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PASSAGE OF H.R. 476, CHILD CUSTODY PROTECTION ACT -- (House of Representatives - April 17, 2002)

[Page: H1345]  GPO's PDF


   (Mr. SHUSTER asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 476, the Child Custody Protection Act. H.R. 476 has two important functions. First, it works to make sure that valid parental notification laws will not be circumvented. Second, it secures the right of a parent to be involved in medical decisions regarding their minor daughters.

   I think it is important to note that even abortion rights advocates, such as Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation, all encourage minors to consult their parents before having an abortion . Not only can a parent provide the emotional and physical support that their daughter will need, but a parent also knows their daughter's medical history.

   There is also widespread support for parental notification among the American people. A 1998 CBS New York Times poll found that 78 percent of those polled favored requiring parental notification.

   I come from a State that requires parental notification. Yet, out-of-State clinics try to circumvent this law. It is not uncommon practice for clinics in New Jersey, a State without parental notification law, to advertise in Pennsylvania phone books. These clinics often go as far as to highlight the fact that they will perform an abortion without parental notification.

   The passage of H.R. 476 effectively puts an end to this despicable practice. I urge my colleagues to support this legislation.