They are strictly voluntary and not tax deductible. In order for AAPAC to solicit contributions, the following conditions must be met. Contributions from any entities that do not meet these conditions cannot be accepted and will be returned.

1. Only individuals may contribute to AAPAC. Corporate contributions cannot be accepted by AAPAC.

2. Only executives, administrative personnel and shareholders of AAIA member companies may be solicited for contributions by AAPAC. (Click here for information on AAIA membership)

3. Contributors must be U.S. citizens.

4. Member companies must specifically, and in writing, approve the solicitation of its key employees by AAPAC. Note that only one national trade association can be approved for PAC solicitation in any one calendar year.

Individuals may donate up to $5,000 annually in aggregate to AAPAC. Although $5,000 is the annual maximum, most donations are much smaller. Still, many small donations add up to a well-funded AAPAC.

It is also worth noting that federal rules allow AAPAC to accept contributions from other corporate or association PACs, so long as funds were originally generated from individual U.S. citizens. This is an effective way for other PACs to extend their political reach.

* Member companies can support AAIA's political education initiatives through contributions to our Political Education Fund or PEF. Contact Larry Northup at AAIA for details.

How do I begin making my voice heard in Congress?
1. Review the above conditions and make sure nos. 1, 2 and 3 apply to you.

2. Download the attached solicitation approval form and have it completed by an authorized company official. Then mail or fax it to AAIA. (click here to download a Solicitation Approval Form - .pdf/16KB)

3. You will be sent a complete package of information on AAPAC, including forms to use when making contributions.

As a contributor, you will be kept up-to-date on AAPAC activities, but most importantly, you will become an integral part of AAIA's Government Affairs program and a key player in our drive to serve, protect and expand the automotive aftermarket.

AAPAC Purpose/Philosophy
The purpose of the Automotive Aftermarket Political Action Committee (AAPAC) is to promote and facilitate political education pertaining to the automotive aftermarket and to support the election of pro-aftermarket candidates to U.S. Congressional offices. Such candidates shall be dedicated to a fundamental belief in the free enterprise system, the maintenance of a strong automotive aftermarket industry and a limited role for the government in the regulation of business activity.

In order to accomplish this purpose, AAPAC shall solicit from individuals and disburse to appropriate Congressional candidates voluntary political contributions in accordance with all state and federal election laws.

AAPAC Selection criteria for contributing to Congressional candidates

  • Candidates must be seeking federal congressional office (House or Senate).
  • The candidate's position and/or voting record on issues of concern to the automotive aftermarket corresponds to that of AAIA.
  • The candidate's past voting record on general business issues according to criteria established by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
  • The individual has officially announced his/her candidacy for federal office in the current election cycle.
  • The candidate has a reasonable chance to win the election.
  • The candidate holds, or is likely to hold, leadership or policy-shaping positions in his/her party, on congressional committees or subcommittees of particular interest to the aftermarket.
  • The candidate's relative seniority on congressional committees or subcommittees.
  • The candidate has personal experience as owner/operator/employee of an aftermarket company or has other close ties to the aftermarket.
  • The candidate is highly recommended by an AAIA member or members.

For more information on AAPAC, please contact:
Automotive Aftermarket Political Action Committee
c/o Larry Northup
4600 East-West Highway, Suite 300
Bethesda, MD 20814
Voice: (301) 654-6664
Fax: (301) 986-9633
E-mail: Larry.Northup@aftermarket.org