Bill Summary & Status for the 107th Congress


Title: Urging the President to request the United States International Trade Commission to conduct an expedited review of the temporary safeguards on imports of certain steel products.
Sponsor: Rep Knollenberg, Joe [MI-11] (introduced 10/9/2002)      Cosponsors: 27
Latest Major Action: 10/9/2002 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
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TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions)
Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.





COSPONSORS(27), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:     (Sort: by date)

Rep Biggert, Judy - 11/19/2002 [IL-13] Rep Brady, Kevin - 10/31/2002 [TX-8]
Rep Camp, Dave - 10/9/2002 [MI-4] Rep Crane, Philip M. - 10/9/2002 [IL-8]
Rep Dooley, Calvin M. - 10/9/2002 [CA-20] Rep Dreier, David - 11/22/2002 [CA-28]
Rep Ehlers, Vernon J. - 10/24/2002 [MI-3] Rep Gillmor, Paul E. - 10/24/2002 [OH-5]
Rep Herger, Wally - 11/22/2002 [CA-2] Rep Hobson, David L. - 10/16/2002 [OH-7]
Rep Hoekstra, Peter - 10/16/2002 [MI-2] Rep Isakson, Johnny - 10/24/2002 [GA-6]
Rep Jefferson, William J. - 10/9/2002 [LA-2] Rep Johnson, Nancy L. - 10/24/2002 [CT-6]
Rep Kind, Ron - 10/31/2002 [WI-3] Rep Kirk, Mark Steven - 11/22/2002 [IL-10]
Rep Kolbe, Jim - 11/19/2002 [AZ-5] Rep Lipinski, William O. - 10/31/2002 [IL-3]
Rep Manzullo, Donald A. - 10/9/2002 [IL-16] Rep Pence, Mike - 10/9/2002 [IN-2]
Rep Platts, Todd Russell - 10/24/2002 [PA-19] Rep Ramstad, Jim - 11/12/2002 [MN-3]
Rep Riley, Bob - 10/16/2002 [AL-3] Rep Rogers, Mike - 10/9/2002 [MI-8]
Rep Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. - 11/19/2002 [WI-9] Rep Smith, Nick - 10/24/2002 [MI-7]
Rep Wicker, Roger F. - 10/24/2002 [MS-1]
Rep Jones, Stephanie Tubbs - 10/16/2002(withdrawn - 11/14/2002) [OH-11]


Recognizes that a strong domestic steel industry and strong domestic manufacturing base are vital to national defense and economic security.

Urges the President to request the International Trade Commission to: (1) expedite its review of the temporary safeguards imposed on March 5, 2002, on certain steel imports, and to report its findings to the President and Congress; and (2) monitor and report, in addition to developments with respect to a domestic industry (including the progress and specific efforts made by workers and firms in the industry to make a positive adjustment to import competition), on the impact of the temporary safeguards on domestic steel consumers and relations with U.S. trading partners.