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Copyright 2002 Journal Sentinel Inc.  
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

May 20, 2002 Monday FINAL EDITION


LENGTH: 279 words

Embargoes, sanctions just hurt citizens

At the risk of prompting a visit from the FBI, I give a hearty "amen" in agreement with the May 16 editorial suggesting that the United States end the embargo against Cuba ("Dump the embargo on Cuba"). It's sad that I even have to contemplate the idea of such a visit. Isn't that one of the issues we so adamantly condemn about Fidel Castro's regime?

It is obvious that embargoes have always ended up hurting only the people of countries that are led by these despots and their military regimes. For example: While we have been funneling billions of dollars into the pockets of Saddam Hussein in exchange for oil, little of this money is ever seen by the citizens of Iraq. To top it off, our sanctions end up only hurting these very people.

Speaking of despots and military regimes, let's not forget that the oil industry has been financially supporting these types of leaders all over the world in exchange for rights to cheap oil and protection of our drilling sites by these regimes for years.

Patricia D. Mitchell Mukwonago

Now, let's hear what Castro has to say

Kudos to Cuban President Fidel Castro for allowing former President Carter to address the Cuban people in an uncensored speech. I only wish our media, particularly the television networks, would permit the Cuban leader the same opportunity to address the American people in a similar uncensored fashion.

There's a lot we could learn from Castro in the areas of health care and education. It would also be refreshing to hear his views on the American embargo against his country and American foreign policy in general. I suspect it would be a real eye-opener.

Chip DeNure La Crosse

LOAD-DATE: May 20, 2002

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