For Release: Monday, May 20, 2002
Contact: Carrie Cantrell 202-224-4165

Sen. Allen Praises President Bush for
"Positive, Principled" Cuba Policy

WASHINGTON, DC -- Calling it a "strong advocacy of positive principles to guide Cuba toward freedom, opportunity and prosperity for the Cuban people," U.S. Senator George Allen (R-Va.) today praised President Bush's "Initiative for a New Cuba," which was announced at a White House speech attended by Senator Allen.

Senator Allen on May 14 spoke on the Senate floor advocating freedom in Cuba and free, democratic elections within a year. Inspired by George Mason's Virginia Declaration of Rights, which was the basis of the Bill of Rights, Senator Allen advocated the following for the Cuban people: government power derived from the people; freedom of speech, private property rights, and justice; freedom of the press and freedom of religion.

Senator Allen also endorsed the Varela Project, a citizen initiative under Cuba's constitution that allows a referendum on changes in Cuba's government. President Bush today lent his support to that initiative to allow the Cuban people to express their will with ballots, not bullets.

"President Bush has issued a strong and ringing call for freedom in Cuba and for all people, and he has been consistent and steadfast in our Cuban policy that respects liberty and human rights," said Senator Allen, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

"He recognizes that easing the trade embargo will do nothing to help the Cuban people and will instead help to finance the Castro dictatorship and prolong the suffering of the people. Rather, the President has wisely set a course for greater support for those brave men and women working for freedom as well as educational opportunities in America for whomever Castro would release.

"I am also pleased that President Bush called for the release of Cuba's political prisoners, many of whom are held for decades merely for disagreeing with Castro or his policies. This is not the path of an enlightened society."

Senator Allen recently "adopted" Cuban political prisoner Francisco Chaviano Gonzales and has been an advocate on behalf of his cause. Chaviano is currently serving a 15-year sentence for possessing documents that show the Castro government's complicity in sinking a boat with 41 men, women and children who were fleeing Cuba for freedom.
